00:00:01.031 --> 00:00:04.034
[instrumental music]
00:00:05.405 --> 00:00:07.407
Wow, nature's everywhere!
00:00:07.407 --> 00:00:09.179
00:00:09.179 --> 00:00:11.361
Hm, the fresh, clean air
00:00:11.361 --> 00:00:14.344
'endless blue skies
and lilting gentle breeze.'
00:00:14.344 --> 00:00:16.386
These delectable delights
to the senses
00:00:16.386 --> 00:00:18.398
urge me
to break into poetic verse.
00:00:21.241 --> 00:00:22.252
00:00:22.252 --> 00:00:24.324
Wow, it's a Drilbur!
00:00:24.324 --> 00:00:27.057
00:00:27.057 --> 00:00:29.179
What's wrong? Huh?
00:00:29.179 --> 00:00:30.250
00:00:30.250 --> 00:00:31.401
Who's that?
00:00:33.263 --> 00:00:35.365
Braviary, the Valiant Pokémon
00:00:35.365 --> 00:00:37.357
and the evolved form of Rufflet
00:00:37.357 --> 00:00:39.169
called Soldiers Of The Sky.
00:00:39.169 --> 00:00:42.192
Braviary fights tirelessly
to protect its friends.
00:00:42.192 --> 00:00:46.126
If it has many scars, it earns
more respect from its comrades.
00:00:46.126 --> 00:00:48.028
Soldiers Of The Sky?
00:00:48.028 --> 00:00:49.119
00:00:49.119 --> 00:00:51.021
'I wonder what it's doing here.'
00:00:51.021 --> 00:00:55.025
Hm. It appears to be watching us
for some reason.
00:00:55.025 --> 00:00:57.327
That's silly.
You're imagining things.
00:00:57.327 --> 00:01:00.040
She's right.
Come on, let's get going.
00:01:00.040 --> 00:01:02.092
- 'Ha-ha-ha!'
- Huh?
00:01:02.092 --> 00:01:03.343
Look! Over there!
00:01:07.067 --> 00:01:08.298
00:01:08.298 --> 00:01:09.299
- Hm.
- Hm.
00:01:09.299 --> 00:01:11.251
Hey, who are those guys?
00:01:11.251 --> 00:01:12.252
00:01:12.252 --> 00:01:15.095
00:01:15.095 --> 00:01:18.378
- Ready, big bro?
- I'm ready, little bro!
00:01:18.378 --> 00:01:21.401
We challenge you
to a Pokémon battle!
00:01:21.401 --> 00:01:23.303
♪ It's the next chapter ♪
00:01:23.303 --> 00:01:26.016
♪ The ultimate goal ♪
00:01:26.016 --> 00:01:28.408
♪ Ready for battle
brave and bold ♪
00:01:28.408 --> 00:01:31.221
♪ I know we're gonna make it ♪
♪ I know we're gonna make it ♪
00:01:31.221 --> 00:01:35.345
♪ We will find a way ♪
♪ We will find a way ♪
00:01:35.345 --> 00:01:38.318
♪ Oh-oh we've come so far ♪
00:01:38.318 --> 00:01:42.402
♪ We fought so hard
to get where we are ♪
00:01:42.402 --> 00:01:46.126
♪ Oh-oh we belong together ♪
00:01:46.126 --> 00:01:49.389
♪ It's always you and me ♪
♪ It's always you and me ♪
00:01:49.389 --> 00:01:51.231
♪ Pokémon ♪
♪ Pokémon ♪♪
00:01:56.286 --> 00:01:59.149
"A Surface to Air
Tag Battle Team."
00:02:02.092 --> 00:02:04.144
As our heroes
continue their journey
00:02:04.144 --> 00:02:05.475
to Vertress City
and the Unova League
00:02:05.475 --> 00:02:07.077
two Pokémon Trainers
00:02:07.077 --> 00:02:09.029
along with
their Braviary and Drilbur
00:02:09.029 --> 00:02:11.451
have just challenged them
to a battle!
00:02:11.451 --> 00:02:13.453
You wanna battle? You've got it!
00:02:13.453 --> 00:02:15.165
00:02:15.165 --> 00:02:17.317
Something feels a bit rushed
about this.
00:02:17.317 --> 00:02:19.189
In light
of this sudden challenge
00:02:19.189 --> 00:02:20.420
at least tell us your names.
00:02:20.420 --> 00:02:22.142
Our names? What?
00:02:22.142 --> 00:02:24.194
Have you been living underground
your whole life?
00:02:24.194 --> 00:02:26.126
That's funny,
they don't look like Drilbur.
00:02:26.126 --> 00:02:27.377
00:02:27.377 --> 00:02:30.180
- Huh?
- Huh?
00:02:30.180 --> 00:02:32.472
Huh? Don't you guys
have a sense of humor?
00:02:32.472 --> 00:02:34.184
Of course, you're speechless
00:02:34.184 --> 00:02:36.456
because you're blown away
by our excellent joke!
00:02:36.456 --> 00:02:39.189
Excellent is not the word
I'd use.
00:02:39.189 --> 00:02:40.340
00:02:40.340 --> 00:02:42.092
Then we'll go first!
00:02:42.092 --> 00:02:44.995
My name's Cilan,
a Pokémon connoisseur.
00:02:44.995 --> 00:02:47.337
And I'm Ash. This is Pikachu.
00:02:47.337 --> 00:02:48.388
00:02:48.388 --> 00:02:51.191
I'm Iris and this is Axew.
00:02:51.191 --> 00:02:52.402
My name's Soren!
00:02:52.402 --> 00:02:56.176
With Braviary, Soldier
Of The Sky, we rule the air!
00:02:56.176 --> 00:02:57.427
And I'm Rocko.
00:02:57.427 --> 00:03:01.181
With Drilbur, Warrior
Of The Land, we rule the land!
00:03:01.181 --> 00:03:03.283
Greatest older bro, that's me!
00:03:03.283 --> 00:03:05.485
Greatest younger bro, that's me!
00:03:05.485 --> 00:03:08.168
Which means,
we're the greatest bros!
00:03:09.159 --> 00:03:11.111
Greatest is pretty cool!
00:03:11.111 --> 00:03:14.174
Then does that mean you both won
the Unova League before?
00:03:14.174 --> 00:03:16.426
Of course, it does!
Okay, I lied.
00:03:16.426 --> 00:03:18.418
We wouldn't wanna enter, anyway.
00:03:18.418 --> 00:03:19.419
But why not?
00:03:19.419 --> 00:03:20.480
00:03:20.480 --> 00:03:23.023
they don't have
a Tag Battle division!
00:03:23.023 --> 00:03:24.284
A Tag Battle division?
00:03:24.284 --> 00:03:25.375
So then that must mean
00:03:25.375 --> 00:03:27.427
you two are the world's greatest
Tag Battle team.
00:03:27.427 --> 00:03:30.360
- You got it!
- Number one! The best!
00:03:30.360 --> 00:03:32.162
And the most powerful!
00:03:32.162 --> 00:03:35.045
Just recently
we crushed our archrivals
00:03:35.045 --> 00:03:36.416
brothers Ingo & Emmet.
00:03:36.416 --> 00:03:39.389
You mean,
you defeated the Subway Bosses?
00:03:39.389 --> 00:03:41.351
- 'Amazing!'
00:03:41.351 --> 00:03:43.453
'But Ingo & Emmet
are an incredible team'
00:03:43.453 --> 00:03:45.325
'totally in sync
with each other.'
00:03:45.325 --> 00:03:48.058
It was all part
of our big dream battle.
00:03:48.058 --> 00:03:49.459
Big dream battle?
00:03:49.459 --> 00:03:52.182
So when it comes to battling,
you dream big?
00:03:52.182 --> 00:03:54.184
It means,
I beat 'em in my dreams.
00:03:54.184 --> 00:03:55.285
- Huh?
- In your dreams?
00:03:55.285 --> 00:03:57.157
You're nothing more
than a little kid!
00:03:57.157 --> 00:03:59.369
A little kid,
but with big dreams!
00:03:59.369 --> 00:04:03.173
You know what, Soren? We never
have battled the Subway Bosses.
00:04:03.173 --> 00:04:05.465
Thanks! Now that should be
our dream for real!
00:04:05.465 --> 00:04:07.077
00:04:07.077 --> 00:04:10.180
What a couple of pains.
Let's get out of here.
00:04:10.180 --> 00:04:12.182
- Agreed.
- Come on. No way!
00:04:12.182 --> 00:04:14.184
I never run away
from a challenge.
00:04:14.184 --> 00:04:15.185
00:04:15.185 --> 00:04:16.186
00:04:16.186 --> 00:04:17.187
00:04:17.187 --> 00:04:20.040
- Alright!
- Alright!
00:04:20.040 --> 00:04:21.181
Since this is a Tag Battle..
00:04:21.181 --> 00:04:23.183
Who are you gonna
team up with, Ash?
00:04:23.183 --> 00:04:24.444
Right. Your choice.
00:04:24.444 --> 00:04:27.117
since Cilan has two brothers
00:04:27.117 --> 00:04:28.468
why don't you
just team up with him?
00:04:28.468 --> 00:04:31.121
- You really have two brothers?
- Right.
00:04:31.121 --> 00:04:33.003
Their names are Chili and Cress
00:04:33.003 --> 00:04:36.046
and all three of us are the Gym
Leaders at the Striaton Gym!
00:04:36.046 --> 00:04:37.147
You're a Gym Leader?
00:04:37.147 --> 00:04:39.409
Then Ash's partner
has to be Cilan!
00:04:39.409 --> 00:04:41.281
Awesome! It's all settled!
00:04:41.281 --> 00:04:43.083
If we defeat a Gym Leader
00:04:43.083 --> 00:04:45.355
then we'll become the world's
greatest Tag Battle brothers!
00:04:45.355 --> 00:04:48.008
I accept your challenge.
00:04:48.008 --> 00:04:50.140
00:04:50.140 --> 00:04:52.342
One Pokémon per Trainer!
00:04:52.342 --> 00:04:54.174
Alright! Begin!
00:04:54.174 --> 00:04:56.176
Unfezant, I choose you!
00:04:56.176 --> 00:04:58.098
00:04:58.098 --> 00:05:01.001
Pansage. Assistance, please!
00:05:01.001 --> 00:05:03.133
00:05:03.133 --> 00:05:04.404
00:05:04.404 --> 00:05:07.127
- Okay, listen up!
- Huh?
00:05:07.127 --> 00:05:10.030
The air that connects the world
is calling for us!
00:05:10.030 --> 00:05:12.482
The land that connects the world
is calling for us, too!
00:05:12.482 --> 00:05:16.466
- The older bro!
- The younger bro!
00:05:16.466 --> 00:05:18.338
We're Soren and Rocko!
00:05:20.090 --> 00:05:21.341
- Huh?
- Do you have to say that?
00:05:21.341 --> 00:05:23.373
'Of course! We can
say it again if you want.'
00:05:23.373 --> 00:05:26.296
- Uh, thanks, but no thanks.
- Ha-ha-ha.
00:05:26.296 --> 00:05:27.998
'Then we attack first!'
00:05:27.998 --> 00:05:29.449
Urgh! Wait! How come?
00:05:29.449 --> 00:05:32.052
When the air and land
become one!
00:05:32.052 --> 00:05:34.334
The world will begin a new age!
00:05:34.334 --> 00:05:36.156
Drill Wing, let's go!
00:05:36.156 --> 00:05:37.187
00:05:37.187 --> 00:05:38.438
Hey, what's Drill Wing?
00:05:38.438 --> 00:05:40.390
I've never heard
of that move before.
00:05:40.390 --> 00:05:42.022
00:05:42.022 --> 00:05:44.324
00:05:44.324 --> 00:05:46.316
- So what's that?
- That's Wing Attack!
00:05:46.316 --> 00:05:50.180
00:05:50.180 --> 00:05:53.183
00:05:56.476 --> 00:05:59.059
And Drilbur's using Drill Run.
00:05:59.059 --> 00:06:01.992
So then Drill Wing
must be a battle-combo move
00:06:01.992 --> 00:06:03.183
of Wing Attack and Drill Run!
00:06:03.183 --> 00:06:04.384
Battle-combo move?
00:06:04.384 --> 00:06:07.387
00:06:09.439 --> 00:06:12.152
- Pansage!
- Unfezant!
00:06:12.152 --> 00:06:14.444
00:06:14.444 --> 00:06:17.397
Okay, if they're using
a battle-combo move
00:06:17.397 --> 00:06:19.449
let's use one, too!
00:06:19.449 --> 00:06:21.301
We'll create
a full-flavored recipe
00:06:21.301 --> 00:06:24.064
using moves
from the air and land, as well!
00:06:24.064 --> 00:06:26.386
Wow, this is finally
starting to get interesting.
00:06:26.386 --> 00:06:27.387
00:06:27.387 --> 00:06:29.389
Unfezant, grab Pansage!
00:06:29.389 --> 00:06:32.192
00:06:32.192 --> 00:06:34.374
Pansage, Bullet Seed!
00:06:34.374 --> 00:06:36.376
00:06:38.128 --> 00:06:39.299
00:06:39.299 --> 00:06:41.331
Now chase after them!
00:06:41.331 --> 00:06:44.334
00:06:47.157 --> 00:06:48.408
Use Bullet Seed one more time!
00:06:48.408 --> 00:06:51.141
00:06:51.141 --> 00:06:52.162
00:06:52.162 --> 00:06:54.184
Hey, stop copying us!
00:06:54.184 --> 00:06:56.997
Chill out, little bro.
On to the next move.
00:06:56.997 --> 00:06:58.068
Right with you, bro.
00:06:58.068 --> 00:07:00.200
When the air and land
become one!
00:07:00.200 --> 00:07:02.452
The world will begin a new age!
00:07:02.452 --> 00:07:04.304
Brave Dig, let's go!
00:07:04.304 --> 00:07:05.355
00:07:05.355 --> 00:07:07.027
Did they say, "Brave Dig?"
00:07:07.027 --> 00:07:09.079
What battle-combo move is that?
00:07:09.079 --> 00:07:11.301
00:07:11.301 --> 00:07:13.463
00:07:15.005 --> 00:07:18.008
- Was that..
- Drilbur used Dig!
00:07:18.008 --> 00:07:21.161
- Uh!
- Braviary flew into the hole!
00:07:21.161 --> 00:07:23.323
'Where are they gonna come out?'
00:07:23.323 --> 00:07:24.444
00:07:24.444 --> 00:07:26.216
00:07:26.216 --> 00:07:29.029
Look out! Dodge it, quick!
00:07:29.029 --> 00:07:32.172
Of course! Brave Dig's
referring to Drilbur's Dig!
00:07:32.172 --> 00:07:35.055
- What about Brave?
- Here's the Brave part.
00:07:35.055 --> 00:07:36.456
00:07:36.456 --> 00:07:38.308
It's using Brave Bird!
00:07:38.308 --> 00:07:39.309
00:07:39.309 --> 00:07:41.041
- Ah!
- Ah!
00:07:41.041 --> 00:07:43.263
00:07:43.263 --> 00:07:45.295
Let's do this back-to-back!
00:07:45.295 --> 00:07:46.336
Right behind you, bro!
00:07:46.336 --> 00:07:48.999
When the air and land
become one!
00:07:48.999 --> 00:07:51.221
The world will begin a new age!
00:07:51.221 --> 00:07:53.053
Aerial Claw, go!
00:07:53.053 --> 00:07:54.344
00:07:54.344 --> 00:07:55.475
00:07:55.475 --> 00:07:57.407
00:07:57.407 --> 00:07:59.429
It's Metal Claw and Aerial Ace!
00:07:59.429 --> 00:08:02.052
That's why they call it
Aerial Claw!
00:08:02.052 --> 00:08:05.055
00:08:05.055 --> 00:08:08.058
00:08:09.059 --> 00:08:10.060
- Uh..
- Uh..
00:08:11.061 --> 00:08:12.322
- Unfezant.
- Pansage.
00:08:12.322 --> 00:08:15.465
I totally can't get over
how amazing their teamwork is!
00:08:15.465 --> 00:08:17.197
00:08:17.197 --> 00:08:19.319
How do you like
our double-move attacks?
00:08:19.319 --> 00:08:21.251
Feel free to forfeit any time.
00:08:21.251 --> 00:08:23.403
No one's forfeiting anything.
00:08:23.403 --> 00:08:26.286
We can't give up! We want
the sweet taste of victory!
00:08:26.286 --> 00:08:28.058
Can you go on, Unfezant?
00:08:28.058 --> 00:08:29.059
00:08:29.059 --> 00:08:30.040
00:08:30.040 --> 00:08:31.141
00:08:31.141 --> 00:08:33.043
Hey, you're tougher
than I thought!
00:08:33.043 --> 00:08:35.485
But you guys are no match
for our ultimate teamwork.
00:08:35.485 --> 00:08:38.198
Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!
00:08:38.198 --> 00:08:40.340
Taste another one
of our battle-combo moves!
00:08:40.340 --> 00:08:43.193
00:08:43.193 --> 00:08:45.055
Pansage, use Dig!
00:08:45.055 --> 00:08:47.177
00:08:47.177 --> 00:08:49.279
Ash, send Unfezant
down that hole.
00:08:49.279 --> 00:08:51.181
Right with you, Cilan.
00:08:51.181 --> 00:08:54.034
Now, use Quick Attack
from in the hole!
00:08:54.034 --> 00:08:56.336
00:08:56.336 --> 00:08:59.239
You go, Ash!
Show them what it feels like!
00:08:59.239 --> 00:09:01.191
00:09:01.191 --> 00:09:02.262
00:09:02.262 --> 00:09:04.044
Dodge it, quick!
00:09:04.044 --> 00:09:05.315
There's still another move.
00:09:05.315 --> 00:09:06.476
00:09:06.476 --> 00:09:07.477
00:09:07.477 --> 00:09:08.478
- What?
- What?
00:09:08.478 --> 00:09:11.051
Like it? That was our Dig Quick.
00:09:11.051 --> 00:09:13.323
Wait, perhaps Quick Dig
would be better!
00:09:13.323 --> 00:09:15.285
They both stink.
00:09:15.285 --> 00:09:17.257
00:09:17.257 --> 00:09:18.358
00:09:18.358 --> 00:09:21.381
- Don't worry! It's our battle!
- Got it, bro!
00:09:21.381 --> 00:09:24.013
When the air and land
become one!
00:09:24.013 --> 00:09:26.216
The world will begin a new age!
00:09:26.216 --> 00:09:28.047
Fury Rock, let's go!
00:09:28.047 --> 00:09:29.048
00:09:29.048 --> 00:09:30.350
Fury Rock, huh?
00:09:30.350 --> 00:09:32.202
Another battle-combo move!
00:09:32.202 --> 00:09:35.175
00:09:35.175 --> 00:09:37.447
00:09:37.447 --> 00:09:39.259
00:09:39.259 --> 00:09:42.382
- Rock Slide and Fury Attack!
- Dodge it, quick!
00:09:42.382 --> 00:09:43.413
00:09:43.413 --> 00:09:44.454
Awesome job!
00:09:46.266 --> 00:09:48.408
Now! Pansage, use Solar Beam!
00:09:48.408 --> 00:09:51.171
00:09:51.171 --> 00:09:53.363
- I don't like this.
- Braviary, dodge it fast!
00:09:53.363 --> 00:09:54.474
00:09:54.474 --> 00:09:57.477
00:10:01.050 --> 00:10:03.022
00:10:03.022 --> 00:10:05.054
Braviary and Drilbur
can't continue.
00:10:05.054 --> 00:10:07.026
Unfezant and Pansage win.
00:10:07.026 --> 00:10:09.058
The victors are Ash and Cilan!
00:10:09.058 --> 00:10:11.040
We did it, Cilan!
00:10:11.040 --> 00:10:14.464
Well, victory in a Tag Battle
has a different flavor
00:10:14.464 --> 00:10:17.267
than victory in a Single Battle.
00:10:17.267 --> 00:10:19.469
The air and the land became one,
00:10:19.469 --> 00:10:21.221
00:10:21.221 --> 00:10:24.324
But who would have thought
the world would come to an end?
00:10:24.324 --> 00:10:27.997
We lost because your Drilbur
hardly attacked, Rocko!
00:10:27.997 --> 00:10:29.048
No way!
00:10:29.048 --> 00:10:31.211
We lost
because that Braviary of yours
00:10:31.211 --> 00:10:32.412
didn't dodge that Solar Beam!
00:10:32.412 --> 00:10:35.054
- 'Oh, yeah?'
- 'Yeah!'
00:10:35.054 --> 00:10:37.267
Hey, guys, you don't
have to fight like that.
00:10:37.267 --> 00:10:38.288
00:10:38.288 --> 00:10:40.019
So you lost.
00:10:40.019 --> 00:10:42.312
That doesn't mean you should act
like a couple of little kids.
00:10:42.312 --> 00:10:43.313
00:10:43.313 --> 00:10:44.994
True. She's right!
00:10:44.994 --> 00:10:48.047
Brothers should be helping
each other out and not fighting.
00:10:48.047 --> 00:10:50.350
That's some good thinking
from a Gym Leader.
00:10:50.350 --> 00:10:52.051
You're a brother expert.
00:10:52.051 --> 00:10:55.375
So from now on I'm gonna
call you my Super-Duper Big Bro.
00:10:55.375 --> 00:10:59.058
Cilan will be just fine.
00:10:59.058 --> 00:11:00.330
Hey, Soren
00:11:00.330 --> 00:11:04.013
what do you think we need to do
to become stronger Tag Battlers?
00:11:04.013 --> 00:11:05.285
Let's see.
00:11:05.285 --> 00:11:09.048
'Let Solrock's light
shine upon the lost Mareep!'
00:11:09.048 --> 00:11:11.221
you two just leave everything
00:11:11.221 --> 00:11:14.444
to this
expert Pokémon connoisseur.
00:11:14.444 --> 00:11:16.446
Who's that Pokémon?
00:11:21.150 --> 00:11:23.132
It's Braviary!
00:11:23.132 --> 00:11:24.153
00:11:27.457 --> 00:11:30.470
Alright, it's evaluation time.
00:11:30.470 --> 00:11:33.142
Braviary's well suited
for battle-combo moves
00:11:33.142 --> 00:11:35.275
with its flying skills,
powerful claws
00:11:35.275 --> 00:11:36.476
and protective nature.
00:11:36.476 --> 00:11:38.478
'Tag Battling
is Soren's strength'
00:11:38.478 --> 00:11:42.402
'so the compatibility between
Soren and Braviary is perfect!'
00:11:42.402 --> 00:11:43.403
That's awesome!
00:11:43.403 --> 00:11:45.154
00:11:45.154 --> 00:11:47.287
And Drilbur's
incredible drilling speed
00:11:47.287 --> 00:11:50.059
truly makes it
the ruler of the land!
00:11:50.059 --> 00:11:52.262
'Tag Battling
is Rocko's strength as well'
00:11:52.262 --> 00:11:55.485
'so the compatibility between
these two is equally perfect.'
00:11:55.485 --> 00:11:56.486
00:11:56.486 --> 00:11:58.438
Isn't it great?
00:11:58.438 --> 00:12:01.070
Let's look at Braviary's moves.
00:12:01.070 --> 00:12:03.092
Braviary can use Wing Attack
00:12:03.092 --> 00:12:06.356
Brave Bird, Aerial Ace
and Fury Attack.
00:12:06.356 --> 00:12:09.449
Now that's a line-up
worthy of the ruler of the air!
00:12:09.449 --> 00:12:10.460
00:12:10.460 --> 00:12:13.012
And Drilbur's up next.
00:12:13.012 --> 00:12:15.054
Drilbur's able to use Drill Run
00:12:15.054 --> 00:12:17.086
and Dig, Metal Claw
00:12:17.086 --> 00:12:19.259
and also Rock Slide.
00:12:19.259 --> 00:12:22.342
Now that's a line-up
worthy of the ruler of the land!
00:12:22.342 --> 00:12:23.463
00:12:23.463 --> 00:12:26.065
So if we group them by type
00:12:26.065 --> 00:12:28.318
we come up with Flying,
Normal, Ground
00:12:28.318 --> 00:12:30.280
and Steel and Rock Type.
00:12:30.280 --> 00:12:33.002
Now, that gives them
the lightness of the air
00:12:33.002 --> 00:12:36.155
and the richness of the land,
but the result is a bit simple.
00:12:36.155 --> 00:12:37.277
00:12:37.277 --> 00:12:39.088
What's wrong with simple,
00:12:39.088 --> 00:12:40.290
This! Too simple.
00:12:40.290 --> 00:12:43.313
And your battles will lack
a certain depth of flavor
00:12:43.313 --> 00:12:45.265
which means
you won't do all that well
00:12:45.265 --> 00:12:47.246
against opponents
who have a type advantage!
00:12:47.246 --> 00:12:51.140
- Oh! I get it.
- Then what do we do about it?
00:12:51.140 --> 00:12:55.154
The answer is you need
to catch a Water-type Pokémon.
00:12:55.154 --> 00:12:57.427
- A Water type?
- That's right.
00:12:57.427 --> 00:13:00.380
If the two of you are the rulers
of the air and land
00:13:00.380 --> 00:13:03.303
and you add the ruler
of the water into the mix..
00:13:03.303 --> 00:13:06.255
We'll be the rulers
of land, air and water!
00:13:06.255 --> 00:13:09.158
- How cool would that be, Soren?
- Way cool!
00:13:09.158 --> 00:13:12.141
Alright! Let's go catch
a Water-type Pokémon!
00:13:12.141 --> 00:13:14.374
But now they're gonna have
to figure out how to do that.
00:13:14.374 --> 00:13:15.475
00:13:15.475 --> 00:13:17.417
Don't worry, Ash.
00:13:17.417 --> 00:13:19.148
Have you forgotten?
00:13:19.148 --> 00:13:22.322
I am
a proud fishing connoisseur!
00:13:24.003 --> 00:13:25.284
- Awesome!
- Awesome!
00:13:25.284 --> 00:13:28.338
'It's fishing-
for-Water-type-Pokémon time!'
00:13:28.338 --> 00:13:30.340
'I know a good spot,
Super-Duper Big Bro.'
00:13:30.340 --> 00:13:32.141
Here comes that pain again.
00:13:32.141 --> 00:13:33.142
00:13:34.384 --> 00:13:36.396
Excellent! A perfect spot!
00:13:36.396 --> 00:13:40.269
And a delicious opportunity
for fishing time!
00:13:41.371 --> 00:13:45.355
We meet again,
my custom rod and I.
00:13:45.355 --> 00:13:48.408
Summoning the skills
to be quick and daring!
00:13:51.351 --> 00:13:55.004
Not to mention,
slow and cautious.
00:13:55.004 --> 00:13:57.357
This combination of ingredients
gives me the tools
00:13:57.357 --> 00:14:01.090
to reel in whatever Pokémon
I hook on my line.
00:14:01.090 --> 00:14:02.171
Off we go!
00:14:03.413 --> 00:14:05.324
Backhand cast away!
00:14:09.318 --> 00:14:12.121
- We're right with you, Cilan!
- We're right with you, Cilan!
00:14:12.121 --> 00:14:14.384
How about us,
since we're hanging out anyway?
00:14:14.384 --> 00:14:17.056
Sure, fishing just might
give me the chance
00:14:17.056 --> 00:14:19.158
to check out some awesome
new Water-type Pokémon.
00:14:19.158 --> 00:14:21.431
'And that's just one reason
fishing's so enjoyable..'
00:14:21.431 --> 00:14:22.482
- Huh?
- Huh?
00:14:22.482 --> 00:14:25.144
...not knowing
which Pokémon will take the bait
00:14:25.144 --> 00:14:27.346
the seeds
of glorious anticipation.
00:14:27.346 --> 00:14:29.389
The worlds
above and below the water
00:14:29.389 --> 00:14:31.290
connected by a fishing line
00:14:31.290 --> 00:14:33.453
bringing us the joys
of new encounters!
00:14:33.453 --> 00:14:36.105
Fishing is as full
of passion and excitement
00:14:36.105 --> 00:14:39.028
as witnessing true romance
at first blush.
00:14:42.101 --> 00:14:44.384
- Huh?
- Uh-oh!
00:14:44.384 --> 00:14:48.157
Now just stay relaxed.
Remember, timing is everything.
00:14:48.157 --> 00:14:51.160
When the Pokémon pulls
on the line, then you pull back.
00:14:51.160 --> 00:14:52.492
- Got it?
- Got it!
00:14:52.492 --> 00:14:57.146
Steady. Steady. Now!
00:14:57.146 --> 00:14:58.418
- Ah!
- Ah!
00:14:58.418 --> 00:15:00.069
00:15:00.069 --> 00:15:01.200
- Check it out!
- Check it out!
00:15:01.200 --> 00:15:04.033
'They're Frillish!'
00:15:04.033 --> 00:15:07.336
- I say let's use Drill Wing!
- No, let's use Aerial Claw!
00:15:07.336 --> 00:15:11.240
- Huh? Drill Wing, Soren.
- No, Aerial Claw, Rocko.
00:15:11.240 --> 00:15:14.464
- This is no time to fight.
- Quick, give your command!
00:15:14.464 --> 00:15:17.146
00:15:17.146 --> 00:15:18.488
00:15:18.488 --> 00:15:19.999
00:15:19.999 --> 00:15:21.491
- Oh, no!
- Oh, no!
00:15:21.491 --> 00:15:24.103
We messed that up
because you didn't listen!
00:15:24.103 --> 00:15:25.254
No, it was you!
00:15:25.254 --> 00:15:27.126
- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, yeah, yeah!
00:15:27.126 --> 00:15:29.148
- Huh?
- Break it up! Enough!
00:15:29.148 --> 00:15:31.280
It's very important
in a Tag Battle
00:15:31.280 --> 00:15:33.132
to cover
for each other's weaknesses
00:15:33.132 --> 00:15:35.134
and accentuate
each other's strengths
00:15:35.134 --> 00:15:38.107
but if the Trainers on a Tag
Battle team fight each other
00:15:38.107 --> 00:15:39.258
then everything goes wrong!
00:15:39.258 --> 00:15:42.161
Now he's right!
I'm Soren, ruler of the air!
00:15:42.161 --> 00:15:44.363
I'm Rocko, ruler of the land!
00:15:44.363 --> 00:15:47.126
When you add a Pokémon
that rules the water
00:15:47.126 --> 00:15:49.449
you can become
the most powerful team ever!
00:15:49.449 --> 00:15:53.402
And that's based on my extensive
experience as a connoisseur.
00:15:53.402 --> 00:15:54.474
Thanks, Cilan!
00:15:54.474 --> 00:15:57.156
Super-Duper Big Bro,
you're so awesome.
00:15:57.156 --> 00:16:00.189
Thank you,
but super-duper's not me.
00:16:04.113 --> 00:16:05.144
- Huh?
- A bite!
00:16:05.144 --> 00:16:07.046
- Your next step?
- Right.
00:16:07.046 --> 00:16:08.147
Timing is everything.
00:16:08.147 --> 00:16:10.439
When it pulls on the line,
then we pull back!
00:16:10.439 --> 00:16:14.253
Correct. Wait, Wait. Go!
00:16:14.253 --> 00:16:16.255
- And pull!
- And pull!
00:16:16.255 --> 00:16:18.257
00:16:18.257 --> 00:16:19.398
- Who are they?
- Who are they?
00:16:19.398 --> 00:16:21.150
A Corphish and Buizel.
00:16:23.052 --> 00:16:25.284
00:16:25.284 --> 00:16:28.007
the Sea-Weasel Pokémon.
00:16:28.007 --> 00:16:29.308
Buizel's collar can be used
00:16:29.308 --> 00:16:31.320
as a flotation device
when inflated.
00:16:31.320 --> 00:16:34.043
Its head stays above water
when floating.
00:16:34.043 --> 00:16:36.275
Corphish, the Ruffian Pokémon.
00:16:36.275 --> 00:16:39.148
Corphish lives anywhere
adapting to its surroundings.
00:16:39.148 --> 00:16:42.151
Its pincers hold on tightly
when it catches prey.
00:16:42.151 --> 00:16:44.473
You've got to work together
this time, right?
00:16:44.473 --> 00:16:46.055
00:16:46.055 --> 00:16:49.258
- Right! You ready, Rocko?
- Ready, Soren!
00:16:49.258 --> 00:16:51.160
00:16:51.160 --> 00:16:53.032
- Alright, dodge it!
- Alright, dodge it!
00:16:53.032 --> 00:16:54.143
00:16:54.143 --> 00:16:56.465
When the air and land
become one!
00:16:56.465 --> 00:16:58.998
The world will begin a new age!
00:16:58.998 --> 00:17:00.469
- Brave Dig, let's go!
- Brave Dig, let's go!
00:17:00.469 --> 00:17:02.191
00:17:02.191 --> 00:17:04.293
00:17:04.293 --> 00:17:06.425
00:17:08.057 --> 00:17:09.448
Alright! It's Brave Dig!
00:17:09.448 --> 00:17:11.350
00:17:11.350 --> 00:17:13.132
00:17:13.132 --> 00:17:14.413
00:17:14.413 --> 00:17:16.455
00:17:16.455 --> 00:17:18.317
00:17:18.317 --> 00:17:21.160
I'll catch Buizel and you catch
Corphish. Okay, bro?
00:17:21.160 --> 00:17:22.341
Right! I'm on it!
00:17:22.341 --> 00:17:26.165
- Now go, Poké Ball!
- Now go, Poké Ball!
00:17:32.321 --> 00:17:33.432
00:17:33.432 --> 00:17:34.453
- Huh?
- Huh?
00:17:34.453 --> 00:17:37.006
They weren't ready yet!
00:17:37.006 --> 00:17:38.127
Launch your next attack!
00:17:38.127 --> 00:17:40.279
When the air and land
become one!
00:17:40.279 --> 00:17:42.311
The world will begin a new age!
00:17:42.311 --> 00:17:44.313
- Drill Wing, let's go!
- Drill Wing, let's go!
00:17:44.313 --> 00:17:46.045
00:17:46.045 --> 00:17:47.136
00:17:47.136 --> 00:17:49.338
00:17:49.338 --> 00:17:52.341
00:17:54.153 --> 00:17:56.125
Nail that Drill Wing!
00:17:56.125 --> 00:17:57.126
00:17:57.126 --> 00:17:59.148
00:17:59.148 --> 00:18:01.100
00:18:01.100 --> 00:18:02.181
Okay, now's our chance!
00:18:02.181 --> 00:18:04.453
- Let's get them this time!
- Right with you, bro!
00:18:04.453 --> 00:18:08.157
- One more time! Go, Poké Ball!
- One more time! Go, Poké Ball!
00:18:12.091 --> 00:18:13.322
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
00:18:16.115 --> 00:18:17.997
- Alright!
- Alright!
00:18:17.997 --> 00:18:20.249
Awesome! Great job, you guys!
00:18:20.249 --> 00:18:22.021
00:18:22.021 --> 00:18:24.303
Thanks, Ash!
Now we've got air and land..
00:18:24.303 --> 00:18:28.157
And the overwhelming
triple-whammy power of water!
00:18:28.157 --> 00:18:31.060
We'll see about the overwhelming
triple-whammy part.
00:18:31.060 --> 00:18:32.111
00:18:32.111 --> 00:18:33.382
We're a lot stronger
00:18:33.382 --> 00:18:35.484
thanks to our
Super-Duper Big Bro Cilan
00:18:35.484 --> 00:18:38.337
who's an awesome Pokémon
and fishing connoisseur!
00:18:38.337 --> 00:18:40.149
You made it all possible!
00:18:40.149 --> 00:18:43.152
So please, let us show you guys
our brand-new move!
00:18:43.152 --> 00:18:45.094
We really should be going now
00:18:45.094 --> 00:18:47.006
but I don't think
that's gonna happen.
00:18:47.006 --> 00:18:48.107
00:18:48.107 --> 00:18:51.150
The air that connects the world
is calling for us!
00:18:51.150 --> 00:18:54.083
The land that connects the world
is calling for us, too!
00:18:54.083 --> 00:18:56.465
And now even the water
that connects the world
00:18:56.465 --> 00:18:58.157
is calling for us!
00:19:00.189 --> 00:19:03.422
- The older bro!
- The younger bro!
00:19:03.422 --> 00:19:05.464
- We're Soren and Rocko!
- We're Soren and Rocko!
00:19:05.464 --> 00:19:08.377
So when the air and the water
become one
00:19:08.377 --> 00:19:10.399
the world will begin a new age!
00:19:10.399 --> 00:19:12.251
Jet Brave, let's go!
00:19:12.251 --> 00:19:14.153
00:19:14.153 --> 00:19:16.035
00:19:16.035 --> 00:19:19.328
A battle-combo move
using Brave Bird and Aqua Jet!
00:19:19.328 --> 00:19:21.140
Simply beautiful!
00:19:21.140 --> 00:19:23.312
And when the land and the water
become one
00:19:23.312 --> 00:19:25.144
the world will begin a new age!
00:19:25.144 --> 00:19:26.485
Bubble Drill, let's go!
00:19:26.485 --> 00:19:28.187
00:19:28.187 --> 00:19:30.069
00:19:31.370 --> 00:19:35.254
Rocko's battle-combo move uses
Drill Run and Bubble Beam! Wow!
00:19:35.254 --> 00:19:36.455
But since they're Tag Battling
00:19:36.455 --> 00:19:39.148
shouldn't they both be involved
in a battle-combo move?
00:19:39.148 --> 00:19:40.279
Not with us!
00:19:40.279 --> 00:19:42.351
And that's why
we're the most powerful bros
00:19:42.351 --> 00:19:44.433
our new Tag Battling style!
00:19:44.433 --> 00:19:46.485
We'll take on anyone, anytime!
00:19:46.485 --> 00:19:49.288
[all laughing]
00:19:50.419 --> 00:19:53.262
Promise me you keep that spirit
and train hard!
00:19:53.262 --> 00:19:56.345
And the next time we meet,
let's have another Tag Battle.
00:19:56.345 --> 00:19:58.367
Sure! We'll be ready for ya!
00:19:58.367 --> 00:19:59.368
00:19:59.368 --> 00:20:00.369
00:20:02.021 --> 00:20:04.023
[birds chirping]
00:20:05.274 --> 00:20:09.278
I had such a satisfying day
today as a Pokémon connoisseur.
00:20:09.278 --> 00:20:10.259
[water splashing]
00:20:10.259 --> 00:20:12.141
00:20:12.141 --> 00:20:15.364
- 'A Palpitoad and a Swanna.'
- One second.
00:20:15.364 --> 00:20:17.336
If Soren caught a
00:20:17.336 --> 00:20:18.337
like Swanna
00:20:18.337 --> 00:20:20.339
and Rocko caught
a Water-and-Ground-type
00:20:20.339 --> 00:20:21.440
like Palpitoad
00:20:21.440 --> 00:20:23.322
that would have played
to their strengths
00:20:23.322 --> 00:20:27.146
and might have made them an even
more perfect Tag Battle team.
00:20:27.146 --> 00:20:29.098
Don't worry about it, Cilan.
00:20:29.098 --> 00:20:31.410
She's right.
You saw how psyched they were.
00:20:31.410 --> 00:20:34.363
Then I guess that everything's
as it should be.
00:20:34.363 --> 00:20:36.385
00:20:36.385 --> 00:20:38.337
With Cilan's seasoned advice
00:20:38.337 --> 00:20:41.160
Soren and Rocko
each have a Water-type Pokémon
00:20:41.160 --> 00:20:43.272
to complete
their Tag Battle team.
00:20:43.272 --> 00:20:45.444
Now it's off again
to Vertress City
00:20:45.444 --> 00:20:47.446
as the journey continues.
00:20:53.232 --> 00:20:54.233
[theme music]