00:00:04.154 --> 00:00:06.086
00:00:06.086 --> 00:00:07.457
00:00:07.457 --> 00:00:10.280
This is awesome!
00:00:10.280 --> 00:00:12.462
Reshiram, do you think
you could go faster?
00:00:12.462 --> 00:00:15.165
00:00:15.165 --> 00:00:16.236
00:00:19.189 --> 00:00:21.291
This is the best!
00:00:21.291 --> 00:00:23.073
Huh. What's that?
00:00:24.294 --> 00:00:26.046
Well, it's about time!
00:00:26.046 --> 00:00:28.298
Huh, Iris riding Zekrom?
00:00:28.298 --> 00:00:31.111
Zekrom and I challenge you!
00:00:31.111 --> 00:00:33.263
00:00:35.335 --> 00:00:37.357
00:00:37.357 --> 00:00:38.458
00:00:38.458 --> 00:00:41.271
00:00:43.063 --> 00:00:45.015
00:00:47.047 --> 00:00:48.298
You're finally awake!
00:00:48.298 --> 00:00:51.131
00:00:51.131 --> 00:00:52.482
Was that what I think it was?
00:00:52.482 --> 00:00:54.124
00:00:54.124 --> 00:00:57.177
We couldn't get you to wake up..
00:00:57.177 --> 00:00:59.409
...so I asked Pikachu to wake
you up with a Thunderbolt.
00:00:59.409 --> 00:01:01.441
I thought so.
00:01:01.441 --> 00:01:04.064
Oh, yeah.
00:01:04.064 --> 00:01:05.335
We're back in Nuvema Town,
aren't we?
00:01:05.335 --> 00:01:06.396
00:01:06.396 --> 00:01:09.089
[Ash yawns]
00:01:09.089 --> 00:01:12.072
Man, I was having
a great dream, too.
00:01:12.072 --> 00:01:13.393
Now, hurry up
and go get dressed.
00:01:13.393 --> 00:01:16.296
Yeah, alright. Oh, man.
00:01:16.296 --> 00:01:19.279
After stopping Team Plasma
from controlling
00:01:19.279 --> 00:01:21.051
the Legendary
Pokémon, Reshiram
00:01:21.051 --> 00:01:24.004
our heroes have returned
to the Juniper Pokémon Lab
00:01:24.004 --> 00:01:25.005
in Nuvema Town!
00:01:28.488 --> 00:01:32.462
♪ It's the next chapter
the ultimate goal♪
00:01:32.462 --> 00:01:35.495
♪ Ready for battle
brave and bold♪
00:01:35.495 --> 00:01:37.477
♪ I know we're gonna make it♪
00:01:37.477 --> 00:01:42.072
♪ We will find a way♪
00:01:42.072 --> 00:01:43.233
♪ Oh oh♪
00:01:43.233 --> 00:01:45.375
♪ We've come so far♪
00:01:45.375 --> 00:01:49.209
♪ We fought so hard
to get where we are♪
00:01:49.209 --> 00:01:51.191
♪ Oh oh♪
00:01:51.191 --> 00:01:56.166
♪ We belong together
it's always you and me♪
00:01:56.166 --> 00:01:57.317
♪ Pokémon♪♪
00:02:03.473 --> 00:02:09.129
"Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail
For New Adventures!"
00:02:09.129 --> 00:02:12.002
And so, we've put an end
to Team Plasmas ambitions.
00:02:12.002 --> 00:02:15.005
We stopped those losers
in their losing tracks!
00:02:15.005 --> 00:02:17.307
Good, you've outdone yourselves
this time.
00:02:17.307 --> 00:02:20.290
- Well done!
- Why, thank you, sir.
00:02:20.290 --> 00:02:23.263
Keep up the excellent work
for the good of Team Rocket.
00:02:23.263 --> 00:02:25.095
That's all for now.
00:02:25.095 --> 00:02:26.376
- Sir!
- Sir!
00:02:26.376 --> 00:02:28.368
00:02:28.368 --> 00:02:31.021
That was such high praise,
it was from outer space!
00:02:31.021 --> 00:02:33.123
Yeah! The Boss has faith in us.
00:02:33.123 --> 00:02:35.175
So, let's prove ourselves
worthy of such praise
00:02:35.175 --> 00:02:37.307
by catching Pikachu and more.
00:02:37.307 --> 00:02:39.229
'All for one,
and one for the Boss!'
00:02:39.229 --> 00:02:40.430
- 'For the Boss!'
- 'For the Boss!'
00:02:42.162 --> 00:02:44.264
'Did you sleep well
last night, Ash?'
00:02:44.264 --> 00:02:48.118
You bet!
I had a great dream to boot!
00:02:48.118 --> 00:02:51.191
- Except the weird end part.
- Come on!
00:02:51.191 --> 00:02:53.153
It's not my fault
you couldn't wake up.
00:02:53.153 --> 00:02:55.145
Let's not forget,
we've all been through a lot
00:02:55.145 --> 00:02:57.197
so we were all extra tired!
00:02:57.197 --> 00:03:00.310
You were exhausted!
Cilan's right.
00:03:00.310 --> 00:03:02.482
My father left a message
raving about how great you were.
00:03:02.482 --> 00:03:04.464
That's awesome!
00:03:04.464 --> 00:03:08.068
So, Ash,
what are you planning to do now?
00:03:08.068 --> 00:03:10.360
- I'm going back to Kanto!
- Huh?
00:03:10.360 --> 00:03:13.223
- To Kanto?
- Yeah.
00:03:13.223 --> 00:03:16.176
I wanna tell Professor Oak
all about my journey!
00:03:16.176 --> 00:03:18.378
You seem excited!
I'm sure he'll be thrilled!
00:03:18.378 --> 00:03:21.201
- Yeah.
- Hm.
00:03:21.201 --> 00:03:23.323
00:03:23.323 --> 00:03:26.126
- Cilan, what about you?
- Let's see..
00:03:26.126 --> 00:03:27.437
- I know!
- Huh?
00:03:27.437 --> 00:03:29.459
I'm gonna go to Kanto with Ash!
00:03:29.459 --> 00:03:31.181
You are?
00:03:31.181 --> 00:03:32.412
I wanna meet Dragon-type Pokémon
00:03:32.412 --> 00:03:34.264
in other regions!
00:03:34.264 --> 00:03:36.296
- Well, can I come?
- Uh, sure!
00:03:36.296 --> 00:03:38.318
- Yeah, if you want to!
- That's great!
00:03:38.318 --> 00:03:41.251
Well, well, Iris beat me to it.
00:03:41.251 --> 00:03:43.473
- What do you mean?
- I'd like to go with you too!
00:03:43.473 --> 00:03:46.376
I've always wanted to visit
lots of other regions
00:03:46.376 --> 00:03:48.208
with the goal of broadening
my horizons
00:03:48.208 --> 00:03:50.200
as a Pokémon Connoisseur!
00:03:50.200 --> 00:03:51.411
Wow, then I guess that means
00:03:51.411 --> 00:03:53.403
we'll all get
to travel together some more!
00:03:53.403 --> 00:03:55.005
00:03:55.005 --> 00:03:58.018
Ah, the delicious thought of
00:03:58.018 --> 00:04:00.040
what kinds of marvelous
Pokémon await.
00:04:00.040 --> 00:04:01.491
00:04:01.491 --> 00:04:03.093
I'm so psyched! You too?
00:04:03.093 --> 00:04:04.344
00:04:04.344 --> 00:04:05.996
Have you given
any thought to how
00:04:05.996 --> 00:04:07.217
you're going
to get back to Kanto?
00:04:07.217 --> 00:04:09.279
Not yet.
00:04:09.279 --> 00:04:11.231
Well, you took a plane here,
00:04:11.231 --> 00:04:13.073
How about taking a cruise back?
00:04:13.073 --> 00:04:15.255
A cruise?
00:04:15.255 --> 00:04:19.009
A fleet of cruise ships set sail
from the Nuvema Town port.
00:04:19.009 --> 00:04:21.131
One of them heads to Kanto
after making several stops
00:04:21.131 --> 00:04:22.312
at the Decolore Islands.
00:04:22.312 --> 00:04:24.014
00:04:24.014 --> 00:04:25.345
There are quite a few
different Pokémon
00:04:25.345 --> 00:04:27.437
living on those islands.
00:04:27.437 --> 00:04:29.199
And some of them
are really rare.
00:04:30.440 --> 00:04:32.272
Sounds awesome!
00:04:32.272 --> 00:04:34.194
I'll take the cruise ship!
00:04:34.194 --> 00:04:37.007
Beautiful, the turquoise waters.
00:04:37.007 --> 00:04:39.049
00:04:39.049 --> 00:04:41.151
It sounds like
an exhilarating encounter!
00:04:41.151 --> 00:04:42.402
Yeah, it sure does!
00:04:42.402 --> 00:04:43.453
I can hardly wait!
00:04:43.453 --> 00:04:45.205
00:04:45.205 --> 00:04:46.456
Great! Then it's settled!
00:04:46.456 --> 00:04:49.389
00:04:49.389 --> 00:04:52.472
- Hear that?
- Yup. Loud and clear.
00:04:52.472 --> 00:04:55.425
- So, the Twerp's Kanto-bound.
- And by boat.
00:04:55.425 --> 00:04:57.297
00:04:57.297 --> 00:04:59.029
Let's get things ready
right away.
00:04:59.029 --> 00:05:00.120
- Okay!
- Okay!
00:05:03.053 --> 00:05:06.336
So I decided
I'd take a cruise ship back!
00:05:06.336 --> 00:05:10.340
Good, the ocean has
a fascinating array of Pokémon.
00:05:10.340 --> 00:05:12.362
Taking a peek at them
will surely be good for you.
00:05:12.362 --> 00:05:13.433
00:05:13.433 --> 00:05:15.145
00:05:15.145 --> 00:05:16.266
00:05:16.266 --> 00:05:18.198
00:05:18.198 --> 00:05:21.051
Here's Oshawott
coming out to say hi.
00:05:21.051 --> 00:05:23.223
Witnessing such an assertive
Pokémon is quite
00:05:23.223 --> 00:05:25.145
an unusual trait indeed!
00:05:25.145 --> 00:05:27.007
00:05:27.007 --> 00:05:28.178
00:05:28.178 --> 00:05:29.449
00:05:29.449 --> 00:05:31.361
I have some of Ash's Pokémon
at my lab
00:05:31.361 --> 00:05:34.004
and would be more than happy
to send them over to you
00:05:34.004 --> 00:05:35.305
if you'd like, Professor Oak.
00:05:35.305 --> 00:05:37.287
Alright, then I'll get prepared
right away.
00:05:37.287 --> 00:05:39.109
Now, Ash,
have a safe journey home. Oh!
00:05:39.109 --> 00:05:40.220
00:05:40.220 --> 00:05:41.461
00:05:41.461 --> 00:05:43.113
00:05:43.113 --> 00:05:45.275
[Professor Oak groans]
00:05:45.275 --> 00:05:48.168
Yes, I'm excited
Ash is coming home too!
00:05:48.168 --> 00:05:50.100
- Dear me!
- Yup, that's Muk.
00:05:50.100 --> 00:05:51.251
00:05:51.251 --> 00:05:53.023
We'll be waiting, young man!
00:05:53.023 --> 00:05:54.124
00:05:55.405 --> 00:05:58.078
- Some things never change!
- Guess so.
00:05:58.078 --> 00:05:59.129
00:06:10.270 --> 00:06:12.022
I'll go and get your tickets
00:06:12.022 --> 00:06:13.243
so everybody just sit tight!
00:06:13.243 --> 00:06:15.425
- Great!
- Look!
00:06:15.425 --> 00:06:18.078
Wow, I think it's our ship
docked right over there!
00:06:18.078 --> 00:06:20.430
Whoa, it's huge!
00:06:20.430 --> 00:06:22.452
00:06:22.452 --> 00:06:24.184
'Oh, the glitz and glamour!'
00:06:24.184 --> 00:06:26.056
'So gorgeously exciting.'
00:06:26.056 --> 00:06:28.118
It sure is!
00:06:28.118 --> 00:06:29.319
- Okay, let's hit it.
- 'Roger.'
00:06:32.492 --> 00:06:35.195
Three tickets to Kanto.
A great opportunity!
00:06:35.195 --> 00:06:37.077
00:06:37.077 --> 00:06:39.129
Oh, my stars!
00:06:39.129 --> 00:06:40.270
- I'm so sorry.
- Huh?
00:06:40.270 --> 00:06:42.022
No, it's alright.
00:06:45.255 --> 00:06:47.077
- Here you go!
- Thanks a lot!
00:06:47.077 --> 00:06:49.479
- Are you okay?
- Fine! Ta-ta!
00:06:49.479 --> 00:06:53.143
Thank you. I'd better hurry.
00:06:53.143 --> 00:06:55.365
- Mission part one, complete!
- 'Roger!'
00:06:55.365 --> 00:06:58.448
- Here, you're all set!
- Thank you so much!
00:06:58.448 --> 00:07:01.001
I have to get back to work,
so I'll say goodbye.
00:07:01.001 --> 00:07:03.343
- Take care, everyone.
- Thanks.
00:07:03.343 --> 00:07:05.225
thanks for everything!
00:07:05.225 --> 00:07:07.027
00:07:07.027 --> 00:07:08.358
You take care of yourself, too.
00:07:08.358 --> 00:07:09.479
Hope to see you again soon!
00:07:09.479 --> 00:07:11.131
00:07:11.131 --> 00:07:12.462
Bon voyage.Best wishes!
00:07:18.368 --> 00:07:21.121
- Let's get on board!
- Hm!
00:07:21.121 --> 00:07:23.323
This will be a nostalgic trip
back home for you.
00:07:23.323 --> 00:07:25.225
But for Iris and me
00:07:25.225 --> 00:07:27.197
this will be
our very first journey to Kanto.
00:07:27.197 --> 00:07:28.478
00:07:28.478 --> 00:07:31.101
I just can't wait to see
what it's like.
00:07:31.101 --> 00:07:32.172
00:07:32.172 --> 00:07:33.383
I can't either.
00:07:36.276 --> 00:07:37.437
'Here you go!'
00:07:37.437 --> 00:07:39.309
Thank you.
00:07:39.309 --> 00:07:40.410
00:07:42.993 --> 00:07:45.235
I'm sorry to tell you
that these three tickets
00:07:45.235 --> 00:07:46.296
aren't for this ship.
00:07:46.296 --> 00:07:48.198
- Huh?
- This isn't the right ship?
00:07:48.198 --> 00:07:51.191
- I'm sorry, no.
- Alright, thank you.
00:07:55.005 --> 00:07:57.007
Big bummer.
00:07:57.007 --> 00:07:59.199
I thought we were gonna be able
to ride that big ship.
00:07:59.199 --> 00:08:01.081
00:08:01.081 --> 00:08:03.013
That's some disappointment.
00:08:03.013 --> 00:08:04.314
But if we're not
on this ship, then--
00:08:04.314 --> 00:08:06.006
Which one is ours?
00:08:06.006 --> 00:08:08.168
00:08:08.168 --> 00:08:09.339
Excuse me.
00:08:09.339 --> 00:08:10.440
- Huh?
- Huh?
00:08:10.440 --> 00:08:12.242
Perhaps your tickets are meant
00:08:12.242 --> 00:08:14.464
to be used to board our ship.
00:08:14.464 --> 00:08:16.396
May I look at your tickets,
00:08:16.396 --> 00:08:18.148
'Uh, sure.'
00:08:18.148 --> 00:08:20.350
Hm, just as I thought.
00:08:20.350 --> 00:08:22.452
These tickets are ours!
00:08:22.452 --> 00:08:25.085
- Ah!
- Alright! What a lucky break!
00:08:25.085 --> 00:08:27.177
- Alright then, follow me.
- Thank you!
00:08:27.177 --> 00:08:29.209
I'm so relieved
we got that straightened out.
00:08:29.209 --> 00:08:31.091
00:08:31.091 --> 00:08:33.183
- Mission part two, complete.
- 'Roger!'
00:08:34.234 --> 00:08:35.485
[foghorn blaring]
00:08:38.248 --> 00:08:40.140
It's a little smaller
than the other one
00:08:40.140 --> 00:08:41.271
but it looks pretty cool, too.
00:08:41.271 --> 00:08:42.292
00:08:42.292 --> 00:08:44.294
All aboard!
00:08:44.294 --> 00:08:46.156
Thank you for riding
the waves with us!
00:08:46.156 --> 00:08:48.178
Sure. Hi!
00:08:48.178 --> 00:08:50.450
- This ought to be great!
- Yeah! Should be fun!
00:08:50.450 --> 00:08:51.481
00:08:59.089 --> 00:09:02.072
You see, our ship offers
a wide range of services
00:09:02.072 --> 00:09:03.493
designed to make
our passengers voyage
00:09:03.493 --> 00:09:05.395
as comfortable
as we possibly can.
00:09:05.395 --> 00:09:08.148
What kind of services?
00:09:08.148 --> 00:09:10.350
Well, I'll give you
but one of many examples.
00:09:10.350 --> 00:09:13.123
We offer special Pokémon food
for passengers traveling
00:09:13.123 --> 00:09:15.085
with their Pokémon,
and we have a playroom!
00:09:15.085 --> 00:09:16.336
00:09:16.336 --> 00:09:18.188
We also possess a Poké Ball
00:09:18.188 --> 00:09:20.380
Relax and Refresh-o-matic!
00:09:20.380 --> 00:09:22.342
Wow, that sounds cool!
00:09:22.342 --> 00:09:25.135
It's a wonderful device
that allows your Pokémon
00:09:25.135 --> 00:09:27.237
to relax and refresh
while they're still
00:09:27.237 --> 00:09:29.018
lounging inside
of their Poké Balls.
00:09:29.018 --> 00:09:31.040
Great! I love it!
00:09:31.040 --> 00:09:32.452
Well, if you'd like
00:09:32.452 --> 00:09:34.374
I can bring your Pokémon
to their exclusive
00:09:34.374 --> 00:09:36.496
Pokémon relaxation room
right now!
00:09:36.496 --> 00:09:38.248
'Place your Poké Balls here.'
00:09:38.248 --> 00:09:40.009
Okay. Here!
00:09:40.009 --> 00:09:41.151
- Mine, too!
- And mine!
00:09:43.233 --> 00:09:46.005
'We'll treat them
like they were our own.'
00:09:46.005 --> 00:09:48.208
Pikachu, you should go eat
some of that great food!
00:09:48.208 --> 00:09:49.219
00:09:49.219 --> 00:09:50.220
How about you?
00:09:50.220 --> 00:09:51.361
00:09:51.361 --> 00:09:54.294
Good. Pikachu, Axew, come.
00:09:54.294 --> 00:09:56.246
00:09:56.246 --> 00:09:58.098
Have a good time.
00:09:58.098 --> 00:09:59.419
Now, allow me to bring you
to your cabin.
00:09:59.419 --> 00:10:00.420
00:10:00.420 --> 00:10:03.173
00:10:06.126 --> 00:10:08.258
Huh? You, come back here!
00:10:08.258 --> 00:10:10.360
00:10:10.360 --> 00:10:13.012
I mean, you see
00:10:13.012 --> 00:10:14.384
you don't want to get hurt.
00:10:14.384 --> 00:10:16.446
So, walk slow and stay safe.
00:10:16.446 --> 00:10:19.068
00:10:19.068 --> 00:10:22.041
00:10:22.041 --> 00:10:25.004
I told you to slow down!
00:10:25.004 --> 00:10:26.276
I mean, please wait for me.
00:10:26.276 --> 00:10:28.158
00:10:28.158 --> 00:10:29.209
00:10:34.404 --> 00:10:36.356
00:10:36.356 --> 00:10:39.359
00:10:39.359 --> 00:10:40.360
00:10:42.342 --> 00:10:44.214
And this will be your cabin!
00:10:46.025 --> 00:10:48.077
Hm, it's smaller than I thought.
00:10:48.077 --> 00:10:50.019
Well, I'm sorry.
00:10:50.019 --> 00:10:52.131
Cabins on cruise ships
are pretty much all this size.
00:10:52.131 --> 00:10:55.024
Hm, the bed is hard too.
00:10:55.024 --> 00:10:56.486
Many customers prefer rock solid
00:10:56.486 --> 00:10:59.489
rock hard beds nowadays!
00:10:59.489 --> 00:11:02.182
- Uh!
- Ah!
00:11:02.182 --> 00:11:05.285
Our ship has a wealth
of antique charm and history
00:11:05.285 --> 00:11:08.438
so the cabin interior retains
much of its original decor!
00:11:08.438 --> 00:11:10.190
You mean it's old.
00:11:10.190 --> 00:11:12.472
00:11:12.472 --> 00:11:14.304
Argh! Irritating brats!
00:11:14.304 --> 00:11:16.246
Let's all relax.
00:11:16.246 --> 00:11:18.248
We'll have a relaxing cruise
onboard a ship
00:11:18.248 --> 00:11:20.360
with some real old world charm!
00:11:20.360 --> 00:11:22.382
- You think so?
- Hm?
00:11:22.382 --> 00:11:25.164
Please remain in your cabin
until the ship leaves port.
00:11:28.167 --> 00:11:30.220
00:11:30.220 --> 00:11:31.311
00:11:31.311 --> 00:11:34.274
00:11:34.274 --> 00:11:37.126
Here you go! Eat all you like!
00:11:37.126 --> 00:11:40.370
00:11:40.370 --> 00:11:43.403
And now it's in the Relax
and Refresh-o-matic they go!
00:11:43.403 --> 00:11:45.455
00:11:45.455 --> 00:11:48.137
00:11:50.129 --> 00:11:51.261
Enjoy your stay.
00:11:55.995 --> 00:11:58.037
Who's that Pokémon?
00:12:03.052 --> 00:12:05.074
It's Zekrom!
00:12:09.178 --> 00:12:12.011
00:12:18.338 --> 00:12:20.240
is going as planned.'
00:12:20.240 --> 00:12:22.111
'I hadn't put on
a disguise in ages!'
00:12:22.111 --> 00:12:23.293
[Jessie chuckles]
00:12:23.293 --> 00:12:25.325
A Twerp and his Pikachu
are soon parted
00:12:25.325 --> 00:12:27.477
and the other Pokémon, too.
00:12:27.477 --> 00:12:30.069
Both rooms are locked
tight as a drum!
00:12:30.069 --> 00:12:32.252
'Nobody's escapin'.'
00:12:32.252 --> 00:12:34.033
Our ship's come in,
don't you think?
00:12:34.033 --> 00:12:35.255
00:12:35.255 --> 00:12:36.356
00:12:41.281 --> 00:12:44.193
Ash, I'm going to check
on Axew and the others.
00:12:44.193 --> 00:12:45.194
00:12:46.316 --> 00:12:47.417
00:12:47.417 --> 00:12:49.018
00:12:49.018 --> 00:12:51.120
Hm, what's the matter, Iris?
00:12:51.120 --> 00:12:53.323
- The door won't open.
- Huh?
00:12:53.323 --> 00:12:55.004
'Here, let me try.'
00:12:55.004 --> 00:12:56.496
00:12:56.496 --> 00:12:57.997
You're right!
00:12:57.997 --> 00:12:59.349
00:12:59.349 --> 00:13:03.032
What's going on? Uh!
00:13:03.032 --> 00:13:05.054
- Here, let me try it.
- Sure.
00:13:06.436 --> 00:13:09.339
00:13:09.339 --> 00:13:11.210
Uh, it's locked tight!
00:13:11.210 --> 00:13:13.313
- Ugh!
- No good, huh?
00:13:13.313 --> 00:13:15.274
- It's no use. We're stuck.
- Now what?
00:13:17.397 --> 00:13:20.380
00:13:20.380 --> 00:13:22.081
00:13:24.073 --> 00:13:25.124
00:13:26.336 --> 00:13:28.328
00:13:28.328 --> 00:13:30.009
00:13:30.009 --> 00:13:32.041
00:13:32.041 --> 00:13:34.283
00:13:36.035 --> 00:13:38.087
00:13:38.087 --> 00:13:40.420
00:13:40.420 --> 00:13:42.251
00:13:45.174 --> 00:13:47.106
Let's make sure we're clear.
00:13:47.106 --> 00:13:48.408
We'll set out to sea..
00:13:51.461 --> 00:13:54.464
And we'll toss the Twerps
overboard along the way.
00:13:54.464 --> 00:13:57.056
- Hey, wait!
- No!
00:13:57.056 --> 00:13:59.288
This is awful!
00:13:59.288 --> 00:14:01.270
Then we'll set off
on a relaxing cruise
00:14:01.270 --> 00:14:03.192
with Pikachu
and the other Pokémon.
00:14:03.192 --> 00:14:07.276
- Pikachu!
- Axew!
00:14:07.276 --> 00:14:09.419
And that Pikachu
will finally belong to us!
00:14:09.419 --> 00:14:11.300
00:14:11.300 --> 00:14:12.321
- Huh?
- Hey!
00:14:12.321 --> 00:14:14.323
00:14:14.323 --> 00:14:15.455
00:14:15.455 --> 00:14:17.106
Where did you come from?
00:14:17.106 --> 00:14:18.127
Quick! Catch it!
00:14:18.127 --> 00:14:20.329
00:14:21.280 --> 00:14:23.182
Now, stay still!
00:14:23.182 --> 00:14:25.114
00:14:25.114 --> 00:14:26.265
00:14:29.168 --> 00:14:30.400
Open up!
00:14:30.400 --> 00:14:33.202
00:14:33.202 --> 00:14:35.294
00:14:35.294 --> 00:14:38.207
- It opened.
- Yeah. Why?
00:14:38.207 --> 00:14:40.279
Whatever, let's find Pikachu
and the others.
00:14:40.279 --> 00:14:41.280
- Mm-hm.
- Mm-hm.
00:14:41.280 --> 00:14:43.152
00:14:43.152 --> 00:14:44.353
00:14:44.353 --> 00:14:46.406
00:14:46.406 --> 00:14:49.138
00:14:49.138 --> 00:14:51.360
00:14:54.093 --> 00:14:56.145
00:14:56.145 --> 00:14:59.028
00:14:59.028 --> 00:15:01.050
00:15:01.050 --> 00:15:03.132
00:15:03.132 --> 00:15:05.154
There aren't any other
passengers on this ship.
00:15:05.154 --> 00:15:06.325
That can't be right!
00:15:06.325 --> 00:15:07.437
That's for sure!
00:15:07.437 --> 00:15:10.089
00:15:10.089 --> 00:15:12.381
- Oshawott's Poké Ball!
- Huh?
00:15:12.381 --> 00:15:14.083
00:15:14.083 --> 00:15:15.995
00:15:15.995 --> 00:15:19.268
What a relief!
Thank goodness you're okay!
00:15:19.268 --> 00:15:20.490
Pikachu, where's Axew?
00:15:20.490 --> 00:15:23.192
00:15:24.474 --> 00:15:25.475
- Let's go!
- Uh-huh.
00:15:27.457 --> 00:15:28.458
00:15:30.279 --> 00:15:31.280
00:15:31.280 --> 00:15:32.311
00:15:32.311 --> 00:15:34.464
00:15:34.464 --> 00:15:36.285
I was so worried about you!
00:15:36.285 --> 00:15:37.336
00:15:39.168 --> 00:15:41.160
All the Poké Balls are in here!
00:15:41.160 --> 00:15:43.092
Safe and sound!
00:15:43.092 --> 00:15:45.044
'Let's get off
of this ship quickly!'
00:15:45.044 --> 00:15:46.375
'Something's wrong!'
00:15:46.375 --> 00:15:48.427
'Okay, but we need to find
Oshawott first.'
00:15:48.427 --> 00:15:50.069
00:15:50.069 --> 00:15:52.031
Playtime's over.
00:15:52.031 --> 00:15:54.053
- You're with us now!
- So, cool your jets!
00:15:54.053 --> 00:15:55.274
00:15:55.274 --> 00:15:58.177
Hey, Oshawott, where are you?
00:15:58.177 --> 00:16:00.229
00:16:00.229 --> 00:16:01.230
00:16:01.230 --> 00:16:02.261
00:16:02.261 --> 00:16:04.213
00:16:04.213 --> 00:16:05.995
00:16:05.995 --> 00:16:07.196
- 'Knock it off!'
- Huh?
00:16:07.196 --> 00:16:08.488
What are you doing
to my Oshawott?
00:16:08.488 --> 00:16:10.249
00:16:10.249 --> 00:16:12.171
- Twerps on deck!
- With Pikachu!
00:16:12.171 --> 00:16:13.202
How'd they break out?
00:16:13.202 --> 00:16:15.374
00:16:15.374 --> 00:16:17.176
Perfect timing!
00:16:17.176 --> 00:16:18.277
00:16:18.277 --> 00:16:20.159
Great job! Are you okay?
00:16:20.159 --> 00:16:21.300
00:16:21.300 --> 00:16:23.262
Alright, who are you guys?
00:16:25.354 --> 00:16:28.167
Prepare for trouble,
you had to ask.
00:16:28.167 --> 00:16:30.369
And making it double
is a Twerpish task.
00:16:30.369 --> 00:16:33.212
To protect the world
from devastation.
00:16:33.212 --> 00:16:36.165
To unite the people
within our nation.
00:16:36.165 --> 00:16:39.028
To denounce the evils
of truth and love.
00:16:39.028 --> 00:16:42.031
To extend our reach
to the stars above.
00:16:42.031 --> 00:16:44.033
It's Jessie.
00:16:44.033 --> 00:16:45.034
And James.
00:16:47.276 --> 00:16:50.279
Team Rocket blasts off
at the speed of light.
00:16:50.279 --> 00:16:53.042
Surrender now or prepare
to fight, fight and fight.
00:16:53.042 --> 00:16:55.334
Meowth, that's right!
00:16:55.334 --> 00:16:58.317
- You!
- Team Rocket?
00:16:58.317 --> 00:17:01.200
But you helped us out when
we battled against Team Plasma!
00:17:01.200 --> 00:17:03.492
That was then. This is now.
00:17:03.492 --> 00:17:06.095
And now, we aim to catch
your precociously precious
00:17:06.095 --> 00:17:07.356
yet powerful Pikachu.
00:17:07.356 --> 00:17:10.009
'Cause were through helping you.
00:17:10.009 --> 00:17:11.410
Our plan
was proceeding so swimmingly!
00:17:11.410 --> 00:17:13.182
00:17:13.182 --> 00:17:15.004
'But shorty here ruined it!'
00:17:15.004 --> 00:17:16.235
00:17:16.235 --> 00:17:18.107
So you saved us.
00:17:18.107 --> 00:17:19.118
Oshawott, is that true?
00:17:19.118 --> 00:17:20.139
00:17:20.139 --> 00:17:21.210
Thanks a lot!
00:17:21.210 --> 00:17:23.392
00:17:23.392 --> 00:17:25.244
I could guess it's time
to force the issue.
00:17:25.244 --> 00:17:26.425
00:17:26.425 --> 00:17:28.167
00:17:28.167 --> 00:17:29.198
Amoonguss, you too!
00:17:30.219 --> 00:17:32.271
00:17:32.271 --> 00:17:34.233
Alright, Excadrill,
take it away!
00:17:37.436 --> 00:17:40.459
00:17:40.459 --> 00:17:43.312
Wait! Is battling onboard
a good idea?
00:17:43.312 --> 00:17:45.414
Alright, Pikachu, Iron Tail!
00:17:45.414 --> 00:17:47.346
00:17:47.346 --> 00:17:49.198
Quick, Woobat! Dodge that!
00:17:49.198 --> 00:17:51.300
00:17:51.300 --> 00:17:53.142
Amoonguss, Body Slam!
00:17:53.142 --> 00:17:55.344
00:17:55.344 --> 00:17:57.146
Dodge it by using Dig!
00:17:57.146 --> 00:17:59.058
00:17:59.058 --> 00:18:01.230
00:18:01.230 --> 00:18:04.113
00:18:04.113 --> 00:18:06.055
00:18:06.055 --> 00:18:07.416
00:18:07.416 --> 00:18:09.038
00:18:09.038 --> 00:18:10.319
00:18:10.319 --> 00:18:12.091
I tried to warn you.
00:18:14.213 --> 00:18:17.116
[Iris screams]
00:18:17.116 --> 00:18:19.328
We'd better get off
this ship and fast!
00:18:19.328 --> 00:18:21.230
- 'Agreed!'
- 'Oshawott, return!'
00:18:21.230 --> 00:18:24.353
- Excadrill, return!
- Hurry up!
00:18:24.353 --> 00:18:26.425
- You can't abandon ship!
- Yeah! This is your fault!
00:18:26.425 --> 00:18:29.028
So, next?
00:18:29.028 --> 00:18:30.439
- Get busy and plug that hole!
- Yes, ma'am.
00:18:30.439 --> 00:18:31.480
00:18:31.480 --> 00:18:33.332
00:18:33.332 --> 00:18:34.343
00:18:34.343 --> 00:18:37.036
00:18:37.036 --> 00:18:39.048
- Perfect fit.
- Neat, isn't it?
00:18:39.048 --> 00:18:41.350
00:18:41.350 --> 00:18:43.442
Uh, things are about
to get messy!
00:18:43.442 --> 00:18:45.024
00:18:45.024 --> 00:18:46.325
00:18:49.048 --> 00:18:51.210
Everyone, hurry!
00:18:51.210 --> 00:18:52.351
- Uh!
- Right!
00:18:57.036 --> 00:18:58.317
Some cruise ship!
00:18:58.317 --> 00:19:00.319
This kind
of cruising's bruisin'!
00:19:00.319 --> 00:19:03.062
Refund! I want a refund!
00:19:03.062 --> 00:19:05.414
We're blasting off again!
00:19:08.317 --> 00:19:10.369
00:19:10.369 --> 00:19:12.201
'I wonder what's in here?'
00:19:12.201 --> 00:19:14.453
- Hey, guys!
- Look!
00:19:14.453 --> 00:19:17.126
I think
those are our real tickets!
00:19:17.126 --> 00:19:19.178
Great! Now we can finally board
the real ship!
00:19:19.178 --> 00:19:20.409
00:19:20.409 --> 00:19:22.081
Huh. Ah!
00:19:23.312 --> 00:19:25.034
What's wrong, Cilan?
00:19:25.034 --> 00:19:26.295
Our ship's about to leave
any second!
00:19:26.295 --> 00:19:27.296
00:19:35.044 --> 00:19:37.396
- 'Wait, hold on!'
- Hm?
00:19:37.396 --> 00:19:38.447
00:19:38.447 --> 00:19:40.129
We're coming!
00:19:40.129 --> 00:19:43.032
- We've got the correct tickets!
- Huh?
00:19:43.032 --> 00:19:44.253
00:19:49.408 --> 00:19:51.310
[Ash panting]
00:19:51.310 --> 00:19:52.321
00:19:52.321 --> 00:19:54.273
Ah, we made it.
00:19:54.273 --> 00:19:56.045
Not a moment too soon.
00:19:56.045 --> 00:19:57.426
00:19:57.426 --> 00:19:59.068
- Welcome aboard.
- Huh?
00:19:59.068 --> 00:20:01.080
Glad to see you!
00:20:01.080 --> 00:20:03.002
I'd like to thank you all
for choosing
00:20:03.002 --> 00:20:06.155
our luxury cruise ship,
the Decolore Queen!
00:20:06.155 --> 00:20:09.038
My name is Porter
and I'm the Chief Purser
00:20:09.038 --> 00:20:10.429
and I'm here
to help make certain
00:20:10.429 --> 00:20:13.412
that your voyage
is as comfortable as possible!
00:20:13.412 --> 00:20:16.465
That's really nice of you,
Porter! Thanks very much!
00:20:16.465 --> 00:20:18.237
The pleasure's all mine.
00:20:18.237 --> 00:20:19.238
Yeah, and mine too.
00:20:19.238 --> 00:20:20.469
00:20:20.469 --> 00:20:22.251
Well, then, enjoy your voyage
00:20:22.251 --> 00:20:24.003
as we make several stops
00:20:24.003 --> 00:20:25.224
throughout the Decolore Islands.
00:20:25.224 --> 00:20:27.046
- Thanks!
- Thanks!
00:20:27.046 --> 00:20:30.049
00:20:30.049 --> 00:20:32.161
Finally, our heroes
have boarded the lovely
00:20:32.161 --> 00:20:34.303
cruise ship, the
Decolore Queen
00:20:34.303 --> 00:20:38.017
bound for Kanto,
as they leave Unova behind.
00:20:38.017 --> 00:20:40.389
What adventures await them
in the Decolore Islands?
00:20:40.389 --> 00:20:44.423
The excitement begins,
as the journey continues.
00:20:52.301 --> 00:20:54.083
[theme music]