WEBVTT 00:00:01.500 --> 00:00:03.536 NARRATOR: The fierce Kalos League semifinal battle 00:00:03.636 --> 00:00:05.705 in Lumiose City between Ash and Sawyer 00:00:05.805 --> 00:00:08.074 has ended in victory for our hero! 00:00:08.174 --> 00:00:11.711 Next up is the final match, where Ash will face Alain. 00:00:12.912 --> 00:00:15.648 Now, on the eve of their bout, one can only imagine what 00:00:15.748 --> 00:00:19.619 these two formidable Trainers have on their minds. 00:00:23.556 --> 00:00:24.890 NURSE JOY: Your Pokémon have recovered 00:00:24.990 --> 00:00:26.092 and they're feeling just fine. 00:00:26.659 --> 00:00:28.161 ASH: Thanks, Nurse Joy! 00:00:28.694 --> 00:00:29.195 WIGGLYTUFF: [HAPPY] 00:00:29.295 --> 00:00:29.995 PIKACHU: [HAPPY] 00:00:30.095 --> 00:00:31.431 ASH: Looking good, buddy! 00:00:31.964 --> 00:00:32.699 PIKACHU: [GRATEFUL] 00:00:33.700 --> 00:00:35.602 NURSE JOY: Good luck. Be great in the finals! 00:00:36.402 --> 00:00:37.604 ASH: I'll do my best! And thanks! 00:00:38.137 --> 00:00:38.605 PIKACHU: [CONFIDENT] 00:00:39.406 --> 00:00:40.139 MEYER: Hey! 00:00:40.239 --> 00:00:40.940 ASH/PIKACHU: [QUESTIONING] 00:00:41.507 --> 00:00:41.975 MEYER: Hi there, Ash! 00:00:42.475 --> 00:00:43.109 CLEMBOT: Hi, Ash! 00:00:43.943 --> 00:00:45.311 ASH: Wow, it's Meyer! Clembot, too! 00:00:45.844 --> 00:00:46.312 PIKACHU: [GREETING] 00:00:47.680 --> 00:00:50.850 SAWYER: Yeah, I see... I'll note this experience! 00:00:51.317 --> 00:00:52.285 ASH: Hey, guys! 00:00:53.186 --> 00:00:54.387 BONNIE: Daddy! 00:00:55.254 --> 00:00:56.322 CLEMONT: Dad, what are you doing here? 00:00:57.890 --> 00:01:00.293 MEYER: I thought I'd bring you some goodies. 00:01:00.393 --> 00:01:02.862 Just a little snack... before the finals! 00:01:03.829 --> 00:01:04.931 ASH: Looks so good! 00:01:05.898 --> 00:01:07.333 CLEMONT: Look at all the Lumiose Galettes! 00:01:08.200 --> 00:01:09.034 SERENA: I've heard they're so popular 00:01:09.134 --> 00:01:10.936 they're almost impossible to get! 00:01:11.036 --> 00:01:12.305 BONNIE: Daddy, you're the best! 00:01:13.706 --> 00:01:15.341 MEYER: Nah. It wasn't so hard... 00:01:16.375 --> 00:01:17.444 CLEMBOT: Because I waited in line to get them! 00:01:19.479 --> 00:01:22.181 CLEMBOT: A two-hour wait is no big deal. Nope! 00:01:22.281 --> 00:01:23.550 SERENA: It couldn't have been that easy. 00:01:24.617 --> 00:01:27.253 MEYER: No trouble. We did it because of all of you. 00:01:27.353 --> 00:01:28.288 It was a piece of cake! 00:01:29.122 --> 00:01:30.890 CLEMBOT: 'Scuse me that's my line. 00:01:32.091 --> 00:01:33.459 MEYER: Okay, eat up! 00:01:33.559 --> 00:01:34.294 BONNIE/DEDENNE: Yippee! 00:01:35.061 --> 00:01:36.362 ASH: 'Kay, g come on out! 00:01:38.697 --> 00:01:39.432 TALONFLAME : [APPEARING] 00:01:39.965 --> 00:01:40.533 NOIVERN: [APPEARING] 00:01:41.100 --> 00:01:41.534 HAWLUCHA: [APPEARING] 00:01:42.101 --> 00:01:42.769 GRENINJA: [APPEARING] 00:01:43.302 --> 00:01:43.936 GOODRA: [APPEARING] 00:01:44.036 --> 00:01:44.737 SERENA: You, too! 00:01:45.838 --> 00:01:46.606 BRAIXEN: [APPEARING] 00:01:47.139 --> 00:01:47.607 PANCHAM: [APPEARING] 00:01:48.140 --> 00:01:48.842 SYLVEON: [APPEARING] 00:01:49.409 --> 00:01:49.809 CLEMONT: And you, too! 00:01:51.677 --> 00:01:52.479 CHESPIN: [APPEARING] 00:01:53.046 --> 00:01:53.746 BUNNELBY: [APPEARING] 00:01:54.279 --> 00:01:54.714 LUXRAY: [APPEARING] 00:02:01.087 --> 00:02:01.821 ASH: Dee-lish! 00:02:02.354 --> 00:02:02.822 GOODRA: [AGREEMENT] 00:02:03.355 --> 00:02:03.756 NOIVERN: [AGREEMENT] 00:02:04.323 --> 00:02:05.458 BONNIE: Yummy, right? 00:02:05.991 --> 00:02:06.793 DEDENNE: [AGREEMENT] 00:02:07.293 --> 00:02:08.261 CHESPIN: [EATING] 00:02:08.361 --> 00:02:09.329 BUNNELBY: [CAUTIONING] 00:02:10.096 --> 00:02:10.964 BRAIXEN: [HAPPY] 00:02:11.631 --> 00:02:12.098 SERENA: Glad you like them! 00:02:13.299 --> 00:02:15.602 SAWYER: So good! What a sweet way to stimulate my brain! 00:02:16.603 --> 00:02:17.871 SERENA: I see you have quite a sweet tooth. 00:02:18.371 --> 00:02:19.105 SAWYER: Brain too. 00:02:20.340 --> 00:02:21.207 MEYER: Eat hearty! 00:02:22.408 --> 00:02:24.344 I'm counting on you to show us a great battle tomorrow! 00:02:24.844 --> 00:02:25.411 PIKACHU: [EXCITED] 00:02:26.612 --> 00:02:27.247 GRENINJA/TALONFLAME/HAWLUCHA/ NOIVERN/GOODRA: [CHEERING] 00:02:28.114 --> 00:02:30.049 SAWYER: Hey Ash? Good luck in the finals. 00:02:30.149 --> 00:02:31.284 I'll be cheering for you! 00:02:31.951 --> 00:02:33.153 ASH: Great! Thanks, Sawyer. 00:02:33.653 --> 00:02:34.854 CHESPIN: [EXCITED] 00:02:34.954 --> 00:02:35.688 CHESPIN/PANCHAM: [STARTLED] 00:02:36.221 --> 00:02:36.923 PANCHAM: [DEMANDING] 00:02:37.490 --> 00:02:38.925 CHESPIN: [SQUABBLING] 00:02:39.492 --> 00:02:40.426 PANCHAM: [SQUABBLING] 00:02:45.964 --> 00:02:46.933 BUNNELBY: [INTERVENING] 00:02:47.633 --> 00:02:48.201 CHESPIN, PANCHAM: [SURPRISED] 00:02:48.301 --> 00:02:49.002 BUNNELBY: [SURPRISED] 00:02:50.936 --> 00:02:53.573 CHESPIN, PANCHAM: [YELLING] 00:02:59.011 --> 00:03:02.782 line:20% I stand tall 'Cause I know I'm a winner 00:03:02.815 --> 00:03:06.553 line:20% Knock me down I'll just get up again 00:03:06.586 --> 00:03:10.155 line:20% You've met your match Yeah, I'm no beginner 00:03:10.189 --> 00:03:11.757 line:20% Pokémon 00:03:11.791 --> 00:03:14.460 line:20% Pokémon Gotta catch 'em all! 00:03:14.493 --> 00:03:17.830 line:20% I stand tall 'cause I know I'm a winner 00:03:17.864 --> 00:03:18.865 line:20% Pokémon 00:03:19.465 --> 00:03:20.966 line:20% Pokémon 00:03:20.999 --> 00:03:23.970 line:20% Gotta catch 'em all! 00:03:34.446 --> 00:03:37.116 CHESPIN, PANCHAM: [YELLING] 00:03:46.525 --> 00:03:48.828 PANCHAM: [RELIEVED] 00:03:49.595 --> 00:03:52.565 PANCHAM: [CALLING] 00:03:55.301 --> 00:03:58.404 CHESPIN: [EXCITED] 00:04:01.374 --> 00:04:02.108 CHESPIN: [SHOCKED] 00:04:02.675 --> 00:04:04.110 MURKROW: [CELEBRATING] 00:04:04.643 --> 00:04:07.113 CHESPIN: [HORRIFIED] 00:04:08.281 --> 00:04:10.917 MAIRIN: Which one do I want? 00:04:11.851 --> 00:04:12.651 STORE OWNER: They say with one of these, 00:04:12.751 --> 00:04:13.853 all your wishes will come true. 00:04:14.887 --> 00:04:17.056 MAIRIN: Then I think I'll get one for Chespie. 00:04:17.156 --> 00:04:18.224 I'd like this, please! 00:04:18.791 --> 00:04:19.525 STORE OWNER: Yes, miss! 00:04:19.958 --> 00:04:20.927 ASH: Thank you! 00:04:21.027 --> 00:04:22.462 SAWYER: See you later! 00:04:24.363 --> 00:04:25.098 SERENA: Hold on... 00:04:25.631 --> 00:04:26.366 SERENA: Pancham? 00:04:27.133 --> 00:04:28.401 BONNIE: Chespin's missing, too. 00:04:28.968 --> 00:04:29.369 PIKACHU: [QUESTIONING] 00:04:29.936 --> 00:04:30.636 DEDENNE: [QUESTIONING] 00:04:30.736 --> 00:04:31.437 BUNNELBY: [EXPLAINING] 00:04:32.104 --> 00:04:35.174 CHESPIN: [DEJECTED] 00:04:38.044 --> 00:04:41.514 MAIRIN: Are you alone? Uh, where's your Trainer? 00:04:42.214 --> 00:04:45.351 CHESPIN: [REALIZING] [CALLING] 00:04:45.451 --> 00:04:47.319 MAIRIN: Don't cry. You lost? 00:04:47.419 --> 00:04:49.222 CHESPIN: [CALLING] 00:04:50.323 --> 00:04:52.125 MAIRIN: Wait. Here, I'll help you find your Trainer! 00:04:52.658 --> 00:04:53.426 CHESPIN: [QUIZZICAL] 00:04:54.260 --> 00:04:56.195 MAIRIN: Hi there! Mairin's my name. 00:04:56.295 --> 00:04:59.432 My partner's a Chespin. Just like you are! 00:05:00.099 --> 00:05:01.367 MAIRIN: I call it Chespie! 00:05:01.934 --> 00:05:02.468 CHESPIN: [INTERESTED] 00:05:06.539 --> 00:05:08.574 PIKACHU: [CALLING] 00:05:09.074 --> 00:05:10.443 DEDENNE: [CALLING] 00:05:12.144 --> 00:05:13.212 SERENA: It's Pancham! 00:05:13.312 --> 00:05:15.281 PANCHAM: [SURPRISED] / [HAPPY] 00:05:16.282 --> 00:05:17.283 SERENA: Where's Chespin? 00:05:17.850 --> 00:05:19.519 PANCHAM: [EXASPERATED] 00:05:20.219 --> 00:05:21.287 CLEMONT: So you got separated? 00:05:22.254 --> 00:05:24.190 ASH: Whoa. Oh man... Let's go look for it! 00:05:24.723 --> 00:05:25.625 PIKACHU: [RESIGNED] 00:05:26.158 --> 00:05:26.993 DEDENNE: [RESIGNED] 00:05:30.896 --> 00:05:32.564 MAIRIN: There, there. 00:05:32.664 --> 00:05:35.034 TREVOR: Hey, that's... Clemont's Chespin, right? 00:05:35.634 --> 00:05:37.236 CHESPIN: [GREETING] 00:05:37.336 --> 00:05:38.204 TREVOR: I knew it! 00:05:38.771 --> 00:05:39.872 BONNIE: Hey, Chespin? 00:05:40.505 --> 00:05:41.607 ASH: Where'd you go? 00:05:42.174 --> 00:05:43.009 TIERNO: There they are. 00:05:43.709 --> 00:05:44.344 SHAUNA: You see? Over there! 00:05:44.844 --> 00:05:46.112 CHESPIN: [EXCITED] 00:05:46.212 --> 00:05:48.047 CLEMONT: Chespin! 00:05:49.148 --> 00:05:50.783 CLEMONT: What a relief! I'm glad you're all right. 00:05:51.350 --> 00:05:52.518 CHESPIN: [APOLOGIZING] 00:05:53.385 --> 00:05:55.154 SERENA: Pancham? You're glad, too, right? 00:05:55.654 --> 00:05:57.523 PANCHAM: [ANNOYED] 00:05:58.023 --> 00:05:59.325 CHESPIN: [AMUSED] 00:05:59.825 --> 00:06:00.993 PANCHAM: [SULKING] 00:06:01.093 --> 00:06:03.363 CHESPIN: [PLACATING] 00:06:18.777 --> 00:06:20.680 ASH: Thanks, Tierno. Trevor. Shauna. 00:06:20.780 --> 00:06:22.648 You helped us find Chespin. 00:06:23.348 --> 00:06:24.917 TIERNO: No, it really wasn't us. 00:06:25.784 --> 00:06:27.286 TREVOR: Yeah. You should thank Mairin. 00:06:33.425 --> 00:06:35.128 ASH: What...What's wrong? 00:06:36.195 --> 00:06:39.131 MAIRIN: Uh, sorry about that! I'm fine, really! 00:06:39.231 --> 00:06:40.566 I didn't mean to worry you. 00:06:49.408 --> 00:06:51.710 MAIRIN: The thing is... I've got a partner. 00:06:51.810 --> 00:06:52.945 It's a Chespin, too! 00:06:54.012 --> 00:06:56.449 MAIRIN: So your Chespin reminded me of my Chespie, 00:06:56.549 --> 00:06:57.283 that's all. 00:06:58.250 --> 00:06:59.919 SERENA: You call it Chespie? 00:07:00.019 --> 00:07:00.720 PANCHAM: [QUESTIONING] 00:07:01.687 --> 00:07:02.855 MAIRIN: Chespie's the best at everything. 00:07:03.555 --> 00:07:05.191 BONNIE: Maybe not everything. 00:07:05.291 --> 00:07:07.360 Our Chespin's the best at eating yummy Poké Puffs. 00:07:07.793 --> 00:07:08.861 CHESPIN: [PROUD] 00:07:09.494 --> 00:07:10.730 MAIRIN: That's awesome! 00:07:11.797 --> 00:07:14.734 SERENA: So it reminded you. Where's Chespie now? 00:07:15.734 --> 00:07:16.469 MAIRIN: You see... 00:07:18.170 --> 00:07:20.773 MAIRIN: Chespie's been asleep for quite a while. 00:07:22.274 --> 00:07:23.276 MAIRIN: It won't wake up. 00:07:24.577 --> 00:07:26.679 SERENA: Oh no. Mairin, I'm so sorry! 00:07:27.379 --> 00:07:29.482 MAIRIN: Don't be. It'll be fine! 00:07:29.582 --> 00:07:32.384 Right now, Chespie's being treated at Lysandre Labs. 00:07:32.484 --> 00:07:33.419 They're awesome! 00:07:33.952 --> 00:07:34.420 SERENA: Oh, good... 00:07:34.987 --> 00:07:35.555 PANCHAM: [SYMPATHETIC] 00:07:36.255 --> 00:07:37.523 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Ash. Hello! 00:07:38.924 --> 00:07:40.092 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Planning for tomorrow? 00:07:40.192 --> 00:07:41.794 ASH: Professor Sycamore! 00:07:42.494 --> 00:07:42.995 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: What's this? 00:07:44.263 --> 00:07:44.997 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Hi, Mairin. 00:07:45.530 --> 00:07:46.232 MAIRIN: Professor! 00:07:47.066 --> 00:07:47.900 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Good to see you. 00:07:48.000 --> 00:07:49.469 Are you here to cheer for Alain? 00:07:49.969 --> 00:07:51.571 MAIRIN: Uh huh... 00:07:52.371 --> 00:07:53.339 ASH: Wait. You're Alain's friend? 00:07:56.308 --> 00:07:57.609 ALAIN: Charizard, Flamethrower! 00:07:57.709 --> 00:08:00.079 CHARIZARD: [FLAMETHROWER MOVE] 00:08:07.119 --> 00:08:09.121 MALVA: Congratulations on making it to the finals. 00:08:10.255 --> 00:08:13.759 MALVA: I'd guess winning will be easy. Easy for you... 00:08:15.027 --> 00:08:17.263 ALAIN: Don't bother me now. I'm fine-tuning. 00:08:18.530 --> 00:08:21.233 MALVA: I'm sure. I never thought you'd enter the Kalos League. 00:08:21.333 --> 00:08:23.802 Knowing that you want to become the strongest Trainer of all, 00:08:23.902 --> 00:08:25.538 I guess that would make sense. 00:08:26.571 --> 00:08:28.140 ALAIN: Being the strongest Trainer 00:08:28.240 --> 00:08:32.178 has nothing to do with this. I want... to battle him. 00:08:32.278 --> 00:08:33.246 That's all. 00:08:34.046 --> 00:08:35.348 MALVA: Are you talking about Ash? 00:08:36.982 --> 00:08:38.551 MALVA: You're giving him all this attention. 00:08:38.651 --> 00:08:39.752 The boy should be flattered. 00:08:40.619 --> 00:08:43.188 ALAIN: What do you mean? Just tell me. 00:08:43.288 --> 00:08:45.157 Is that the real you talking? 00:08:49.328 --> 00:08:52.197 MALVA: I hear the Mega Evolution energy gathering 00:08:52.297 --> 00:08:53.332 is nearly complete. 00:08:53.432 --> 00:08:56.903 So after you save Chespin, then what do you do? 00:09:09.715 --> 00:09:10.716 ALAIN: None of your business. 00:09:13.318 --> 00:09:14.220 MALVA: Yes, you're right. 00:09:20.459 --> 00:09:23.829 JESSIE: So tired...Please tell me we're done for today... 00:09:24.362 --> 00:09:25.364 JAMES: I'm starving! 00:09:27.032 --> 00:09:29.235 WOBBUFFET: [AFFIRMATIVE] 00:09:29.335 --> 00:09:30.169 MEOWTH: Hey. Stifle it! 00:09:30.869 --> 00:09:32.672 MALVA: Here we go...Let's edit! 00:09:34.740 --> 00:09:36.342 MEOWTH: I thought we were done. 00:09:36.442 --> 00:09:39.377 MALVA: Then how are we going to get it on air in time?! 00:09:39.477 --> 00:09:40.780 Come on. Get back to work. 00:09:41.580 --> 00:09:43.516 JESSIE/JAMES/MEOWTH: Yes ma'am... 00:09:46.652 --> 00:09:49.021 JESSIE: Wait 'til you see w tomorrow brings. 00:09:49.121 --> 00:09:51.190 We'll give you some big news. 00:09:52.257 --> 00:09:53.525 JAMES: The Pokémon who have made it to the finals 00:09:53.625 --> 00:09:56.162 are quite a cadre of especially strong specimens. 00:09:57.229 --> 00:09:59.098 MEOWTH: We'll catch them all and then we can eat! 00:09:59.198 --> 00:10:00.099 WOBBUFFET: [AFFIRMATIVE] 00:10:00.199 --> 00:10:02.068 MEOWTH: Turn it down! 00:10:03.169 --> 00:10:04.904 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Have you seen Alain already? 00:10:05.404 --> 00:10:06.205 MAIRIN: Not yet. 00:10:07.239 --> 00:10:09.575 MAIRIN: I'll see him after the finals are over. 00:10:09.675 --> 00:10:12.411 I know he's gotta concentrate. Don't wanna bother him. 00:10:13.813 --> 00:10:16.048 MAIRIN: There will be plenty of time to bother him later! 00:10:16.481 --> 00:10:17.216 ASH: Got it. 00:10:17.749 --> 00:10:18.618 PIKACHU: [AGREEMENT] 00:10:19.719 --> 00:10:20.920 CLEMONT: By the way. Professor, why are you here? 00:10:21.553 --> 00:10:22.254 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Well, 00:10:23.188 --> 00:10:24.423 I've been doing quite a bit of research... 00:10:24.523 --> 00:10:26.892 and I found this about Greninja's powers. 00:10:28.126 --> 00:10:30.262 ASH/SERENA/CLEMONT/BONNIE, ACT BREAK: "Who's that Pokémon?" 00:10:33.965 --> 00:10:36.435 ASH/SERENA/CLEMONT/BONNIE: "It's Sceptile!" 00:10:46.411 --> 00:10:47.913 BRELOOM: [DRAIN PUNCH MOVE] 00:10:48.013 --> 00:10:49.448 SAWYER: So that's a Drain Punch... 00:10:50.149 --> 00:10:51.951 SCRAFTY: [PAINED] 00:10:52.051 --> 00:10:53.318 SAWYER: It's a powerful move 00:10:53.418 --> 00:10:55.154 that drains an opponent of its energy. 00:10:55.687 --> 00:10:56.255 BRELOOM: [ENERGIZED] 00:10:57.289 --> 00:10:58.957 SAWYER: Now, if they decide to use Leech Seed, 00:10:59.057 --> 00:11:01.827 they could possibly turn the battle around in their favor! 00:11:02.394 --> 00:11:02.928 SCEPTILE: [AGREEMENT] 00:11:03.895 --> 00:11:05.163 SAWYER: It's so amazing. 00:11:05.263 --> 00:11:08.333 There are so many battle tactics I don't know yet. 00:11:08.433 --> 00:11:11.203 Yeah. It sure is a big world out there. 00:11:12.270 --> 00:11:14.373 SAWYER: Pokémon battles are deep all right... 00:11:16.875 --> 00:11:19.912 SAWYER: Being able to battle Ash at the Kalos League... 00:11:20.012 --> 00:11:22.748 I've gained more experience here than I could've imagined! 00:11:24.282 --> 00:11:26.485 SAWYER: And it was so much fun, too. 00:11:26.585 --> 00:11:28.421 My greatest battle yet! 00:11:29.588 --> 00:11:31.623 SAWYER: But...That's it. 00:11:31.723 --> 00:11:34.326 My Kalos League challenge is over now. 00:11:37.429 --> 00:11:39.965 SAWYER: I told Ash that I'd cheer him on 00:11:40.065 --> 00:11:41.634 with a smile on my face. 00:11:42.268 --> 00:11:43.302 And I will. 00:11:44.036 --> 00:11:47.273 But it hurts. It really hurts! 00:11:47.373 --> 00:11:48.340 SCEPTILE: [SYMPATHETIC] 00:11:49.207 --> 00:11:50.643 SAWYER: I wish I could've battled more. 00:11:50.743 --> 00:11:52.411 Just a little bit more! 00:11:52.978 --> 00:11:53.579 SCEPTILE: [AGREEMENT] 00:11:57.049 --> 00:12:01.019 SAWYER: I know what to do! I'll get more experience! 00:12:01.119 --> 00:12:03.055 This's no time for crying! 00:12:03.755 --> 00:12:04.857 SCEPTILE: [AGREEMENT] 00:12:06.792 --> 00:12:08.527 LEAGUE REP: What do you think, Lysandre? 00:12:09.694 --> 00:12:11.463 LEAGUE REP: We'll be happy to provide this area for you 00:12:11.563 --> 00:12:12.865 to view the final match tomorrow. 00:12:13.999 --> 00:12:15.934 LYSANDRE: I appreciate you arranging this so quickly. 00:12:16.034 --> 00:12:16.969 Thanks very much. 00:12:17.536 --> 00:12:17.937 LEAGUE REP: Not at all. 00:12:19.004 --> 00:12:20.572 It's an honor to have such a well-known resident 00:12:20.672 --> 00:12:23.075 of Kalos come watch our event. We all thank YOU! 00:12:26.178 --> 00:12:29.047 LEAGUE REP: Well then, I must be getting along. 00:12:29.147 --> 00:12:31.016 If you need anything, please call. 00:12:34.152 --> 00:12:35.154 XEROSIC: Lysandre. 00:12:48.934 --> 00:12:51.937 XEROSIC: We've taken control of central Lumiose. 00:12:52.037 --> 00:12:54.706 The Gym is closed for the duration of the League, 00:12:54.806 --> 00:12:55.875 so it was easy. 00:12:55.975 --> 00:12:57.777 LYSANDRE: Tell me when preparations are completed. 00:12:58.410 --> 00:12:59.145 XEROSIC: I will. At once. 00:13:01.013 --> 00:13:02.515 LYSANDRE: What's Mairin doing now? 00:13:03.582 --> 00:13:05.117 TEAM FLARE ADMIN: She made contact with the Trainer 00:13:05.217 --> 00:13:06.652 who will be battling in the finals. 00:13:07.653 --> 00:13:10.656 LYSANDRE: Oh... That's Greninja's Trainer. Good. 00:13:11.857 --> 00:13:13.792 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: I was looking at this old manuscript. 00:13:13.892 --> 00:13:15.928 I found something. Look at this. 00:13:17.062 --> 00:13:18.898 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: They call it the Bond Phenomenon. 00:13:19.465 --> 00:13:20.566 ASH: Bond Phenomenon? 00:13:21.133 --> 00:13:21.834 PIKACHU: [QUESTIONING] 00:13:22.768 --> 00:13:24.236 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Here's what it says. 00:13:24.336 --> 00:13:26.605 It's a rare phenomenon that happens between Trainer 00:13:26.705 --> 00:13:29.975 and Pokémon...when the bond of trust between them grows. 00:13:30.776 --> 00:13:32.144 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: In addition, 00:13:32.244 --> 00:13:34.947 it appears the Pokémon's latent skills matter, too. 00:13:36.114 --> 00:13:37.782 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: So it's not something that happens 00:13:37.882 --> 00:13:38.684 with every Pokémon. 00:13:39.751 --> 00:13:41.887 ASH: Then that means Greninja's special, huh... 00:13:42.988 --> 00:13:44.323 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: I remember saying how Greninja 00:13:44.423 --> 00:13:46.025 chose you right from the beginning. 00:13:46.958 --> 00:13:48.493 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: At the same time, 00:13:48.593 --> 00:13:50.295 Greninja may have been aware of its 00:13:50.395 --> 00:13:51.630 many latent skills all along. 00:13:52.764 --> 00:13:55.467 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: It may have known that you, Ash, 00:13:55.567 --> 00:13:58.770 would be the one who can draw out its true powers. 00:13:58.871 --> 00:14:01.207 Perhaps your encounter was truly meant to be. 00:14:02.608 --> 00:14:03.609 ASH: Yeah... 00:14:04.543 --> 00:14:05.644 XEROSIC: Hurry with the setup! 00:14:06.311 --> 00:14:07.012 TEAM FLARE GRUNTS X 3: Sir! 00:14:16.421 --> 00:14:17.456 B CORE: [SCARED] 00:14:28.666 --> 00:14:29.735 SQUISHY: [QUESTIONING] 00:14:31.804 --> 00:14:33.539 SQUISHY: [WORRIED] 00:14:34.506 --> 00:14:35.975 MAIRIN: Thanks. I'll be fine from here on. 00:14:37.242 --> 00:14:39.345 BONNIE: Stay with us, please? We want to talk with you more! 00:14:40.646 --> 00:14:42.580 MAIRIN: But Lysandre's waiting for me. 00:14:42.681 --> 00:14:45.784 And I'd really rather not bump into Alain... 00:14:46.385 --> 00:14:47.118 MAIRIN: Chespin... 00:14:47.218 --> 00:14:47.920 CHESPIN: [HAPPY] 00:14:48.787 --> 00:14:50.189 You're so sweet. I'm so glad I met you! 00:14:50.756 --> 00:14:53.225 CHESPIN: [EMBARRASSED] 00:14:53.792 --> 00:14:54.293 PANCHAM: [EXASPERATED] 00:14:55.327 --> 00:14:57.262 MAIRIN: You're a bit different than my Chespie. 00:14:57.362 --> 00:15:00.266 You act kind of silly, you know? You're kind of like me. 00:15:01.232 --> 00:15:02.368 CHESPIN: [EMBARRASSED] 00:15:03.035 --> 00:15:04.103 SERENA: One thing, Mairin. 00:15:05.304 --> 00:15:08.006 SERENA: If there's anything we can do, just let us know. 00:15:08.106 --> 00:15:09.842 We'll do whatever we can to help! 00:15:10.409 --> 00:15:11.944 BONNIE: We sure will! 00:15:14.212 --> 00:15:16.615 SERENA: Good luck. I hope Chespie gets well soon. 00:15:17.916 --> 00:15:20.952 MAIRIN: Chespie's gonna be fine! It'll get better soon. 00:15:21.052 --> 00:15:21.987 I'm sure of that! 00:15:23.221 --> 00:15:25.791 BONNIE: When it gets better, please bring your Chespie over. 00:15:25.891 --> 00:15:27.026 To play with Chespin! 00:15:27.559 --> 00:15:28.093 CHESPIN: [AGREEMENT] 00:15:29.227 --> 00:15:31.597 MAIRIN: Thanks a lot, you guys! I will. See you soon! 00:15:33.031 --> 00:15:34.934 MAIRIN: Wow. This was a fun day! 00:15:35.634 --> 00:15:36.435 BONNIE: See you tomorrow, 'kay? 00:15:41.673 --> 00:15:43.808 ASH: We're finally going up against Alain! 00:15:43.908 --> 00:15:46.278 What do we want? We want to win. 00:15:46.978 --> 00:15:48.147 And we're gonna do just that! 00:15:48.847 --> 00:15:49.581 ASH: Ready? 00:15:50.782 --> 00:15:51.383 PIKACHU/GRENINJA/TALONFLAME/ HAWLUCHA/NOIVERN: [CHEERING] 00:15:59.057 --> 00:16:03.062 ALAIN: Tomorrow is our battle against Ash. I just can't wait! 00:16:04.163 --> 00:16:07.032 ALAIN: Not sure why, but that's how I truly feel. 00:16:07.899 --> 00:16:08.634 CHARIZARD: [AGREEMENT] 00:16:14.873 --> 00:16:15.607 PIKACHU: [QUESTIONING] 00:16:20.045 --> 00:16:20.779 ALAIN: Charizard... 00:16:21.646 --> 00:16:24.350 ALAIN: Very soon... we'll have enough. 00:16:27.186 --> 00:16:27.920 CHARIZARD: [HAPPY] 00:16:36.528 --> 00:16:38.397 LYSANDRE: Hi there. You must be Ash. 00:16:39.097 --> 00:16:40.232 ASH: That's right. Who are you? 00:16:41.299 --> 00:16:43.569 LYSANDRE: Lysandre. It's a pleasure to meet you. 00:16:44.702 --> 00:16:45.971 ASH: Mairin mentioned you. 00:16:46.771 --> 00:16:48.607 LYSANDRE: Oh? So you know Mairin? 00:16:49.608 --> 00:16:51.410 ASH: Yeah, we were just hanging out with her. 00:16:51.510 --> 00:16:52.878 She left for her hotel. 00:16:53.678 --> 00:16:54.880 LYSANDRE: I came here to see you. 00:16:55.947 --> 00:16:56.849 ASH: See me? 00:16:58.083 --> 00:16:59.852 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Got a sec? Let's catch up. 00:17:01.353 --> 00:17:03.856 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Wow, Charizard! You look so strong! 00:17:04.389 --> 00:17:04.957 CHARIZARD: [PLEASED] 00:17:11.863 --> 00:17:12.865 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: So much to say... 00:17:15.099 --> 00:17:17.002 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: There's a lot I want to tell you... 00:17:18.369 --> 00:17:20.606 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: But now, the words escape me. 00:17:22.273 --> 00:17:24.943 ALAIN: Are you angry I didn't come back? 00:17:25.777 --> 00:17:27.613 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Angry? Oh, no. 00:17:27.713 --> 00:17:30.115 I heard you've been working with Lysandre on his work. 00:17:30.749 --> 00:17:31.683 ALAIN: I have been. 00:17:32.717 --> 00:17:34.353 I didn't want to put you in any kind of danger. 00:17:36.387 --> 00:17:38.257 ALAIN: They say there's great value 00:17:38.357 --> 00:17:40.826 in the energy that's produced during Mega Evolution. 00:17:42.027 --> 00:17:44.128 ALAIN: But there are those who will use that power for evil 00:17:44.228 --> 00:17:45.397 and do anything to get it. 00:17:46.231 --> 00:17:47.099 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: You did that... 00:17:47.199 --> 00:17:48.500 so you could protect me? 00:17:50.402 --> 00:17:52.171 ALAIN: And I can't return. 00:17:53.371 --> 00:17:56.642 I lost far too much after I left for my journey. 00:17:57.775 --> 00:18:00.479 Until I can get them back... 00:18:01.346 --> 00:18:03.682 I have to become much, much stronger. 00:18:05.817 --> 00:18:07.052 PROFESSOR SYCAMORE: Do what you need to do. 00:18:09.687 --> 00:18:11.857 LYSANDRE: The talk of the Kalos League... 00:18:11.957 --> 00:18:14.059 is totally about you and your Greninja. 00:18:15.427 --> 00:18:16.662 ASH: About the Bond Phenomenon, right? 00:18:17.562 --> 00:18:19.231 LYSANDRE: Oh? The Bond Phenomenon... 00:18:19.898 --> 00:18:20.965 ASH: That's right. You see, 00:18:21.065 --> 00:18:24.169 Professor Sycamore looked into it. So is that it? 00:18:24.869 --> 00:18:26.672 LYSANDRE: Such power is amazing! 00:18:26.772 --> 00:18:29.040 It's a new possibility between people and Pokémon! 00:18:29.140 --> 00:18:31.410 It's sure to be a guiding light... 00:18:31.510 --> 00:18:33.445 that ushers in a new world. 00:18:34.112 --> 00:18:35.446 LYSANDRE: Mega Evolution... 00:18:35.546 --> 00:18:37.015 I'm interested in it 00:18:37.115 --> 00:18:40.418 and the bond that exists between people and Pokémon. 00:18:40.518 --> 00:18:43.288 I'd love to hear your story in detail after the League is over. 00:18:44.222 --> 00:18:46.091 LYSANDRE: Can we make a promise to meet? 00:18:46.524 --> 00:18:47.259 ASH: Sure... 00:18:47.926 --> 00:18:48.660 LYSANDRE: Thank you! 00:18:49.827 --> 00:18:52.231 Until then, I wish you the best of luck in the finals! 00:18:52.664 --> 00:18:53.132 ASH: Thanks! 00:18:56.300 --> 00:18:57.803 PIKACHU: [QUESTIONING] 00:19:11.683 --> 00:19:12.618 MAIRIN: Hi, Lysandre! 00:19:13.685 --> 00:19:15.821 LYSANDRE: Mairin! I have good news. 00:19:17.122 --> 00:19:19.758 LYSANDRE: Everything will be better tomorrow. 00:19:20.458 --> 00:19:21.460 LYSANDRE: Chespie, too. 00:19:21.560 --> 00:19:24.696 All because of the Mega Evolution energy 00:19:24.796 --> 00:19:25.998 Alain has gathered. 00:19:26.965 --> 00:19:31.103 MAIRIN: Thank goodness. I'm so relieved! 00:19:38.477 --> 00:19:41.546 ANNOUNCER: The final round of the Kalos League is upon us! 00:19:41.646 --> 00:19:44.149 After one fierce battle followed by another, 00:19:44.249 --> 00:19:46.418 one last battle remains! 00:19:56.561 --> 00:19:59.331 NARRATOR: As the entire Kalos region watches, 00:19:59.431 --> 00:20:02.100 two Trainers will battle in the finals! 00:20:02.200 --> 00:20:03.735 Who will emerge victorious? 00:20:04.435 --> 00:20:05.270 NARRATOR: Will it be Ash? 00:20:05.970 --> 00:20:07.506 NARRATOR: Or will it be Alain? 00:20:16.881 --> 00:20:18.984 REFEREE: Both Trainers please enter! 00:20:35.167 --> 00:20:37.802 NARRATOR: As the Kalos League reaches its conclusion, 00:20:37.902 --> 00:20:39.938 both questions will soon be answered, 00:20:41.239 --> 00:20:42.941 as the journey continues!