WEBVTT 00:00:08.184 --> 00:00:09.785 Cubchoo. 00:00:09.784 --> 00:00:11.584 Cubchoo. 00:00:11.584 --> 00:00:12.684 Cub. Cub. 00:00:12.684 --> 00:00:13.818 ( all ) Choo! 00:00:18.250 --> 00:00:20.084 Bear? Bear? 00:00:22.317 --> 00:00:24.317 Bear? 00:00:26.983 --> 00:00:28.883 Bear! 00:00:28.883 --> 00:00:30.917 Cub! Cub! 00:00:30.917 --> 00:00:32.651 Bear! Bear! 00:00:39.217 --> 00:00:41.451 Cub, Cubchoo! 00:00:41.451 --> 00:00:43.317 Bear? 00:00:43.317 --> 00:00:44.917 Cubchoo! 00:00:44.917 --> 00:00:47.217 Bear? 00:00:47.217 --> 00:00:49.983 Choo! 00:00:49.983 --> 00:00:51.818 Beartic! 00:00:51.818 --> 00:00:55.084 Cub! 00:00:55.084 --> 00:00:56.883 Tic! 00:01:01.417 --> 00:01:04.351 ♪ It's always hard when the journey begins ♪ 00:01:04.351 --> 00:01:06.084 ♪ Hard to find your way ♪ 00:01:06.084 --> 00:01:08.551 ♪ Hard to make new friends ♪ 00:01:08.551 --> 00:01:12.117 ♪ But there's nothing you can't do ♪ 00:01:12.117 --> 00:01:14.917 ♪ 'Cause you've got the power inside of you ♪ 00:01:14.917 --> 00:01:18.117 ♪ It's not always black and white ♪ 00:01:18.117 --> 00:01:22.150 ♪ But your heart always knows what's right ♪ 00:01:22.150 --> 00:01:24.651 ♪ It's not about win or lose ♪ 00:01:24.651 --> 00:01:26.784 ♪ It's the path you choose ♪ 00:01:26.784 --> 00:01:30.150 ♪ Let the journey begin ♪ 00:01:30.150 --> 00:01:31.818 ♪ Pokémon ♪♪ 00:01:36.084 --> 00:01:38.517 ( Ash ) "The Beartic Mountain Feud!" 00:01:41.950 --> 00:01:44.883 ( narrator ) As our heroes continue their trek to the Nimbasa City gym, 00:01:44.883 --> 00:01:46.883 we rejoin them as they make their way 00:01:46.883 --> 00:01:49.751 along a winding mountain trail... 00:01:49.751 --> 00:01:51.117 Excellent! 00:01:51.117 --> 00:01:53.451 Once we get past this mountain, we'll be in Nimbasa City. 00:01:53.451 --> 00:01:56.250 Can't wait to see what kind of gym and gym leader they have. 00:01:56.250 --> 00:01:57.617 How about you? 00:01:57.617 --> 00:01:58.983 Pika, Pika. 00:01:58.983 --> 00:02:01.451 I can't believe what a mess this path is. 00:02:01.451 --> 00:02:02.651 Ew, Ew! 00:02:02.651 --> 00:02:04.818 Probably from the storm a couple of days ago... 00:02:11.950 --> 00:02:13.517 This's serious. 00:02:13.517 --> 00:02:15.617 Wake up, please? Pikachu! 00:02:15.617 --> 00:02:19.117 I'm sure that's a Cubchoo. Cubchoo, huh? 00:02:19.117 --> 00:02:22.117 ( man ) Cubchoo, the Chill Pokémon. 00:02:22.117 --> 00:02:24.551 Cubchoo evolves into Beartic. 00:02:24.551 --> 00:02:27.184 Its constantly runny nose is the source of its energy, 00:02:27.184 --> 00:02:29.784 and its sniffles power its moves. 00:02:29.784 --> 00:02:31.983 That Cubchoo looks really weak! 00:02:31.983 --> 00:02:33.050 Sure does! 00:02:33.050 --> 00:02:34.850 Cubchoo's exhausted, all right... 00:02:34.850 --> 00:02:37.850 Probably could use some serious chowing down! 00:02:37.850 --> 00:02:39.983 That's weird... 00:02:39.983 --> 00:02:42.217 I don't see any berries anywhere! 00:02:42.217 --> 00:02:44.751 The storm probably blew them all away! 00:02:44.751 --> 00:02:46.050 Axew, Ew! 00:02:46.050 --> 00:02:48.651 Pika! Bingo! 00:02:48.651 --> 00:02:50.617 I got one! 00:02:50.617 --> 00:02:53.850 This Oran berry is just what the energy doctor ordered! 00:02:55.718 --> 00:02:57.250 What's that? 00:02:57.250 --> 00:02:59.284 Bear! 00:03:01.250 --> 00:03:03.517 It's a Beartic! 00:03:03.517 --> 00:03:05.517 Bear! Bear! 00:03:05.517 --> 00:03:08.250 There's nothing worse than a bunch of Ice-types 00:03:08.250 --> 00:03:10.883 like Beartic-- I'm freezing! 00:03:10.883 --> 00:03:12.784 I'm getting the feeling that they're buddies 00:03:12.784 --> 00:03:14.050 with that Cubchoo! 00:03:14.050 --> 00:03:16.717 That's probably why they came here! Pika! 00:03:16.718 --> 00:03:17.818 Of course! 00:03:17.818 --> 00:03:19.084 That's a relief... 00:03:19.084 --> 00:03:20.084 There. 00:03:20.084 --> 00:03:21.950 Now go and be with your friends... 00:03:21.950 --> 00:03:24.017 Cubchoo, Cubchoo? 00:03:24.017 --> 00:03:26.384 Bear! 00:03:26.384 --> 00:03:27.617 Cub, Cub! 00:03:27.617 --> 00:03:29.883 What's going on? 00:03:29.883 --> 00:03:31.850 Bear! 00:03:31.850 --> 00:03:33.050 This is bad! 00:03:33.050 --> 00:03:34.651 They look madder than ever! 00:03:34.651 --> 00:03:36.250 They're fuming! 00:03:36.250 --> 00:03:37.517 Axew, Ew! 00:03:37.517 --> 00:03:38.551 Calm down... 00:03:38.551 --> 00:03:40.284 Whaddaya say? Pika, Pika! 00:03:40.284 --> 00:03:43.617 This's a negotiating job for The Meowthiator, dig? 00:03:43.617 --> 00:03:45.850 I'm not sure why you fine Pokeymon 00:03:45.850 --> 00:03:47.184 are hot under the collar, 00:03:47.184 --> 00:03:48.751 but I am sure we can talk it out. 00:03:48.751 --> 00:03:50.850 There's really no need to throw your blood pressure 00:03:50.850 --> 00:03:53.950 way up in the clouds, right? 00:03:53.950 --> 00:03:55.617 Bear! 00:03:57.917 --> 00:04:00.184 Those Beartic just used Icy Wind! 00:04:03.184 --> 00:04:05.751 Look, I'm not the one who needs cooling off! 00:04:05.751 --> 00:04:07.117 Bear... 00:04:09.284 --> 00:04:12.117 Mienfoo! 00:04:12.117 --> 00:04:13.617 A Mienfoo! 00:04:13.617 --> 00:04:15.883 Mienfoo, huh? 00:04:17.684 --> 00:04:20.350 ( man ) Mienfoo, the Martial Arts Pokémon. 00:04:20.351 --> 00:04:23.217 Mienfoo's sharp claws strike quickly and precisely. 00:04:23.217 --> 00:04:24.784 It also overwhelms opponents 00:04:24.784 --> 00:04:26.983 with its skillful combination attacks. 00:04:26.983 --> 00:04:30.184 Mienfoo! 00:04:30.184 --> 00:04:32.417 Kids, get away from there! 00:04:32.417 --> 00:04:33.917 Right! Yipes! 00:04:33.917 --> 00:04:34.983 Pika! 00:04:38.351 --> 00:04:39.917 Name's Cliff. 00:04:39.917 --> 00:04:41.751 I'm with Mountain Patrol. 00:04:41.751 --> 00:04:42.917 My name's Ash! 00:04:42.917 --> 00:04:44.983 And this is my partner, Pikachu! 00:04:44.983 --> 00:04:46.250 Pika, Pikachu! 00:04:46.250 --> 00:04:48.084 I'm Iris, nice to meet you! 00:04:48.084 --> 00:04:49.084 Axew! 00:04:49.084 --> 00:04:50.351 And I'm Cilan! 00:04:50.351 --> 00:04:52.751 Thanks so much for getting us out of there before! 00:04:52.751 --> 00:04:54.917 We escaped by a whisker, for sure! 00:04:54.917 --> 00:04:56.983 My eternal gratitude! 00:04:56.983 --> 00:04:59.217 A Meowth that can actually talk? 00:04:59.217 --> 00:05:01.250 You are one of a kind! 00:05:01.250 --> 00:05:03.584 When they made me, they broke the mold! 00:05:03.584 --> 00:05:05.117 Cub, Cub, Cub. 00:05:05.117 --> 00:05:07.284 Cubchoo! 00:05:07.284 --> 00:05:08.284 That's great! 00:05:08.284 --> 00:05:09.751 Cubchoo, you're feeling better! 00:05:09.751 --> 00:05:10.950 Pika, Pika! 00:05:10.950 --> 00:05:13.751 I wonder why Cubchoo was unconscious back there... 00:05:13.751 --> 00:05:14.950 Me too. 00:05:14.950 --> 00:05:16.117 What happened? 00:05:16.117 --> 00:05:18.050 Pika, Pikachu. Cub, Cub. 00:05:18.050 --> 00:05:20.584 Cubchoo, Cubchoo, Cubchoo. 00:05:20.584 --> 00:05:21.718 Cubchoo! 00:05:21.718 --> 00:05:23.551 Come on, translate for us, Meowth! 00:05:23.551 --> 00:05:24.950 Okay, cheese it! 00:05:24.950 --> 00:05:28.184 Okay, deal is, Cubchoo lives near the summit of the mountain 00:05:28.184 --> 00:05:31.451 with a whole bunch of other Cubchoo and Beartic too! 00:05:31.451 --> 00:05:36.551 So, a couple of nights ago, there was this awful storm... 00:05:36.551 --> 00:05:38.917 and Cubchoo got separated from its pals! 00:05:47.850 --> 00:05:51.250 Cubchoo says after that, everything's a big blur! 00:05:51.250 --> 00:05:53.517 Bummer. 00:05:53.517 --> 00:05:54.584 Yeah. 00:05:54.584 --> 00:05:55.983 Wow... 00:05:55.983 --> 00:05:58.084 This Cubchoo and those Beartic we saw earlier 00:05:58.084 --> 00:06:00.883 belong to different groups. 00:06:00.883 --> 00:06:02.150 Here's the map. 00:06:02.150 --> 00:06:04.983 There are two Beartic groups living on this mountain. 00:06:04.983 --> 00:06:08.250 One lives near the summit and the other lives here, 00:06:08.250 --> 00:06:09.784 near the foot of the mountain. 00:06:09.784 --> 00:06:12.384 So the ones we saw are from the foot of the mountain? 00:06:12.384 --> 00:06:14.684 Right, but there's something strange about that. 00:06:14.684 --> 00:06:19.117 I've never heard anything about both groups not getting along. 00:06:19.117 --> 00:06:21.484 Obviously, there's got to be a reason 00:06:21.484 --> 00:06:24.150 why those Beartic were so mad. 00:06:24.150 --> 00:06:27.017 Yeah, I've never seen Pokémon get really upset 00:06:27.017 --> 00:06:29.117 without something provoking them. 00:06:29.117 --> 00:06:30.284 I know! 00:06:30.284 --> 00:06:32.117 Let's get Cubchoo back with its friends! 00:06:32.117 --> 00:06:33.184 Right? 00:06:33.184 --> 00:06:35.718 Pika, Pikachu! 00:06:35.718 --> 00:06:38.050 Now there's one happy Pokeymon! 00:06:38.050 --> 00:06:40.517 Are any of you this Meowth's trainer? 00:06:40.517 --> 00:06:41.950 Huh? 00:06:41.950 --> 00:06:43.117 Uh-uh! 00:06:43.117 --> 00:06:44.484 That's good news! 00:06:44.484 --> 00:06:46.250 I can't tell you how helpful it would be 00:06:46.250 --> 00:06:47.983 to have a Meowth who can talk! 00:06:47.983 --> 00:06:49.917 Hope you don't mind me catching it. 00:06:49.917 --> 00:06:51.150 Let's go! 00:07:05.084 --> 00:07:07.684 This Pokey Ball thing is getting old! 00:07:07.684 --> 00:07:10.217 That was too close for comfort. 00:07:10.217 --> 00:07:11.517 Man... 00:07:11.517 --> 00:07:13.751 Nobody's gonna put their name on this Pokeymon. 00:07:13.751 --> 00:07:15.983 I'm an independent thinker, dig? 00:07:15.983 --> 00:07:18.417 I'm getting caught for no one! 00:07:18.417 --> 00:07:19.883 I "dig," all right! 00:07:19.883 --> 00:07:21.117 Wow! 00:07:21.117 --> 00:07:22.184 I'm so sorry! 00:07:22.184 --> 00:07:24.284 Pika, Pika! Ew, Ew! 00:07:24.284 --> 00:07:26.785 ( Cliff ) The Beartic group living at the foot of the mountain 00:07:26.784 --> 00:07:28.784 claims that as their territory. 00:07:28.784 --> 00:07:31.284 It's out of the way, but if we take this route 00:07:31.284 --> 00:07:32.517 through the forest, 00:07:32.517 --> 00:07:34.017 we should be able to reach the group 00:07:34.017 --> 00:07:35.784 without running into the other one. 00:07:39.917 --> 00:07:42.718 Hey Cubchoo, you'll be with your friends soon, don't worry! 00:07:42.718 --> 00:07:44.284 Pika, Pika. 00:07:44.284 --> 00:07:46.050 Pika? 00:07:46.050 --> 00:07:48.950 Beartic... 00:07:48.950 --> 00:07:51.883 Beartic here, too? 00:07:51.883 --> 00:07:53.983 Those aren't Cubchoo's buds. 00:07:53.983 --> 00:07:55.517 They're from the other group! 00:07:55.517 --> 00:07:57.150 They live at the foot of the mountain, 00:07:57.150 --> 00:07:59.317 so what are they doing here? 00:08:03.017 --> 00:08:04.284 Beartic! 00:08:04.284 --> 00:08:06.017 No, not another one! 00:08:06.017 --> 00:08:09.184 We're surrounded by three of them! 00:08:09.184 --> 00:08:10.684 Beartic! 00:08:10.684 --> 00:08:12.818 Tepig, come out and use Ember! 00:08:14.417 --> 00:08:17.284 Tepig! Bear! 00:08:18.950 --> 00:08:20.284 Nice one! 00:08:20.284 --> 00:08:21.651 Keep it up! 00:08:21.651 --> 00:08:23.850 Osha, Oshawott! 00:08:23.850 --> 00:08:25.950 Not you, Tepig! 00:08:25.950 --> 00:08:27.117 Bear! 00:08:27.117 --> 00:08:29.084 All right, leave the area immediately! 00:08:29.084 --> 00:08:30.983 'Kay! I'm outta here! 00:08:30.983 --> 00:08:32.983 I've had too much Beartic already! 00:08:32.983 --> 00:08:34.584 Iris, wait up! 00:08:34.584 --> 00:08:36.517 I'm sick of this forest! 00:08:39.617 --> 00:08:40.684 We're done for! 00:08:40.684 --> 00:08:43.050 You just leave it all to Meowth! 00:08:43.050 --> 00:08:45.617 You're forgetting one thing... 00:08:45.617 --> 00:08:47.417 I'm the Meowthiator! 00:08:47.417 --> 00:08:50.417 Fellas, what's with the chip on your shoulders, anyway? 00:08:50.417 --> 00:08:53.751 See, getting all upset isn't good for your health! 00:08:53.751 --> 00:08:55.784 Bear... 00:08:55.784 --> 00:08:57.751 Get hit once, shame on you! 00:08:57.751 --> 00:09:00.284 Get hit twice, shame on me! 00:09:00.284 --> 00:09:03.050 Now, tell Meowth what's wrong. 00:09:03.050 --> 00:09:05.950 Every little thing that's eating away at your insides! 00:09:05.950 --> 00:09:07.017 Bear! 00:09:07.017 --> 00:09:09.718 I said tell me, not freeze me! 00:09:09.718 --> 00:09:11.684 Bear! 00:09:11.684 --> 00:09:13.818 Uh-oh, out of the way! 00:09:19.284 --> 00:09:20.784 Axew! Cubchoo! 00:09:20.784 --> 00:09:22.917 Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika! 00:09:25.050 --> 00:09:26.651 Osha, Osha! 00:09:30.050 --> 00:09:31.751 Pikachu, no! 00:09:31.751 --> 00:09:33.551 Oshawott, Tepig! 00:09:33.551 --> 00:09:35.317 Axew! 00:09:42.584 --> 00:09:44.818 It happens night after night. 00:09:44.818 --> 00:09:48.017 Someone's got to be running a non-scheduled train! 00:09:48.017 --> 00:09:49.950 It's called the "Ghost Train." 00:09:49.950 --> 00:09:53.284 They say it ran further down the line just last night. 00:09:53.284 --> 00:09:55.850 We have to protect the Nimbasa City subway... 00:09:55.850 --> 00:09:59.017 We need to get to the bottom of this mystery! 00:09:59.017 --> 00:10:02.250 Whoever is behind this will be held accountable! 00:10:02.250 --> 00:10:03.551 ( both ) Right! 00:10:03.551 --> 00:10:05.584 That's because we're the Subway Bosses! 00:10:05.584 --> 00:10:07.317 We will not be stopped! 00:10:09.917 --> 00:10:11.517 Now's the time... 00:10:11.517 --> 00:10:13.718 Ready, let's go! 00:10:16.850 --> 00:10:18.351 Nothing! 00:10:18.351 --> 00:10:21.950 Nimbasa City is depending on our investigation! 00:10:21.950 --> 00:10:25.217 My instinct tells me we should proceed this way! 00:10:29.451 --> 00:10:31.417 It looks like we've got company. 00:10:31.417 --> 00:10:33.451 A fascinating pair! 00:10:33.451 --> 00:10:35.718 ( Jessie ) And they're a day late and a step behind. 00:10:35.718 --> 00:10:37.184 Everything's in place. 00:10:37.184 --> 00:10:39.551 All we need to do now is wait for Dr. Zager. 00:10:42.117 --> 00:10:44.317 ( all ) "Who's That Pokémon?" 00:10:47.484 --> 00:10:49.617 Pika... 00:10:49.617 --> 00:10:52.150 Tep... Pika! 00:10:52.150 --> 00:10:53.150 Tepig, Tepig! 00:10:53.150 --> 00:10:54.351 Pika, Pikachu! Axew, Axew. 00:10:54.351 --> 00:10:55.950 Oy! 00:10:55.950 --> 00:10:58.017 I hate roller coasters already. 00:10:58.017 --> 00:10:59.317 Osha, Oshawott! 00:10:59.317 --> 00:11:01.651 What do you mean it's my fault? 00:11:01.651 --> 00:11:02.883 None of this would've happened 00:11:02.883 --> 00:11:05.250 if you hadn't popped out of your Pokey Ball, bub! 00:11:05.250 --> 00:11:07.017 Osha, Oshawott, Wott! 00:11:07.017 --> 00:11:09.617 Pika, Pika, Pika! 00:11:09.617 --> 00:11:12.417 Pika, Pika, Pika, Pi, Pikachu. 00:11:12.417 --> 00:11:13.384 You're right. 00:11:13.384 --> 00:11:15.117 This is no time to be arguing. 00:11:15.117 --> 00:11:17.950 I'll bet you the rest of the twerps are worried sick! 00:11:17.950 --> 00:11:19.384 Pika! 00:11:19.384 --> 00:11:21.384 Axew! Cubchoo! 00:11:21.384 --> 00:11:23.317 Ew! Cubchoo! 00:11:25.184 --> 00:11:28.150 The only thing yelling will get us is an echo... 00:11:28.150 --> 00:11:29.917 Pikachu. 00:11:29.917 --> 00:11:31.651 Choo. 00:11:31.651 --> 00:11:33.684 Pikachu, Pika. 00:11:33.684 --> 00:11:36.150 Yeah, don't get your sniffling nose upset. 00:11:36.150 --> 00:11:39.718 We promised we'd get you home safe and sound and we deliver! 00:11:39.718 --> 00:11:41.184 Pika, Pika. 00:11:41.184 --> 00:11:43.584 Pika, Pikachu! 00:11:43.584 --> 00:11:45.551 Pikachu makes a good point. 00:11:45.551 --> 00:11:48.317 First thing we do is find the rest of the twerps! 00:11:48.317 --> 00:11:49.718 Whaddaya say? 00:11:49.718 --> 00:11:52.250 Pika! Tepig! 00:11:52.250 --> 00:11:54.050 Ew, Ew! 00:11:54.050 --> 00:11:55.250 Cub? 00:11:55.250 --> 00:11:57.983 It's not easy searching for Twerps without grub. 00:11:57.983 --> 00:11:59.317 We need a food run! 00:11:59.317 --> 00:12:00.551 Pika. 00:12:00.551 --> 00:12:01.950 Pika, Pika! Of course! 00:12:01.950 --> 00:12:04.317 Pikachu and I can do the food fetching! 00:12:04.317 --> 00:12:06.551 Pikachu, Pika, Pika! 00:12:06.551 --> 00:12:07.617 Tepig! 00:12:07.617 --> 00:12:08.917 It's a deal! 00:12:08.917 --> 00:12:10.117 Stay strong! 00:12:10.117 --> 00:12:11.883 You hang out here with Tepig until we come back 00:12:11.883 --> 00:12:13.983 with the goods! Tepig! 00:12:17.117 --> 00:12:18.950 I hope they're okay... 00:12:18.950 --> 00:12:21.617 It would be awful if they ran into any Beartic! 00:12:21.617 --> 00:12:22.651 Don't worry! 00:12:22.651 --> 00:12:24.150 I'm sure they're fine. 00:12:24.150 --> 00:12:26.017 Just a minute. 00:12:26.017 --> 00:12:27.883 The Beartic group that lives at the foot of the mountain 00:12:27.883 --> 00:12:29.983 forages for food just up ahead. 00:12:29.983 --> 00:12:31.117 They do? 00:12:31.117 --> 00:12:33.084 So this's as far as we go? 00:12:33.084 --> 00:12:35.084 But it's not like we can simply turn around 00:12:35.084 --> 00:12:36.351 after all this! 00:12:36.351 --> 00:12:38.384 Mienfoo, scope out the area! 00:12:38.384 --> 00:12:39.451 Mien! 00:12:44.084 --> 00:12:45.351 Mienfoo! 00:12:45.351 --> 00:12:46.517 What's wrong? 00:12:50.050 --> 00:12:52.950 ( Cilan ) All the berries are ruined! 00:12:52.950 --> 00:12:55.617 It must be from the storm that came through. 00:12:59.317 --> 00:13:01.084 ( Beartic ) Bear! 00:13:05.284 --> 00:13:07.317 ( Meowth ) Not a berry, not a piece of fruit, 00:13:07.317 --> 00:13:09.784 not a single thing to chow down on! 00:13:09.784 --> 00:13:12.950 A forest without food is like a day without sunshine! 00:13:12.950 --> 00:13:14.417 Pika. 00:13:14.417 --> 00:13:16.150 Osha! 00:13:16.150 --> 00:13:17.351 Osha! 00:13:17.351 --> 00:13:18.351 Pika! 00:13:18.351 --> 00:13:19.950 It's a berry bash! 00:13:19.950 --> 00:13:22.718 And the sun comes shining on down! 00:13:22.718 --> 00:13:24.818 And what goes around, comes around! 00:13:24.818 --> 00:13:26.417 Oshawott, Osha! 00:13:26.417 --> 00:13:27.751 Pika, Pika! 00:13:27.751 --> 00:13:29.317 Pika! 00:13:29.317 --> 00:13:30.584 Pika, Pika! 00:13:30.584 --> 00:13:31.818 Really? 00:13:31.818 --> 00:13:33.784 You think someone else hand-picked all of this? 00:13:33.784 --> 00:13:35.417 Pikachu! So what? 00:13:35.417 --> 00:13:36.850 You know the old saying... 00:13:36.850 --> 00:13:40.250 "It's finders keepers and losers weepers!" 00:13:40.250 --> 00:13:41.484 Osha, Osha! 00:13:41.484 --> 00:13:42.617 See? 00:13:42.617 --> 00:13:44.584 We're just a lucky link in the food chain! 00:13:44.584 --> 00:13:47.451 Tough toenails for whoever picked this grub! 00:13:47.451 --> 00:13:50.917 Oshawatt, Osha! Pika. 00:13:50.917 --> 00:13:53.217 Last one back's a rotten Pokeymon! 00:13:53.217 --> 00:13:54.850 Osha, Oshawott, Osha! 00:13:54.850 --> 00:13:56.050 Pika, Pika. 00:13:59.117 --> 00:14:01.050 Bear... 00:14:01.050 --> 00:14:03.818 Bear... 00:14:03.818 --> 00:14:06.117 Bear! 00:14:06.117 --> 00:14:09.050 Bear! 00:14:09.050 --> 00:14:11.684 Choo... Ew... 00:14:11.684 --> 00:14:12.784 Tasty, huh? 00:14:12.784 --> 00:14:13.784 'Course it is! 00:14:13.784 --> 00:14:15.050 Because we found it! 00:14:15.050 --> 00:14:16.384 Ax! 00:14:16.384 --> 00:14:18.184 Cubchoo, Cubchoo! 00:14:18.184 --> 00:14:19.818 I know you're grateful... 00:14:19.818 --> 00:14:22.184 but maybe you should keep your sniffly displays of affection 00:14:22.184 --> 00:14:24.883 to yourself, dig? 00:14:24.883 --> 00:14:26.883 Pika, Pika. 00:14:26.883 --> 00:14:28.883 Tepig. 00:14:28.883 --> 00:14:30.784 Osha, Osha, Osha! 00:14:30.784 --> 00:14:33.417 Oshawott, Osha! 00:14:33.417 --> 00:14:34.584 Oshawott! 00:14:34.584 --> 00:14:36.084 Relax! 00:14:36.084 --> 00:14:37.784 Stick with me and everything'll be a groove! 00:14:37.784 --> 00:14:40.084 With good ole' Meowth sitting in the driver's seat, 00:14:40.084 --> 00:14:41.751 who needs a map? 00:14:41.751 --> 00:14:43.317 Osha, Oshawott! 00:14:43.317 --> 00:14:45.718 Whaddaya mean you found the forest food? 00:14:45.718 --> 00:14:47.050 Stop being a stick in the mud 00:14:47.050 --> 00:14:50.584 and enjoy what life has to offer, 'kay? 00:14:50.584 --> 00:14:52.284 Osha? Pika! 00:14:56.818 --> 00:14:58.983 Every berry's been blown off the trees. 00:14:58.983 --> 00:15:01.217 The group that lives at the foot of the mountain 00:15:01.217 --> 00:15:03.150 must be starving! 00:15:03.150 --> 00:15:05.050 So they've been wandering far from home 00:15:05.050 --> 00:15:07.751 to gather as many berries as they can! 00:15:07.751 --> 00:15:10.050 Of course, then we showed up with Cubchoo. 00:15:10.050 --> 00:15:12.284 They must have attacked us because they assumed 00:15:12.284 --> 00:15:14.017 the Beartic group from the summit 00:15:14.017 --> 00:15:16.117 was trying to steal all of their food! 00:15:16.117 --> 00:15:18.084 We've gotta help them understand, 00:15:18.084 --> 00:15:20.150 or there'll be big trouble! 00:15:23.384 --> 00:15:24.651 Beartic! 00:15:24.651 --> 00:15:26.184 Beartic, Beartic, Bear! 00:15:26.184 --> 00:15:27.284 Who, us? 00:15:27.284 --> 00:15:28.950 We didn't steal anybody's berries! 00:15:28.950 --> 00:15:30.818 It's a free country, right? 00:15:30.818 --> 00:15:32.651 My buds were hungry! 00:15:32.651 --> 00:15:34.751 So, we went out on a food run and ran back 00:15:34.751 --> 00:15:36.084 with some supplies! 00:15:36.084 --> 00:15:37.084 Oshawott! 00:15:37.084 --> 00:15:38.417 Beartic, Beartic. 00:15:38.417 --> 00:15:39.417 Beartic, Bear! 00:15:39.417 --> 00:15:40.584 Hold the phone! 00:15:40.584 --> 00:15:42.384 We foraged for this food fair and square. 00:15:42.384 --> 00:15:44.751 Don't lay your hang ups on us! 00:15:44.751 --> 00:15:45.751 Uh... 00:15:45.751 --> 00:15:47.617 Pretty please? 00:15:47.617 --> 00:15:49.050 Osha! Pika! 00:15:49.050 --> 00:15:50.718 Tepig! Osha. 00:15:50.718 --> 00:15:51.983 Osha, Osha. 00:15:51.983 --> 00:15:53.651 Oshawott, Osha, Osha, Oshawott! 00:15:53.651 --> 00:15:56.084 I prefer not to be anyone's punching bag... 00:15:56.084 --> 00:15:57.917 You battle them if you want! 00:15:57.917 --> 00:15:59.551 Osha, Osha, Osha, Osha. 00:16:02.384 --> 00:16:03.784 Oshawott! 00:16:03.784 --> 00:16:06.284 I agree it's good to share and share alike... 00:16:06.284 --> 00:16:07.351 Hey, look! 00:16:07.351 --> 00:16:09.017 Why don't we let bygones be bygones 00:16:09.017 --> 00:16:12.651 and realize we can all be tummy-deep in yummy berries? 00:16:15.818 --> 00:16:17.917 Beartic! 00:16:17.917 --> 00:16:19.517 Okay, that's a wrap! 00:16:19.517 --> 00:16:22.784 Even The Meowthiator can't solve all the world's food problems! 00:16:22.784 --> 00:16:24.617 Pika, Pika! 00:16:24.617 --> 00:16:26.417 Pika, Pika! Beartic! 00:16:26.417 --> 00:16:27.784 Pika, Pika! 00:16:27.784 --> 00:16:29.084 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:16:29.084 --> 00:16:31.317 Bear, Bear, Beartic! 00:16:33.384 --> 00:16:35.250 Beartic! 00:16:41.417 --> 00:16:42.484 Cub! 00:16:42.484 --> 00:16:43.651 Cub, Cubchoo! 00:16:43.651 --> 00:16:46.150 Beartic. 00:16:46.150 --> 00:16:47.818 Pikachu, everyone! 00:16:47.818 --> 00:16:49.818 Thank goodness you're all right! 00:16:49.818 --> 00:16:52.417 Pika, Pi! Axew, Ew! 00:16:52.417 --> 00:16:54.883 Beartic! 00:16:54.883 --> 00:16:55.983 Hold on! 00:16:55.983 --> 00:16:57.250 The Beartic group from the summit 00:16:57.250 --> 00:16:59.217 didn't come here to take your food! 00:16:59.217 --> 00:17:01.751 They only came here to rescue their Cubchoo friend! 00:17:01.751 --> 00:17:05.150 Beartic, Bear! 00:17:05.150 --> 00:17:06.818 Mienfoo, use Quick Guard! 00:17:06.818 --> 00:17:10.417 Mienfoo! 00:17:12.651 --> 00:17:16.850 Beartic! Bear! 00:17:16.850 --> 00:17:18.084 What's that? 00:17:18.084 --> 00:17:19.818 It's called Sheer Cold! 00:17:19.818 --> 00:17:21.784 Beartic! 00:17:24.950 --> 00:17:26.818 Pika! 00:17:29.617 --> 00:17:31.818 Is everybody all right? 00:17:31.818 --> 00:17:33.850 I sure hope so! 00:17:33.850 --> 00:17:36.117 That was some spicy dish they served! 00:17:36.117 --> 00:17:37.184 Mien! 00:17:37.184 --> 00:17:38.451 Mienfoo! 00:17:43.751 --> 00:17:45.451 Get up, quick! 00:17:45.451 --> 00:17:47.317 Pikachu, use Thunderbolt! 00:17:47.317 --> 00:17:48.317 Oshawott, Water Gun! 00:17:48.317 --> 00:17:49.651 Tepig, Ember! 00:17:49.651 --> 00:17:51.917 Tepig! Pikachu! 00:17:54.084 --> 00:17:56.050 Wott! 00:17:56.050 --> 00:17:57.684 Pig! 00:17:59.584 --> 00:18:01.184 We're Pokey-toast! 00:18:01.184 --> 00:18:02.651 Bear! 00:18:02.651 --> 00:18:05.050 Bear! 00:18:05.050 --> 00:18:07.017 Bear! Tic! 00:18:07.017 --> 00:18:08.384 Bear! 00:18:08.384 --> 00:18:10.217 Beartic! 00:18:16.284 --> 00:18:18.317 Bear? 00:18:18.317 --> 00:18:21.684 Bear? Tic! 00:18:21.684 --> 00:18:24.217 Beartic! Beartic! 00:18:24.217 --> 00:18:26.184 Meowth, Cubchoo! Axew! 00:18:26.184 --> 00:18:28.217 You okay? Pika, Pika! 00:18:28.217 --> 00:18:30.917 No toast is being served today! 00:18:30.917 --> 00:18:32.751 Cub, Cubchoo! Axew, Axew! 00:18:32.751 --> 00:18:34.317 Cub, Cub! 00:18:34.317 --> 00:18:36.384 Sometimes Ice-types can be cold... 00:18:36.384 --> 00:18:38.417 but you're warm and fuzzy! 00:18:38.417 --> 00:18:39.351 Beartic! 00:18:39.351 --> 00:18:41.751 Cub, Cub, Cub! Choo, Choo, Choo! 00:18:44.150 --> 00:18:46.317 These mountain Pokémon avoided a lot of trouble 00:18:46.317 --> 00:18:48.117 by working together. 00:18:48.117 --> 00:18:50.617 That's bound to help clear things up. 00:18:52.017 --> 00:18:53.517 Hope so! 00:18:53.517 --> 00:18:55.983 I never wanna have to go through that schmegegge again. 00:18:55.983 --> 00:18:58.651 Taking a cold shower is a whole lot safer... 00:18:58.651 --> 00:19:01.384 No thank you! 00:19:01.384 --> 00:19:04.117 Uh, you know, a simple thank you card is fine! 00:19:07.017 --> 00:19:09.284 Cubchoo! 00:19:09.284 --> 00:19:10.718 Take care, Cubchoo! 00:19:10.718 --> 00:19:12.818 Bye! Pika, Pika! 00:19:12.818 --> 00:19:14.684 Don't forget to write! 00:19:14.684 --> 00:19:16.451 Cubchoo! 00:19:19.784 --> 00:19:22.284 I'm gonna miss that kid. 00:19:22.284 --> 00:19:25.251 Feeling lonely, are we? Ew, Ew? 00:19:25.250 --> 00:19:27.084 Curb your tongue, twerp! 00:19:27.084 --> 00:19:29.784 "Lonely" doesn't even exist in my dictionary! 00:19:29.784 --> 00:19:32.784 I'm rough and tough and filled with hard-boiled stuff! 00:19:32.784 --> 00:19:34.684 I know the Beartic group that lives 00:19:34.684 --> 00:19:36.384 at the foot of the mountain needs help. 00:19:36.384 --> 00:19:38.317 Mienfoo and I will guide them to a forest 00:19:38.317 --> 00:19:40.551 that wasn't damaged by the storm! 00:19:40.551 --> 00:19:42.617 Mien, Mienfoo, Foo, Mien! 00:19:42.617 --> 00:19:43.718 Hear that? 00:19:43.718 --> 00:19:45.317 There's a forest with plenty of food! 00:19:45.317 --> 00:19:46.784 Bear! Bear! 00:19:46.784 --> 00:19:47.917 Awesome! 00:19:47.917 --> 00:19:49.050 We've gotta get going, now... 00:19:49.050 --> 00:19:51.184 Right! Please travel safely! 00:19:51.184 --> 00:19:52.284 We will! 00:19:52.284 --> 00:19:54.217 Thank you! Bye! 00:19:54.217 --> 00:19:55.617 Yeah! 00:19:55.617 --> 00:19:57.584 Nimbasa City, here we come! 00:19:57.584 --> 00:19:58.751 Pika! 00:19:58.751 --> 00:20:00.617 Come on, let's move it! 00:20:00.617 --> 00:20:04.217 ( narrator ) And so, our heroes' Nimbasa City journey is back on track, 00:20:04.217 --> 00:20:07.850 while a lost Cubchoo is reunited with its family and friends. 00:20:07.850 --> 00:20:09.718 But you can be sure the same questions 00:20:09.718 --> 00:20:11.184 are still on Ash's mind: 00:20:11.184 --> 00:20:14.551 What kind of gym and gym leader await him there? 00:20:14.551 --> 00:20:19.084 ( Dr. Zager ) Make sure you don't attract the attention of Ingo and Emmet, 00:20:19.084 --> 00:20:20.617 the subway bosses... 00:20:20.617 --> 00:20:23.351 You must stay invisible until our mission 00:20:23.351 --> 00:20:25.617 is successfully underway! 00:20:25.617 --> 00:20:27.117 Not to worry... 00:20:27.117 --> 00:20:29.751 Even if those two were to somehow discover us, 00:20:29.751 --> 00:20:32.784 it wouldn't have any effect. 00:20:32.784 --> 00:20:35.917 ( Jessie ) And soon, Nimbasa City will be consumed with fear 00:20:35.917 --> 00:20:37.651 and chaos... 00:20:37.651 --> 00:20:39.050 Good times. 00:20:43.651 --> 00:20:45.250 ( all ) "It's Cubchoo!" 00:20:45.250 --> 00:20:47.217 Cubchoo!