WEBVTT 00:00:02.351 --> 00:00:04.117 ( Ash ) Iris, Cilan. 00:00:04.117 --> 00:00:05.684 Is lunch ready yet? 00:00:05.684 --> 00:00:07.317 Man, am I starving. 00:00:07.317 --> 00:00:08.584 ( Iris ) Here you go! 00:00:08.584 --> 00:00:10.818 The chef has spoken. 00:00:10.818 --> 00:00:13.117 Since tonight's a full moon, I skewered some berries 00:00:13.117 --> 00:00:15.117 and cooked up some Moonwatch Dumplings. 00:00:15.117 --> 00:00:17.017 I wouldn't really call that cooking. 00:00:17.017 --> 00:00:18.050 Whatever. 00:00:18.050 --> 00:00:20.117 If it's yummy, it's fine. 00:00:20.117 --> 00:00:22.818 Hey, I want one, too! 00:00:22.818 --> 00:00:24.517 Not so fast. 00:00:24.517 --> 00:00:28.017 My vegetable paella, made with fresh vegetables and olive oil, 00:00:28.017 --> 00:00:30.451 will be ready in no time. 00:00:30.451 --> 00:00:31.884 Wow, that looks good! 00:00:31.883 --> 00:00:33.784 Pikachu! Axew! 00:00:33.784 --> 00:00:36.417 Don't worry, I didn't forget you! 00:00:36.417 --> 00:00:37.784 Here's some Pokémon food, 00:00:37.784 --> 00:00:40.351 using the natural flavor of Oran Berries. 00:00:40.351 --> 00:00:42.484 Pika! Ew, Axew! 00:00:42.484 --> 00:00:44.883 Good, the paella's ready. 00:00:44.883 --> 00:00:47.017 Awesome, then let's eat! 00:00:49.551 --> 00:00:51.651 Whoa, what's that? 00:00:51.651 --> 00:00:53.284 Darumaka! 00:00:53.284 --> 00:00:56.417 ♪ It's always hard when the journey begins ♪ 00:00:56.417 --> 00:00:58.084 ♪ Hard to find your way ♪ 00:00:58.084 --> 00:01:00.617 ♪ Hard to make new friends ♪ 00:01:00.617 --> 00:01:03.950 ♪ But there's nothing you can't do ♪ 00:01:03.950 --> 00:01:07.284 ♪ 'Cause you've got the power inside of you ♪ 00:01:07.284 --> 00:01:10.484 ♪ It's not always black and white ♪ 00:01:10.484 --> 00:01:14.551 ♪ But your heart always knows what's right ♪ 00:01:14.551 --> 00:01:16.917 ♪ It's not about win or lose ♪ 00:01:16.917 --> 00:01:18.917 ♪ It's the path you choose ♪ 00:01:18.917 --> 00:01:22.617 ♪ Let the journey begin ♪ 00:01:22.617 --> 00:01:23.950 ♪ Pokémon ♪♪ 00:01:27.651 --> 00:01:30.718 ( Ash ) "Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!" 00:01:32.617 --> 00:01:36.717 ( narrator ) As our heroes continue on to the Nacrene City Gym, 00:01:36.718 --> 00:01:39.484 they've found a moment for a little lunch break, 00:01:39.484 --> 00:01:42.484 along the banks of a lovely river. 00:01:42.484 --> 00:01:45.017 Let's see... 00:01:45.017 --> 00:01:47.718 ( man ) Darumaka, the Zen Charm Pokémon. 00:01:47.718 --> 00:01:49.584 When asleep, even when pushed or pulled, 00:01:49.584 --> 00:01:51.250 it cannot be knocked over. 00:01:51.250 --> 00:01:53.084 You're Darumaka! 00:01:53.084 --> 00:01:55.551 Darumaka! 00:01:55.551 --> 00:01:58.651 Aw, you're so cute! 00:01:58.651 --> 00:02:01.818 Darumaka! 00:02:01.818 --> 00:02:03.850 Darumaka's the kind of Pokémon 00:02:03.850 --> 00:02:05.883 that stays focused and never gives up. 00:02:05.883 --> 00:02:08.050 Many think of it as a good-luck Pokémon. 00:02:09.551 --> 00:02:11.584 Pika? Ew, Axew! 00:02:11.584 --> 00:02:12.684 Pika, Pika! 00:02:12.684 --> 00:02:13.751 Axew! 00:02:13.751 --> 00:02:15.384 Hey, what's going on? 00:02:15.384 --> 00:02:17.017 Pika! 00:02:17.017 --> 00:02:18.718 Pikachu's food is gone. 00:02:18.718 --> 00:02:20.617 Pikachu. 00:02:20.617 --> 00:02:21.850 It was Axew? 00:02:21.850 --> 00:02:23.084 Ax! 00:02:23.084 --> 00:02:25.384 Axew says it didn't eat Pikachu's food. 00:02:25.384 --> 00:02:27.751 Maybe Pikachu ate it and forgot. 00:02:27.751 --> 00:02:29.317 Pika, Pika! 00:02:29.317 --> 00:02:31.284 Darumaka, did you see anything? 00:02:31.284 --> 00:02:32.617 Axew. 00:02:33.917 --> 00:02:35.017 Uh-oh. 00:02:35.017 --> 00:02:36.484 I think it's asleep. 00:02:36.484 --> 00:02:38.150 Sure looks that way. 00:02:38.150 --> 00:02:40.317 A Pokémon with a mild personality, 00:02:40.317 --> 00:02:42.651 yet with an element of surprise as well. 00:02:42.651 --> 00:02:43.818 And when it's asleep, 00:02:43.818 --> 00:02:45.983 you can't knock it over no matter what, right? 00:02:45.983 --> 00:02:47.317 I wanna try! 00:02:51.983 --> 00:02:53.950 Wow, this is fun! 00:02:57.317 --> 00:02:58.351 Ew? 00:02:58.351 --> 00:02:59.384 Ax? 00:02:59.384 --> 00:03:00.684 Axew! 00:03:00.684 --> 00:03:01.818 Pika, Pika! 00:03:01.818 --> 00:03:03.150 Pika, Pika! Axew! 00:03:03.150 --> 00:03:04.451 Axew! 00:03:04.451 --> 00:03:06.117 Hey, knock it off, Pikachu! 00:03:06.117 --> 00:03:08.351 You too, Axew, stop! 00:03:09.784 --> 00:03:11.883 What happened? 00:03:11.883 --> 00:03:14.317 Now Axew's Pokémon food is gone! 00:03:14.317 --> 00:03:15.517 Axew, Axew! 00:03:15.517 --> 00:03:17.651 You're saying Pikachu ate it? 00:03:17.651 --> 00:03:20.150 Pika, Pika, Pikachu! 00:03:20.150 --> 00:03:22.351 You say Darumaka did it? 00:03:22.351 --> 00:03:24.084 Pika, Pika! 00:03:24.084 --> 00:03:27.017 But Darumaka was fast asleep the whole time. 00:03:27.017 --> 00:03:28.250 That's right. 00:03:28.250 --> 00:03:30.017 Darumaka, you've gotta wake up. 00:03:31.217 --> 00:03:33.084 ( Ash ) Darumaka! 00:03:37.150 --> 00:03:39.084 Sleeping like a log. 00:03:39.084 --> 00:03:41.184 Pika? Ew? 00:03:42.217 --> 00:03:44.617 ( Ash ) Another Darumaka! 00:03:44.617 --> 00:03:46.883 There are two Darumaka! 00:03:46.883 --> 00:03:48.384 Come back! 00:03:51.284 --> 00:03:52.651 Maka! 00:03:56.950 --> 00:03:58.584 Oshawott, I choose you! 00:04:02.084 --> 00:04:03.517 Oshawott! 00:04:03.517 --> 00:04:06.617 Good choice, using a Water-type to deal with a Fire-type. 00:04:06.617 --> 00:04:08.751 Oshawott, Water Gun! 00:04:08.751 --> 00:04:10.784 Osha... 00:04:10.784 --> 00:04:12.983 Wott! 00:04:14.384 --> 00:04:16.250 What? No way! 00:04:18.684 --> 00:04:20.617 Dodge it, Oshawott! 00:04:20.617 --> 00:04:21.983 Osha... 00:04:21.983 --> 00:04:23.517 Wott! 00:04:23.517 --> 00:04:24.917 Oshawott! 00:04:24.917 --> 00:04:27.184 You okay? 00:04:32.150 --> 00:04:34.084 It's knocked out. 00:04:34.084 --> 00:04:36.850 Two Flamethrowers will cause a lot of damage. 00:04:36.850 --> 00:04:39.484 We need to get to a Pokémon center. 00:04:39.484 --> 00:04:41.584 ( Cilan ) There should be one right up ahead. 00:04:41.584 --> 00:04:43.050 Right! 00:04:47.351 --> 00:04:49.685 ( Ash ) Nurse Joy, will my Oshawott be okay? 00:04:49.684 --> 00:04:51.684 Osha... 00:04:51.684 --> 00:04:53.084 Don't worry. 00:04:53.084 --> 00:04:54.484 Oshawott will be fine. 00:04:54.484 --> 00:04:55.818 Thanks, Nurse Joy. 00:04:55.818 --> 00:04:57.551 Audino, if you please? 00:04:57.551 --> 00:04:58.950 Audino. 00:05:14.184 --> 00:05:15.584 Now, shall we? 00:05:15.584 --> 00:05:17.451 Yes. 00:05:20.150 --> 00:05:21.551 Yes? 00:05:21.551 --> 00:05:23.017 A cappuccino. 00:05:23.017 --> 00:05:26.384 And make it rocket fast. 00:05:26.384 --> 00:05:28.651 "Rocket fast," you say? 00:05:28.651 --> 00:05:30.117 Right away, ma'am. 00:05:31.384 --> 00:05:32.718 Here you go. 00:05:45.983 --> 00:05:49.351 Your Oshawott is completely healed and feeling fine. 00:05:49.351 --> 00:05:50.651 Audino! 00:05:50.651 --> 00:05:52.084 Osha! 00:05:52.084 --> 00:05:54.150 Thank you so much. 00:05:54.150 --> 00:05:55.551 Glad you're feeling better. 00:05:55.551 --> 00:05:58.150 Osha! 00:05:58.150 --> 00:06:02.117 But still, those two Darumaka are so annoying! 00:06:02.117 --> 00:06:03.184 What? 00:06:03.184 --> 00:06:04.384 You met those two? 00:06:04.384 --> 00:06:06.451 ( Iris ) Yeah, you know them? 00:06:06.451 --> 00:06:08.417 Yes. 00:06:08.417 --> 00:06:12.983 Those two Darumaka live here in town along with Darmanitan. 00:06:12.983 --> 00:06:15.117 At first, they all couldn't have been friendlier 00:06:15.117 --> 00:06:17.117 to the townspeople 00:06:17.117 --> 00:06:20.050 until one day the Darumaka started mysteriously 00:06:20.050 --> 00:06:24.117 stealing people's food. 00:06:24.117 --> 00:06:27.883 The two Darumaka were always with the Darmanitan, 00:06:27.883 --> 00:06:29.917 but, for some reason, 00:06:29.917 --> 00:06:32.384 only the two Darumaka stole food. 00:06:32.384 --> 00:06:35.017 And those two stole our food as well! 00:06:35.017 --> 00:06:38.017 Yeah, then Oshawott tried to stop them. 00:06:38.017 --> 00:06:40.050 That's what happened. 00:06:40.050 --> 00:06:43.117 I'll bet you those two Darumaka are really hungry. 00:06:43.117 --> 00:06:47.150 Maybe, but they didn't used to steal people's food like that. 00:06:47.150 --> 00:06:49.117 Something must have happened. 00:06:49.117 --> 00:06:50.617 Yeah. 00:06:52.351 --> 00:06:54.983 What's that? 00:06:54.983 --> 00:06:57.883 ( Nurse Joy ) Oh, you must be asking about the clock tower. 00:06:57.883 --> 00:07:00.050 It's one of the oldest buildings in town, 00:07:00.050 --> 00:07:04.684 so old, in fact, the clock and bell no longer work. 00:07:04.684 --> 00:07:07.250 I'm afraid it's going to be torn down soon. 00:07:07.250 --> 00:07:09.217 Oh, that's such a shame. 00:07:09.217 --> 00:07:11.284 Yes. 00:07:11.284 --> 00:07:13.250 ( stomach rumbling ) 00:07:14.751 --> 00:07:15.883 Sorry! 00:07:15.883 --> 00:07:17.651 I'm really hungry, I guess. 00:07:17.651 --> 00:07:19.117 Oh my! 00:07:19.117 --> 00:07:21.983 Because of what the Darumaka did, we haven't had lunch yet. 00:07:21.983 --> 00:07:24.150 I vote we stay here for the night, 00:07:24.150 --> 00:07:26.284 and have dinner right away. 00:07:26.284 --> 00:07:27.517 ( Ash ) I'm with you on that! 00:07:27.517 --> 00:07:28.883 ( Pikachu ) Pikachu! 00:07:28.883 --> 00:07:30.384 ( Axew ) Axew! 00:07:35.351 --> 00:07:37.384 Awesome! 00:07:37.384 --> 00:07:38.684 So good! 00:07:38.684 --> 00:07:40.250 These croquettes are the best ever! 00:07:41.551 --> 00:07:42.784 You know what? 00:07:42.784 --> 00:07:44.417 You two are actually quite alike. 00:07:44.417 --> 00:07:45.883 Wait! Wait! 00:07:45.883 --> 00:07:48.117 You think I act like him?! You think I act like her?! 00:07:52.117 --> 00:07:53.317 Excuse me! 00:07:53.317 --> 00:07:55.217 Tonight's a full moon, 00:07:55.217 --> 00:07:57.317 so we have Moonwatch Dumplings for dessert. 00:07:57.317 --> 00:07:59.284 Delicious! 00:07:59.284 --> 00:08:01.184 I'll help you hand them out! 00:08:04.850 --> 00:08:06.250 ( Ash ) The Darumaka! 00:08:06.250 --> 00:08:07.684 Not you again! 00:08:07.684 --> 00:08:09.250 Hey, come back here! 00:08:14.484 --> 00:08:16.050 Pidove, I choose you! 00:08:17.384 --> 00:08:18.684 Follow those Darumaka! 00:08:18.684 --> 00:08:20.718 Pidove! 00:08:20.718 --> 00:08:22.317 Ash, what are you doing? 00:08:22.317 --> 00:08:23.484 I'm gonna find out why 00:08:23.484 --> 00:08:25.217 those two Darumaka are stealing food! 00:08:28.284 --> 00:08:30.384 Pidove, Dove! 00:08:30.384 --> 00:08:32.551 Dove! 00:08:33.818 --> 00:08:35.950 Come back, you two! 00:08:35.950 --> 00:08:37.484 ( Iris ) They split up! 00:08:37.484 --> 00:08:38.950 Pidove! 00:08:38.950 --> 00:08:40.517 I'll go this way! Me, too! 00:08:40.517 --> 00:08:42.317 I'll go this way! 00:08:45.983 --> 00:08:47.250 Dove! 00:09:05.384 --> 00:09:07.250 It got away! 00:09:09.117 --> 00:09:11.150 ( Ash ) Cilan! 00:09:11.150 --> 00:09:12.417 Any luck? 00:09:12.417 --> 00:09:14.117 Sorry, I lost track of it. 00:09:14.117 --> 00:09:16.150 Us too. 00:09:16.150 --> 00:09:17.517 Where could they have gone? 00:09:17.517 --> 00:09:19.217 Pika! 00:09:19.217 --> 00:09:20.517 Pidove! 00:09:20.517 --> 00:09:21.684 Pika? 00:09:21.684 --> 00:09:23.484 Dove! 00:09:28.384 --> 00:09:29.917 There they are! 00:09:36.617 --> 00:09:39.084 ( all ) Who's that Pokémon? 00:09:48.250 --> 00:09:50.983 Headquarters is being very cautious. 00:09:50.983 --> 00:09:54.517 Relaying our rendezvous point in that way. 00:09:54.517 --> 00:09:56.351 Proving, of course, what an extremely 00:09:56.351 --> 00:09:58.751 important operation this is. 00:09:58.751 --> 00:10:01.250 Also proving we were chosen for this mission 00:10:01.250 --> 00:10:03.417 because of our considerable skills. 00:10:11.351 --> 00:10:12.883 Cold, isn't it? 00:10:12.883 --> 00:10:14.117 Yes. 00:10:14.117 --> 00:10:17.317 It makes me want to have a nice warm cappuccino. 00:10:17.317 --> 00:10:19.784 The new item. 00:10:19.784 --> 00:10:21.217 Our next move? 00:10:21.217 --> 00:10:22.484 Head to Nacrene City 00:10:22.484 --> 00:10:23.983 and await further orders there. 00:10:25.184 --> 00:10:26.517 Perfect. 00:10:26.517 --> 00:10:28.818 The beginning of Team Rocket's future. 00:10:31.517 --> 00:10:34.651 And this mission is the key to it all. 00:10:34.651 --> 00:10:37.317 Bringing us one step closer to our goal. 00:10:49.451 --> 00:10:51.017 ( Ash ) Come back! 00:10:52.084 --> 00:10:55.384 Hold it right there, stop! 00:10:55.384 --> 00:10:57.184 You're not getting away! 00:11:06.484 --> 00:11:09.484 I wonder if they kept going up. 00:11:09.484 --> 00:11:11.751 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:11:15.017 --> 00:11:16.150 Stop! 00:11:16.150 --> 00:11:18.917 Why are you two doing this? 00:11:18.917 --> 00:11:20.751 Look, Ash, behind you! 00:11:22.651 --> 00:11:25.084 Oshawott, put out the fire with Water Gun! 00:11:27.517 --> 00:11:29.451 Oshawott! 00:11:37.351 --> 00:11:39.584 Pikachu, use Thunderbolt! 00:11:39.584 --> 00:11:41.517 Pikachu! 00:11:44.983 --> 00:11:48.050 Quick, Oshawott, use Water Gun! 00:11:48.050 --> 00:11:49.517 Wott! 00:11:52.684 --> 00:11:54.084 Ash, are you okay? 00:11:54.084 --> 00:11:55.917 I'm fine. 00:11:55.917 --> 00:11:59.384 They're asleep again. 00:11:59.384 --> 00:12:03.551 That has to be how they both recover their strength. 00:12:11.684 --> 00:12:13.184 Stop, Darumaka! 00:12:13.184 --> 00:12:15.050 We're not here to pick a fight with you! 00:12:15.050 --> 00:12:16.850 Yeah, we're your friends! 00:12:16.850 --> 00:12:18.417 Darumaka? 00:12:18.417 --> 00:12:19.784 Darumaka? 00:12:19.784 --> 00:12:21.684 We're just trying to figure out why you'd 00:12:21.684 --> 00:12:23.117 want to steal all of that food. 00:12:25.517 --> 00:12:26.617 Darumaka! 00:12:26.617 --> 00:12:27.617 Darumaka! 00:12:27.617 --> 00:12:29.451 Darumaka! 00:12:29.451 --> 00:12:31.317 Darumaka! 00:12:31.317 --> 00:12:33.718 You mean you wanna get up there? 00:12:33.718 --> 00:12:36.250 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:12:36.250 --> 00:12:38.150 Okay, no prob. 00:12:38.150 --> 00:12:40.184 We'll help you up there quick. 00:12:40.184 --> 00:12:42.517 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:12:47.351 --> 00:12:48.751 And up! 00:12:52.850 --> 00:12:54.517 Okay, made it. 00:12:54.517 --> 00:12:56.017 Cilan, thanks a lot. 00:12:56.017 --> 00:12:57.217 Sure! 00:12:57.217 --> 00:12:59.651 ( Ash ) Snivy, I choose you! 00:12:59.651 --> 00:13:01.050 Snivy. 00:13:01.050 --> 00:13:03.617 Use Vine Whip and lift Pikachu up here. 00:13:03.617 --> 00:13:05.451 Snivy. 00:13:05.451 --> 00:13:06.917 Snivy! 00:13:10.417 --> 00:13:11.818 Pi... 00:13:15.950 --> 00:13:17.517 Pika, Pika! 00:13:17.517 --> 00:13:18.983 Now, you two. 00:13:18.983 --> 00:13:20.818 You're next! 00:13:20.818 --> 00:13:22.384 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:13:24.184 --> 00:13:25.784 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:13:28.050 --> 00:13:29.617 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:13:29.617 --> 00:13:32.417 No need to thank me! 00:13:34.950 --> 00:13:38.484 Hey, you feel heat from the ceiling? 00:13:38.484 --> 00:13:40.751 ( Cilan ) I wonder what's up there. 00:13:41.818 --> 00:13:43.517 Darumaka. 00:13:43.517 --> 00:13:45.917 Darumaka! 00:13:45.917 --> 00:13:47.718 Pika! 00:13:47.718 --> 00:13:50.484 Darmanitan. 00:13:53.351 --> 00:13:56.050 Who's that Pokémon? 00:13:56.050 --> 00:13:58.517 ( man ) Darmanitan, the Blazing Pokémon, 00:13:58.517 --> 00:14:00.883 and the evolved form of Darumaka. 00:14:00.883 --> 00:14:03.517 Darmanitan switches from Standard Mode to Zen Mode 00:14:03.517 --> 00:14:05.317 when it has little energy left. 00:14:05.317 --> 00:14:08.718 This is the Darmanitan that hangs with the Darumaka. 00:14:08.718 --> 00:14:09.950 Let me see. 00:14:09.950 --> 00:14:12.651 In Standard Mode its physical power's enhanced, 00:14:12.651 --> 00:14:16.651 where its Psychic power's enhanced in Zen Mode. 00:14:16.651 --> 00:14:18.150 Wow! 00:14:18.150 --> 00:14:20.117 What a strange Pokémon! 00:14:20.117 --> 00:14:21.751 I'm burning up. 00:14:21.751 --> 00:14:24.983 Hey, Darmanitan must be giving off that heat. 00:14:24.983 --> 00:14:27.617 Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. 00:14:29.284 --> 00:14:31.084 It's Psychic! 00:14:32.050 --> 00:14:33.384 Of course! 00:14:33.384 --> 00:14:35.417 Those two Darumaka were stealing all that food 00:14:35.417 --> 00:14:37.417 so they could feed Darmanitan. 00:14:39.117 --> 00:14:41.784 Because Darmanitan keeps using Psychic, 00:14:41.784 --> 00:14:46.250 the heat from Darmanitan's flame sac is leaking out. 00:14:46.250 --> 00:14:48.017 I don't get it. 00:14:48.017 --> 00:14:50.818 Isn't it true that Darmanitan switches from Zen Mode 00:14:50.818 --> 00:14:53.384 to Standard Mode as soon as it recovers? 00:14:53.384 --> 00:14:54.484 Right. 00:14:54.484 --> 00:14:55.784 You'd think it would have recovered 00:14:55.784 --> 00:14:57.184 with all that eating. 00:14:57.184 --> 00:14:59.017 So why hasn't it? 00:15:00.917 --> 00:15:02.818 Hey, what's this? 00:15:02.818 --> 00:15:05.050 Wha...? 00:15:05.050 --> 00:15:06.850 It looks like some kind of hook. 00:15:09.684 --> 00:15:12.250 Something's weird with the bell. 00:15:12.250 --> 00:15:14.617 ( Cilan ) It's-- 00:15:14.617 --> 00:15:16.818 It's floating! 00:15:16.818 --> 00:15:20.950 I think Darmanitan's keeping it suspended using Psychic. 00:15:20.950 --> 00:15:22.617 Why do that? 00:15:22.617 --> 00:15:24.384 Let's see... 00:15:24.384 --> 00:15:26.184 If that heavy bell were to fall, 00:15:26.184 --> 00:15:27.651 it would crash through the floor 00:15:27.651 --> 00:15:30.517 and possibly bring the entire clock tower down with it. 00:15:30.517 --> 00:15:32.050 To keep that from happening, 00:15:32.050 --> 00:15:33.617 Darmanitan must have caught the bell 00:15:33.617 --> 00:15:36.818 when it started falling. 00:15:36.818 --> 00:15:39.184 When it couldn't withstand the weight anymore, 00:15:39.184 --> 00:15:41.818 Darmanitan probably had to switch to Zen Mode 00:15:41.818 --> 00:15:43.784 to enhance its psychic powers 00:15:43.784 --> 00:15:46.751 and keep the bell from falling. 00:15:46.751 --> 00:15:49.317 And to help keep Darmanitan's strength up, 00:15:49.317 --> 00:15:51.117 these two Darumaka were bringing it 00:15:51.117 --> 00:15:53.084 as much food as they possibly could! 00:15:53.084 --> 00:15:54.718 Is that right? 00:15:54.718 --> 00:15:56.017 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:15:56.017 --> 00:15:57.351 You've done great. 00:15:57.351 --> 00:15:59.584 Not easy, in this situation. 00:15:59.584 --> 00:16:01.517 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:16:05.117 --> 00:16:06.718 Darmanitan! 00:16:06.718 --> 00:16:08.784 At this rate, Darmanitan's heat 00:16:08.784 --> 00:16:10.883 will burn right through the floor! 00:16:10.883 --> 00:16:13.718 Don't worry, we'll take care of it! 00:16:13.718 --> 00:16:17.084 First, we'll fix the hook and then free Darmanitan. 00:16:17.084 --> 00:16:18.751 Right! Right! 00:16:18.751 --> 00:16:20.684 Tepig, I choose you! 00:16:20.684 --> 00:16:22.883 Pansage, we need your help as well! 00:16:26.117 --> 00:16:27.751 Pansage! Tepig! 00:16:27.751 --> 00:16:30.818 Tepig, use Ember on that hook! 00:16:30.818 --> 00:16:32.818 Tepig! 00:16:38.017 --> 00:16:39.050 No good. 00:16:39.050 --> 00:16:41.084 It's not hot enough! 00:16:42.850 --> 00:16:45.317 Ash, we really need to hurry! 00:16:45.317 --> 00:16:47.384 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:16:47.384 --> 00:16:49.217 Pika! 00:16:49.217 --> 00:16:51.651 Whoa, you two'll help us? 00:16:51.651 --> 00:16:53.451 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:16:53.451 --> 00:16:55.117 Yes, let's do it then! 00:16:55.117 --> 00:16:57.484 ( Cilan ) Pansage, one more time! 00:16:59.184 --> 00:17:01.017 Tepig! 00:17:07.150 --> 00:17:08.883 It worked! 00:17:08.883 --> 00:17:12.017 Pansage, use Bullet Seed on that hook! 00:17:12.017 --> 00:17:14.184 Pansage! 00:17:18.317 --> 00:17:20.384 Great, just where we wanted it! 00:17:20.384 --> 00:17:22.250 Excellent presentation! 00:17:22.250 --> 00:17:24.050 ( Ash ) Oshawott, use Water Gun! 00:17:24.050 --> 00:17:25.883 Oshawott! 00:17:25.883 --> 00:17:28.117 Osha... 00:17:28.117 --> 00:17:29.451 Wott! 00:17:35.584 --> 00:17:37.384 Pi, Pi. 00:17:37.384 --> 00:17:39.751 Pi, Pikachu! 00:17:39.751 --> 00:17:42.150 All right, let's hook it to the bell. 00:17:42.150 --> 00:17:44.117 Yeah, but how? 00:17:44.117 --> 00:17:46.484 We'd need a ladder to reach up there. 00:17:48.950 --> 00:17:50.250 Whoa! 00:17:50.250 --> 00:17:52.617 Pika! 00:17:52.617 --> 00:17:54.150 Darmanitan's using Psychic! 00:17:54.150 --> 00:17:55.751 Pika, Pi! 00:18:01.184 --> 00:18:03.551 It's so close, but I can't reach it! 00:18:03.551 --> 00:18:05.217 Ash, you can do it! 00:18:05.217 --> 00:18:06.751 Keep trying! 00:18:09.250 --> 00:18:10.850 ( Ash ) Come on. 00:18:11.818 --> 00:18:13.150 Pika! 00:18:15.217 --> 00:18:16.850 Darmanitan! 00:18:18.117 --> 00:18:19.617 Now it's in Standard Mode! 00:18:19.617 --> 00:18:21.351 Dar! 00:18:21.351 --> 00:18:24.217 Darmanitan! 00:18:24.217 --> 00:18:25.883 Tan! 00:18:25.883 --> 00:18:27.950 Darman! 00:18:27.950 --> 00:18:29.551 Darmanitan! 00:18:35.150 --> 00:18:36.217 Thank you! 00:18:36.217 --> 00:18:38.584 Hey, that was a close call. 00:18:38.584 --> 00:18:40.718 We're not strong enough to lift up the bell. 00:18:40.718 --> 00:18:42.184 Could you put it back on the hook? 00:18:42.184 --> 00:18:43.850 Dar! 00:18:43.850 --> 00:18:46.384 Darman! 00:18:46.384 --> 00:18:49.384 Darmanitan! 00:18:52.451 --> 00:18:54.451 Darman... 00:18:58.117 --> 00:19:00.284 Dar, Dar! 00:19:00.284 --> 00:19:01.784 Wonder what they're saying. 00:19:01.784 --> 00:19:03.417 I bet they're thanking us. 00:19:04.983 --> 00:19:06.451 And as for you two, 00:19:06.451 --> 00:19:09.217 no more stealing people's food, okay? 00:19:09.217 --> 00:19:10.917 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:19:10.917 --> 00:19:12.584 Pika! 00:19:13.684 --> 00:19:15.050 Pika... 00:19:23.250 --> 00:19:25.850 Another day to give it all we've got! 00:19:25.850 --> 00:19:27.850 Pika! ( Nurse Joy ) Wait! 00:19:27.850 --> 00:19:29.351 Nurse Joy! 00:19:29.351 --> 00:19:31.518 The clock tower won't be torn down. 00:19:31.517 --> 00:19:33.784 I thought you'd want to know. 00:19:33.784 --> 00:19:35.050 So what's gonna happen? 00:19:35.050 --> 00:19:37.651 It'll be completely restored and maintained, 00:19:37.651 --> 00:19:39.284 all thanks to the town. 00:19:39.284 --> 00:19:40.751 That's awesome! 00:19:40.751 --> 00:19:42.250 Ax! 00:19:42.250 --> 00:19:43.617 Yes. 00:19:43.617 --> 00:19:45.617 And to thank Darmanitan and the Darumaka 00:19:45.617 --> 00:19:47.050 for protecting it, 00:19:47.050 --> 00:19:49.184 the town also decreed that they'd be able to live there 00:19:49.184 --> 00:19:51.751 for as long as they like. 00:19:51.751 --> 00:19:53.017 Delicious! 00:19:53.017 --> 00:19:54.983 People and Pokémon alike will be happy 00:19:54.983 --> 00:19:56.983 with a generous gesture like that! 00:19:56.983 --> 00:19:58.484 Pika! 00:20:00.983 --> 00:20:03.417 Darmanitan! 00:20:03.417 --> 00:20:05.017 Darumaka! Darumaka! 00:20:07.250 --> 00:20:08.718 Hello? 00:20:08.718 --> 00:20:10.751 Darmanitan and Darumaka? 00:20:10.751 --> 00:20:12.517 That's great news! 00:20:12.517 --> 00:20:14.084 Pika, Pika! 00:20:14.084 --> 00:20:15.284 Now, you take care! 00:20:15.284 --> 00:20:16.917 Axew! 00:20:16.917 --> 00:20:18.551 'Til we meet again! 00:20:18.551 --> 00:20:21.651 Tan, Dar, Darmanitan! 00:20:28.718 --> 00:20:31.318 ( narrator ) Thanks to the Darumaka and help from our heroes, 00:20:31.317 --> 00:20:34.617 Darmanitan is safe and sound, and home! 00:20:34.617 --> 00:20:38.617 Now it's off to Nacrene City and Ash's next gym battle! 00:20:44.983 --> 00:20:47.116 ( all ) It's Darmanitan. 00:20:47.117 --> 00:20:48.917 ( Darmanitan ) Darmanitan!