WEBVTT 00:00:01.718 --> 00:00:04.017 ( narrator ) After their arrival in Nimbasa Town, 00:00:04.017 --> 00:00:07.117 as opposed to Nimbasa City, our heroes have all entered 00:00:07.117 --> 00:00:09.617 the Nimbasa Pokémon battle tournament. 00:00:09.617 --> 00:00:11.150 It's nicknamed the "club battle" 00:00:11.150 --> 00:00:13.484 after Don George's Pokémon Battle Club, 00:00:13.484 --> 00:00:14.684 which sponsors the event, 00:00:14.684 --> 00:00:17.250 and the excitement has been sizzling! 00:00:17.250 --> 00:00:20.050 Ash brilliantly defeated Burgundy in round one, 00:00:20.050 --> 00:00:22.850 using his Palpitoad for the first time in battle. 00:00:22.850 --> 00:00:25.384 And now, his second round awaits! 00:00:25.384 --> 00:00:28.351 ♪ It's always hard when the journey begins ♪ 00:00:28.351 --> 00:00:30.050 ♪ Hard to find your way ♪ 00:00:30.050 --> 00:00:32.517 ♪ Hard to make new friends ♪ 00:00:32.517 --> 00:00:35.818 ♪ But there's nothing you can't do ♪ 00:00:35.818 --> 00:00:39.084 ♪ 'Cause you've got the power inside of you ♪ 00:00:39.084 --> 00:00:42.317 ♪ It's not always black and white ♪ 00:00:42.317 --> 00:00:46.317 ♪ But your heart always knows what's right ♪ 00:00:46.317 --> 00:00:48.751 ♪ It's not about win or lose ♪ 00:00:48.751 --> 00:00:50.751 ♪ It's the path you choose ♪ 00:00:50.751 --> 00:00:54.351 ♪ Let the journey begin ♪ 00:00:54.351 --> 00:00:55.784 ♪ Pokémon ♪♪ 00:01:00.384 --> 00:01:04.718 ( Ash ) "Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!" 00:01:04.718 --> 00:01:07.884 ( Freddy ) Ladies and gentlemen, the club battle's temperature is going up 00:01:07.883 --> 00:01:10.184 minute by excitement-charged minute, 00:01:10.184 --> 00:01:12.084 with the beautiful and extremely rare 00:01:12.084 --> 00:01:14.751 seven-feather Top-Class Driftveil Wing Set 00:01:14.751 --> 00:01:16.217 hanging in the balance! 00:01:16.217 --> 00:01:19.417 So hang onto your seats, because our next match will be... 00:01:19.417 --> 00:01:23.384 Trip versus Striaton City Gym Leader Cilan! 00:01:23.384 --> 00:01:26.784 So, Don George, how do you see this next battle shaping up? 00:01:26.784 --> 00:01:29.818 Freddy, the fact is Cilan is one of the three gym leaders 00:01:29.818 --> 00:01:31.584 of the Striaton gym, 00:01:31.584 --> 00:01:35.384 and that means he's going to be one tough opponent, no doubt. 00:01:36.917 --> 00:01:39.751 I remember your battle at the Striaton gym. 00:01:39.751 --> 00:01:42.484 Perhaps some of that flavor will emerge here! 00:01:42.484 --> 00:01:45.617 My Pokémon and I have come a long way since then. 00:01:45.617 --> 00:01:47.950 I'm sure our battle today will be much more exciting 00:01:47.950 --> 00:01:50.983 than when I beat your brother, gym leader Chili! 00:01:50.983 --> 00:01:52.551 Can't wait to see what kind of battle 00:01:52.551 --> 00:01:54.384 Cilan and Trip are gonna have. 00:01:54.384 --> 00:01:56.484 Trip really seems confident, 00:01:56.484 --> 00:01:59.451 but I can't imagine Cilan actually losing. 00:01:59.451 --> 00:02:01.751 I can and he will! 00:02:01.751 --> 00:02:05.084 I want Cilan to get the smack down of his Connoisseur life, 00:02:05.084 --> 00:02:06.950 and I hope that Trip delivers it. 00:02:06.950 --> 00:02:09.584 Who cares if he's an A-class Connoisseur? 00:02:09.584 --> 00:02:11.084 I want revenge! 00:02:11.084 --> 00:02:13.117 All right, begin! 00:02:13.117 --> 00:02:15.217 All right, Dwebble, let's go! 00:02:17.451 --> 00:02:18.684 Dweb. 00:02:18.684 --> 00:02:20.451 Gurdurr, you're up! 00:02:22.417 --> 00:02:24.751 Durr, Durr, Durr, Durr! 00:02:24.751 --> 00:02:25.883 Durr! 00:02:27.017 --> 00:02:29.084 Gurdurr! 00:02:29.084 --> 00:02:31.718 Whoa, a Gurdurr! 00:02:31.718 --> 00:02:33.917 ( man ) Gurdurr, the Muscular Pokémon 00:02:33.917 --> 00:02:35.818 and the evolved form of Timburr. 00:02:35.818 --> 00:02:38.384 Gurdurr trains its muscles by carrying a steel beam. 00:02:38.384 --> 00:02:39.651 With its amazing strength, 00:02:39.651 --> 00:02:41.883 even professional wrestlers can't move it. 00:02:41.883 --> 00:02:43.718 Wow, it evolved! 00:02:43.718 --> 00:02:45.250 That was the Timburr we battled! 00:02:46.617 --> 00:02:48.084 We'll make the first move. 00:02:48.084 --> 00:02:49.484 Dwebble, X-Scissor! 00:02:49.484 --> 00:02:51.617 Dweb! Gurdurr, dodge it! 00:02:51.617 --> 00:02:52.917 Gurdurr! 00:02:52.917 --> 00:02:55.917 Gurdurr, Gurdurr! 00:02:55.917 --> 00:02:59.551 Durr, Durr, Durr, Durr! 00:02:59.551 --> 00:03:01.351 Dweb, Dwebble! 00:03:01.351 --> 00:03:03.451 Now, Dwebble, use Slash! 00:03:03.451 --> 00:03:05.850 Dwebble! Gurdurr, keep your distance! 00:03:05.850 --> 00:03:07.250 Gurdurr, Gurdurr! 00:03:07.250 --> 00:03:09.117 Dwebble! 00:03:09.850 --> 00:03:11.351 Dweb! 00:03:11.351 --> 00:03:14.250 Gurdurr's using its steel beam with great skill! 00:03:14.250 --> 00:03:16.017 Dwebble can't even get close! 00:03:16.017 --> 00:03:17.883 It's nice to see a great defense 00:03:17.883 --> 00:03:19.751 like that being utilized. 00:03:19.751 --> 00:03:21.184 Gurdurr, Rock Smash! 00:03:21.184 --> 00:03:23.451 Gurdurr! 00:03:23.451 --> 00:03:26.883 Gur... 00:03:26.883 --> 00:03:28.751 Gurdurr! 00:03:28.751 --> 00:03:30.150 Quick, Dwebble, get away! 00:03:30.150 --> 00:03:33.883 Dwebble! Gurdurr! 00:03:35.584 --> 00:03:37.484 The rock on its back's been cracked! 00:03:37.484 --> 00:03:38.784 All Gurdurr has to do 00:03:38.784 --> 00:03:41.150 is keep it up and I'll be one happy Connaisseuse! 00:03:41.150 --> 00:03:42.551 Come on, Cilan! 00:03:42.551 --> 00:03:44.217 Dwebble, you can do it! 00:03:44.217 --> 00:03:45.584 Pika, Pika! 00:03:45.584 --> 00:03:47.150 Use Rock Smash once more! 00:03:47.150 --> 00:03:49.351 Gurdurr! Now, Dwebble, retreat! 00:03:49.351 --> 00:03:51.184 Dwebble, Dwebble, Dwebble, Dwebble... 00:03:51.184 --> 00:03:52.950 Durr! Use Stone Edge! 00:03:52.950 --> 00:03:55.617 Gur! 00:03:55.617 --> 00:03:58.050 Gurdurr! 00:03:58.050 --> 00:03:59.584 Dwebble! 00:03:59.584 --> 00:04:00.818 Dwebble, no! 00:04:00.818 --> 00:04:02.718 Pika! Oui! 00:04:02.718 --> 00:04:04.718 And Gurdurr lands a ground-shaking 00:04:04.718 --> 00:04:06.451 and powerful Stone Edge! 00:04:06.451 --> 00:04:09.718 That was a super-effective move. 00:04:09.718 --> 00:04:12.017 Man, am I getting the best footage! 00:04:12.017 --> 00:04:14.084 This is gonna turn out great! 00:04:14.084 --> 00:04:15.883 My best movie ever! 00:04:15.883 --> 00:04:17.584 Dwebble... 00:04:17.584 --> 00:04:19.850 Hey, Luke, have you seen Zorua? 00:04:19.850 --> 00:04:22.818 Bianca, I'm trying to make a movie, you know... 00:04:22.818 --> 00:04:26.017 What? You can't just make a movie now! 00:04:26.017 --> 00:04:27.651 Your Zorua's missing! 00:04:27.651 --> 00:04:29.950 Uh, guess you're right. 00:04:31.917 --> 00:04:34.850 So, you're still not throwing in the towel. 00:04:34.850 --> 00:04:36.217 I'm impressed! 00:04:36.217 --> 00:04:38.451 You've definitely grown stronger, Trip. 00:04:38.451 --> 00:04:40.617 A much more palatable style! 00:04:40.617 --> 00:04:42.850 However, it's my turn! 00:04:42.850 --> 00:04:46.084 I call it... evaluating time! 00:04:46.084 --> 00:04:49.284 Looks like we're in store for another Connoisseur moment. 00:04:49.284 --> 00:04:50.718 Axew! 00:04:50.718 --> 00:04:53.584 If it's Cilan's evaluating time, I want him to flunk! 00:04:53.584 --> 00:04:56.684 Trip, Gurdurr has good technique and power, 00:04:56.684 --> 00:04:59.084 weaving them into harmonious attacks! 00:04:59.084 --> 00:05:02.217 I also admire Gurdurr's well-defined muscles, 00:05:02.217 --> 00:05:05.150 demonstrating a refreshing, yet bold style. 00:05:05.150 --> 00:05:08.718 However, Dwebble and I are going to emerge victorious! 00:05:08.718 --> 00:05:10.250 With offense! 00:05:10.250 --> 00:05:11.784 And defense! 00:05:11.784 --> 00:05:14.050 A recipe for success! 00:05:14.050 --> 00:05:16.784 A delicious pairing that surpasses even yours! 00:05:16.784 --> 00:05:18.351 Dwebble! 00:05:18.351 --> 00:05:20.250 Yeah, you tell them, Cilan, go! 00:05:20.250 --> 00:05:21.451 Pika! 00:05:21.451 --> 00:05:23.417 Whatever! Gurdurr, DynamicPunch! 00:05:23.417 --> 00:05:25.917 Gur! Dweb! 00:05:25.917 --> 00:05:27.017 Durr! Dweb! 00:05:27.017 --> 00:05:29.084 Gurdurr! Dweb! 00:05:29.084 --> 00:05:30.551 Oh dear... 00:05:30.551 --> 00:05:32.484 Where could Zorua be? 00:05:32.484 --> 00:05:35.284 There's nowhere else to look! 00:05:35.284 --> 00:05:37.217 Georgia! 00:05:37.217 --> 00:05:39.718 You haven't seen Zorua, have you? 00:05:41.517 --> 00:05:43.017 I see... 00:05:45.517 --> 00:05:47.451 Georgia! 00:05:47.451 --> 00:05:49.883 You haven't seen Zorua, have you? 00:05:54.983 --> 00:05:57.050 Hey, let go! 00:06:01.217 --> 00:06:03.317 Zorua! Wait up! 00:06:03.317 --> 00:06:05.150 Let's watch the tournament together! 00:06:05.150 --> 00:06:07.517 You don't have to be shy around me! 00:06:07.517 --> 00:06:10.017 I've got some really yummy Pokémon food for you! 00:06:11.451 --> 00:06:13.517 They sure can stir things up... 00:06:13.517 --> 00:06:16.818 Get close to Dwebble and attack! 00:06:16.818 --> 00:06:18.084 Dwebble, Shell Smash! 00:06:18.084 --> 00:06:21.983 Dwebble! Dwebble! 00:06:21.983 --> 00:06:24.017 All right! Now use Rock Slide! 00:06:24.017 --> 00:06:25.551 Dweb! 00:06:29.850 --> 00:06:32.050 What happened? Dwebble's Rock Slide 00:06:32.050 --> 00:06:34.150 makes contact with brilliance and flair! 00:06:34.150 --> 00:06:36.617 Shell Smash decreases Dwebble's defense, 00:06:36.617 --> 00:06:38.484 but it also increases its offense, 00:06:38.484 --> 00:06:42.250 making Dwebble's Rock Slide an even more powerful attack! 00:06:42.250 --> 00:06:44.150 Wait! Is that allowed? 00:06:44.150 --> 00:06:45.384 'Course it is. 00:06:45.384 --> 00:06:47.551 It's so cool that Dwebble can use Rock Slide! 00:06:47.551 --> 00:06:48.784 Axew! 00:06:48.784 --> 00:06:50.084 Great offense! 00:06:50.084 --> 00:06:52.317 It's comeback time! Pika! 00:06:55.284 --> 00:06:56.651 Gurdurr, get out of there! 00:06:56.651 --> 00:06:59.050 Gurdurr! 00:06:59.050 --> 00:07:01.950 Now, Dwebble, I think it's Slash time! 00:07:01.950 --> 00:07:03.451 Dweb, Dwebble! 00:07:08.950 --> 00:07:11.484 Gurdurr, no! 00:07:11.484 --> 00:07:14.883 Get up, Gurdurr, I know you can still battle! 00:07:14.883 --> 00:07:17.484 Gurdurr. 00:07:17.484 --> 00:07:19.384 Gurdurr is unable to battle. 00:07:19.384 --> 00:07:20.950 Dwebble wins. 00:07:20.950 --> 00:07:23.551 So, the winner is Cilan! 00:07:23.551 --> 00:07:26.551 ( Freddy ) Cilan has won the first round, 00:07:26.551 --> 00:07:28.718 which means, he moves on to round two. 00:07:28.718 --> 00:07:31.184 That was truly a spectacular battle, 00:07:31.184 --> 00:07:33.050 excellent power and skill. 00:07:33.050 --> 00:07:34.517 Dwebble, thanks! 00:07:34.517 --> 00:07:37.217 It was your great talent that made our battle such a treat. 00:07:37.217 --> 00:07:39.317 Dweb! 00:07:39.317 --> 00:07:41.284 I'm chronicling my journey, 00:07:41.284 --> 00:07:44.818 so I never forget this defeat... 00:07:48.217 --> 00:07:49.751 Dwebble! Any questions? 00:07:49.751 --> 00:07:51.050 Fire away! 00:07:51.050 --> 00:07:53.284 ( Luke ) Come on! 00:07:53.284 --> 00:07:56.451 That's my camera, so give it back! 00:08:00.517 --> 00:08:03.351 I guess there's no interview, then! 00:08:03.351 --> 00:08:04.751 That Cilan! 00:08:04.751 --> 00:08:07.317 He'd better lose his second match or else! 00:08:07.317 --> 00:08:10.050 Lose, lose, lose! 00:08:10.050 --> 00:08:11.117 Finally! 00:08:11.117 --> 00:08:13.284 I've been looking for Zorua! 00:08:13.284 --> 00:08:16.351 Bianca, you're up next, you know... 00:08:16.351 --> 00:08:18.117 Really? No kidding? 00:08:18.117 --> 00:08:21.718 You bet. And you're gonna be up against me, so look out. 00:08:21.718 --> 00:08:23.217 You're next, Ash, 00:08:23.217 --> 00:08:25.217 right after I win this battle! 00:08:30.684 --> 00:08:33.850 Folks, the battle between Minccino and Zebstrika 00:08:33.850 --> 00:08:35.451 continues to heat up! 00:08:35.451 --> 00:08:37.284 Ccino, Ccino! Minccino! 00:08:37.284 --> 00:08:39.317 Minccino, Ccino, Ccino, Ccino, Ccino! 00:08:39.317 --> 00:08:40.983 Minccino, keep it up! 00:08:40.983 --> 00:08:43.284 Go, go, Minccino! Axew! 00:08:43.284 --> 00:08:44.617 Pika, Pika! 00:08:44.617 --> 00:08:46.284 Minccino's looking pretty good! 00:08:46.284 --> 00:08:47.551 Minccino, DoubleSlap! 00:08:47.551 --> 00:08:51.883 Minccino! Minccino! 00:08:51.883 --> 00:08:53.883 All right, use Hyper Voice! 00:08:53.883 --> 00:08:55.883 Minccino! 00:08:57.351 --> 00:08:59.150 Hang in there, Zebstrika, 00:08:59.150 --> 00:09:00.850 show them both you can take it! 00:09:00.850 --> 00:09:02.584 Zeb. 00:09:02.584 --> 00:09:05.584 Zebstrika! 00:09:05.584 --> 00:09:07.384 All right, now it's our turn! 00:09:07.384 --> 00:09:09.217 Use Shock Wave! 00:09:09.217 --> 00:09:12.950 Zebstrika! 00:09:14.351 --> 00:09:16.184 Ccino! 00:09:16.184 --> 00:09:18.050 Minccino, stay strong! 00:09:18.050 --> 00:09:19.517 Wrap it up with Stomp! 00:09:19.517 --> 00:09:21.150 Zeb! 00:09:21.150 --> 00:09:23.084 Ccino, Ccino... 00:09:26.551 --> 00:09:28.351 Ccino... 00:09:28.351 --> 00:09:30.517 Minccino is unable to battle, 00:09:30.517 --> 00:09:32.850 so Zebstrika's the winner 00:09:32.850 --> 00:09:35.451 and Steffen wins the match! 00:09:36.883 --> 00:09:38.484 Got my name wrong again... 00:09:38.484 --> 00:09:40.451 Who cares? 00:09:40.451 --> 00:09:43.284 Minccino, you okay? 00:09:43.284 --> 00:09:44.983 Ccino! 00:09:44.983 --> 00:09:46.950 It's not fair! 00:09:49.584 --> 00:09:51.084 Golett! 00:09:51.084 --> 00:09:52.718 Golett, use Shadow Punch! 00:09:52.718 --> 00:09:54.950 Gol... 00:09:59.983 --> 00:10:01.517 Emol! 00:10:01.517 --> 00:10:03.617 Watch, Watchog! 00:10:03.617 --> 00:10:05.250 Emolga, Hidden Power! 00:10:05.250 --> 00:10:07.384 Molga! 00:10:07.384 --> 00:10:09.117 Watchog! 00:10:09.117 --> 00:10:11.317 ( Freddy ) And Iris is the winner! 00:10:11.317 --> 00:10:13.584 Now, up on the big screen are the eight trainers 00:10:13.584 --> 00:10:16.684 who will be moving on to the second round! 00:10:16.684 --> 00:10:18.651 Remember! 00:10:18.651 --> 00:10:21.651 Tomorrow we have round two and then the semifinals! 00:10:21.651 --> 00:10:23.317 I suggest all our trainers 00:10:23.317 --> 00:10:27.050 get back to the Pokémon Center and get lots of rest. 00:10:27.050 --> 00:10:30.217 That's all, you're dismissed! 00:10:31.684 --> 00:10:34.784 Hey, Trip, where are you going? 00:10:34.784 --> 00:10:36.150 Gurdurr's been healed, 00:10:36.150 --> 00:10:37.950 so there's no reason to stick around. 00:10:37.950 --> 00:10:40.117 Besides, I've got things to do. 00:10:40.117 --> 00:10:42.217 But the competition's not over yet. 00:10:42.217 --> 00:10:44.017 The second round's tomorrow! 00:10:44.017 --> 00:10:46.818 Yeah? Well, so what? 00:10:46.818 --> 00:10:49.617 Look, it's not like my Pokémon are gonna become stronger 00:10:49.617 --> 00:10:52.284 just from watching other people have battles. 00:10:52.284 --> 00:10:55.250 Basic stuff. 00:10:55.250 --> 00:10:56.417 Trip! 00:10:56.417 --> 00:10:58.784 Ash? 00:10:58.784 --> 00:11:00.384 To each his own. 00:11:00.384 --> 00:11:02.684 People just have to be the way they are, 00:11:02.684 --> 00:11:03.950 the same with Trip. 00:11:03.950 --> 00:11:07.684 You're right, Cilan, but I still don't get him. 00:11:07.684 --> 00:11:08.917 Hey, Trip! 00:11:08.917 --> 00:11:10.584 Next time I see you, let's have a battle! 00:11:10.584 --> 00:11:11.818 What do you say? 00:11:16.651 --> 00:11:18.983 ( all ) "Who's That Pokémon?" 00:11:25.384 --> 00:11:26.850 This is delicious! 00:11:26.850 --> 00:11:28.084 Thank you! 00:11:28.084 --> 00:11:29.351 Its powerful flavor comes from 00:11:29.351 --> 00:11:31.217 the freshest ingredients available, 00:11:31.217 --> 00:11:36.050 an excellent dish to serve club battle competitors. 00:11:36.050 --> 00:11:37.850 You've got that right, Cilan! 00:11:37.850 --> 00:11:39.050 Hey, Steffen. 00:11:39.050 --> 00:11:41.250 Ash, the name is Stephan! 00:11:41.250 --> 00:11:43.551 But, whatever, let's eat! 00:11:43.551 --> 00:11:46.983 It's time to load up for tomorrow's big battle. 00:11:46.983 --> 00:11:50.384 Of course, you could be battling me tomorrow, you know. 00:11:54.684 --> 00:11:55.850 Can't beat me! 00:11:55.850 --> 00:11:58.017 Only little kids could have a club battle 00:11:58.017 --> 00:11:59.950 over eating dinner. 00:12:02.084 --> 00:12:04.284 Oh, Zorua, it's you! 00:12:04.284 --> 00:12:06.017 ( Bianca ) There you are! 00:12:08.150 --> 00:12:10.384 I know, let's eat together, Zorua. 00:12:10.384 --> 00:12:11.517 What do you like? 00:12:11.517 --> 00:12:13.818 Some pizza? Maybe a salad? 00:12:13.818 --> 00:12:16.751 Or skip it and go right to dessert? 00:12:16.751 --> 00:12:18.950 Ax! 00:12:18.950 --> 00:12:20.950 Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew! 00:12:22.250 --> 00:12:23.883 Ax, Ax, Ax! 00:12:23.883 --> 00:12:25.751 Ax, Ax, Ax! 00:12:25.751 --> 00:12:28.451 Axew! Axew! 00:12:28.451 --> 00:12:31.184 Come on, Zorua! 00:12:31.184 --> 00:12:33.084 Come here to Bianca! 00:12:33.084 --> 00:12:34.351 Ax! 00:12:34.351 --> 00:12:36.818 Excuse me, but that's my Axew you're squeezing! 00:12:36.818 --> 00:12:38.950 No, sorry, but this's Zorua! 00:12:38.950 --> 00:12:40.718 Sorry, but that's Axew! 00:12:40.718 --> 00:12:42.351 No, it's Zorua! 00:12:42.351 --> 00:12:43.950 Axew! Zorua! 00:12:45.917 --> 00:12:48.517 There's nothing like real behind-the-scenes footage 00:12:48.517 --> 00:12:50.950 to make a documentary come to life! 00:12:50.950 --> 00:12:53.718 It's "The Truth Behind The Pokémon Trainer!" 00:12:56.250 --> 00:12:59.117 Zorua! I was wondering where you were. 00:12:59.117 --> 00:13:01.651 Stop wandering off, okay? 00:13:03.850 --> 00:13:05.850 Hey, wait up, Zorua! 00:13:05.850 --> 00:13:08.351 Where are you going? 00:13:08.351 --> 00:13:10.050 I'm gonna win! 00:13:10.050 --> 00:13:11.250 No, me! 00:13:11.250 --> 00:13:12.617 Pika, Pika! 00:13:12.617 --> 00:13:15.150 Where does Bianca get that energy? 00:13:15.150 --> 00:13:16.417 Axew. 00:13:17.551 --> 00:13:19.184 Such hungry little kids... 00:13:19.184 --> 00:13:20.850 Ew! 00:13:21.850 --> 00:13:23.150 'Kay, that's it. 00:13:23.150 --> 00:13:25.351 I'm stuffed and ready for tomorrow's battle! 00:13:25.351 --> 00:13:27.050 Pikachu... 00:13:30.950 --> 00:13:33.517 Wow, you're fixing your home! 00:13:33.517 --> 00:13:36.284 Awesome! 00:13:36.284 --> 00:13:38.050 Dweb, Dwebble! 00:13:38.050 --> 00:13:41.150 That's good, because I might need you in the second round. 00:13:41.150 --> 00:13:43.317 If the time comes, you'll be ready! 00:13:43.317 --> 00:13:46.684 ( Burgundy ) There's no need for you to be ready for anything. 00:13:46.684 --> 00:13:49.484 Tomorrow's battle will prove it, you'll see. 00:13:49.484 --> 00:13:51.718 Any pairing you come with 00:13:51.718 --> 00:13:54.217 will be a complete mistake, bien sur. 00:13:54.217 --> 00:13:55.850 Uh, why? 00:13:55.850 --> 00:13:57.917 You'll have the worst-tasting battle ever 00:13:57.917 --> 00:14:00.017 and be defeated misérable! 00:14:00.017 --> 00:14:01.284 And don't forget, 00:14:01.284 --> 00:14:04.584 it's just as I predicted in my reevaluation! 00:14:04.584 --> 00:14:06.250 Au revoir! 00:14:08.050 --> 00:14:10.050 Doesn't she ever give it a rest? 00:14:10.050 --> 00:14:11.317 Pika! 00:14:11.317 --> 00:14:14.751 She proves there's such a thing as too much spice. 00:14:22.084 --> 00:14:23.883 Yahoo! Pika! 00:14:23.883 --> 00:14:25.917 I'm here, I'm psyched and I'm gonna win! 00:14:25.917 --> 00:14:28.150 Pika, Pikachu! 00:14:28.150 --> 00:14:31.084 You sound really pumped up, Ash! 00:14:31.084 --> 00:14:32.150 You bet! 00:14:32.150 --> 00:14:34.217 Watching you yesterday, I realized... 00:14:34.217 --> 00:14:37.250 you've actually gotten a teensy bit stronger. 00:14:37.250 --> 00:14:38.584 What's the matter? 00:14:38.584 --> 00:14:40.150 You scared? No way! 00:14:40.150 --> 00:14:41.718 It's actually good for me. 00:14:41.718 --> 00:14:43.584 Great Dragon Busters need a good challenge 00:14:43.584 --> 00:14:46.784 to make beating the pants off someone like you worthwhile! 00:14:46.784 --> 00:14:48.950 Still stuck thinking you can beat me, huh? 00:14:48.950 --> 00:14:51.150 Dream on, girl! 00:14:51.150 --> 00:14:53.818 Excuse me, but my dreams are real, girl! 00:14:53.818 --> 00:14:55.017 Sorry... 00:14:55.017 --> 00:14:56.617 Big dream! 00:14:56.617 --> 00:14:58.084 Coming from such a little kid... 00:14:58.084 --> 00:15:00.184 Oh yeah, I'm a kid all right. 00:15:00.184 --> 00:15:03.484 So are you. 00:15:03.484 --> 00:15:08.517 Now, wouldn't it be better if you both just calmed down? 00:15:12.684 --> 00:15:14.217 Awww, oh no! 00:15:14.217 --> 00:15:15.417 If I have to battle against 00:15:15.417 --> 00:15:17.617 that brilliant Dragon Master Iris, 00:15:17.617 --> 00:15:21.217 I just know I'm going to lose and lose in such a big way! 00:15:21.217 --> 00:15:22.284 Poor, poor me! 00:15:22.284 --> 00:15:25.484 How dare you say such a thing? 00:15:25.484 --> 00:15:26.850 Hey, thanks, Zorua! 00:15:29.184 --> 00:15:31.050 Whatever. 00:15:31.050 --> 00:15:33.417 Once we have a battle, you'll see. 00:15:33.417 --> 00:15:35.351 I'm so much stronger than you are, 00:15:35.351 --> 00:15:36.883 it's not even funny! 00:15:36.883 --> 00:15:39.517 Oh yeah? Well, that's what you think! 00:15:43.784 --> 00:15:47.217 And now, day two of the club battle is here! 00:15:48.983 --> 00:15:53.184 So, look up on the big screen for our second-round matchups! 00:16:00.084 --> 00:16:02.284 All right, I'm battling Georgia! 00:16:02.284 --> 00:16:04.217 She used Beartic in the first round, 00:16:04.217 --> 00:16:06.684 so wonder what she'll use this time? 00:16:08.950 --> 00:16:10.718 ( Freddy ) Ladies and gentlemen, 00:16:10.718 --> 00:16:13.784 the much-anticipated first battle of round two is... 00:16:13.784 --> 00:16:16.017 Georgia versus Ash! 00:16:17.983 --> 00:16:20.017 Ready? Begin! 00:16:20.017 --> 00:16:22.883 'Kay, Snivy, I choose you! 00:16:22.883 --> 00:16:24.551 Snivy! 00:16:24.551 --> 00:16:26.117 Pawniard, battle time! 00:16:27.250 --> 00:16:29.050 Pawni! 00:16:29.050 --> 00:16:31.417 Pawniard? 00:16:31.417 --> 00:16:34.284 ( man ) Pawniard, the Sharp Blade Pokémon. 00:16:34.284 --> 00:16:36.584 Pawniard's entire body is made of blades, 00:16:36.584 --> 00:16:39.950 which it uses to inflict damage on its opponent. 00:16:39.950 --> 00:16:41.150 It'll be interesting 00:16:41.150 --> 00:16:43.417 to see Ash and Snivy's battle strategy 00:16:43.417 --> 00:16:46.818 for dealing with Pawniard's skill at close-range fighting. 00:16:46.818 --> 00:16:48.751 And now, let's find out who will move on 00:16:48.751 --> 00:16:51.451 to the semi-finals, Georgia, or Ash! 00:16:51.451 --> 00:16:52.784 I'm gonna move on! 00:16:52.784 --> 00:16:54.651 Now, Snivy, Leaf Storm! 00:16:54.651 --> 00:16:57.050 Snivy, Vy, Vy, Vy, Vy! 00:16:57.050 --> 00:16:59.818 Snivy, Vy! 00:17:01.084 --> 00:17:02.718 Pawniard, Metal Claw! 00:17:02.718 --> 00:17:06.651 Pawn, Pawn, Pawniard! 00:17:06.651 --> 00:17:10.884 ( Freddy ) Pawniard slashes up Snivy's Leaf Storm with stoic strength 00:17:10.883 --> 00:17:13.818 for a brilliant defensive display! 00:17:13.818 --> 00:17:16.217 Oh no! I've never seen a Metal Claw 00:17:16.217 --> 00:17:18.850 with such an exquisitely honed edge! 00:17:18.850 --> 00:17:21.651 Georgia's definitely gotten much stronger... 00:17:21.651 --> 00:17:24.250 Oh yeah? They're just getting started! 00:17:24.250 --> 00:17:26.117 You can do it, Ash and Snivy! 00:17:26.117 --> 00:17:27.551 Leaf Storm, again! 00:17:27.551 --> 00:17:29.451 Snivy! 00:17:29.451 --> 00:17:31.484 Dodge it and get close! 00:17:31.484 --> 00:17:33.718 Pawniard! 00:17:33.718 --> 00:17:34.983 Now, use Metal Claw! 00:17:34.983 --> 00:17:36.517 Pawniard! 00:17:36.517 --> 00:17:37.950 Snivy! 00:17:40.184 --> 00:17:42.518 ( Freddy ) And Snivy's Leaf Storm is neutralized! 00:17:42.517 --> 00:17:44.917 The battle's just begun, but Snivy's in trouble! 00:17:44.917 --> 00:17:47.784 Georgia's quickly taken control of the match... 00:17:47.784 --> 00:17:49.784 How is Ash going to turn the tide? 00:17:49.784 --> 00:17:51.451 It's all about spirit. 00:17:51.451 --> 00:17:52.950 You just give it all you've got! 00:17:52.950 --> 00:17:54.484 Snivy, you can do it! 00:17:54.484 --> 00:17:56.250 Pika, Pika! 00:17:56.250 --> 00:17:57.684 Snivy... 00:17:57.684 --> 00:18:00.351 Pawniard, keep attacking and don't let up! 00:18:00.351 --> 00:18:03.017 Pawn... Snivy, use Attract! 00:18:03.017 --> 00:18:05.250 Snivy! 00:18:12.284 --> 00:18:14.084 Snivy's Attract didn't work! 00:18:14.084 --> 00:18:15.384 That means one thing! 00:18:15.384 --> 00:18:17.684 Pawniard's a... It's a girl! 00:18:17.684 --> 00:18:19.417 Pawniard... 00:18:19.417 --> 00:18:22.317 Pawniard! 00:18:22.317 --> 00:18:24.784 Sure took you long enough to figure it out! 00:18:24.784 --> 00:18:27.351 All right, Iron Head! 00:18:27.351 --> 00:18:29.384 Pawn, Pawn, Pawniard! 00:18:29.384 --> 00:18:30.751 Snivy, dodge it! 00:18:30.751 --> 00:18:33.017 Snivy, Snivy! 00:18:33.017 --> 00:18:34.917 Smash the rocks with Vine Whip! 00:18:41.017 --> 00:18:43.484 Pawniard... Pawniard... 00:18:43.484 --> 00:18:44.818 Pawniard is struggling! 00:18:44.818 --> 00:18:46.718 Are Ash and Snivy coming back? 00:18:46.718 --> 00:18:49.117 Of course! Time for a counterattack! 00:18:49.117 --> 00:18:51.883 C'mon, Ash, show them what you're really made of! 00:18:51.883 --> 00:18:54.050 Win this, then it's you and me! 00:18:54.050 --> 00:18:55.917 All right! Vine Whip, go! 00:18:55.917 --> 00:18:57.484 Vy, Vy! 00:18:57.484 --> 00:18:59.718 ( Freddy ) Snivy keeps landing that powerful Vine Whip, 00:18:59.718 --> 00:19:01.017 turning this match on its ear! 00:19:01.017 --> 00:19:02.983 Wrap it up! Use Leaf Blade! 00:19:02.983 --> 00:19:05.117 Sni.. 00:19:05.117 --> 00:19:07.451 Hey! Get up and win this! 00:19:07.451 --> 00:19:09.850 Pawn... Pawniard! 00:19:09.850 --> 00:19:11.950 Snivy! Counter that! 00:19:11.950 --> 00:19:15.684 Pawniard! Snivy! 00:19:15.684 --> 00:19:17.084 Pika. 00:19:17.084 --> 00:19:20.384 And a very resourceful Pawniard breaks free! 00:19:20.384 --> 00:19:22.883 You've put up quite a fight... 00:19:22.883 --> 00:19:24.883 But it's all over! 00:19:24.883 --> 00:19:27.084 Use Guillotine and wrap this thing up! 00:19:27.084 --> 00:19:29.917 Pawn... 00:19:31.284 --> 00:19:34.384 Pawniard! 00:19:34.384 --> 00:19:36.217 Snivy! 00:19:37.284 --> 00:19:38.784 Pika. Snivy! 00:19:38.784 --> 00:19:41.150 No way! What a powerful move! 00:19:41.150 --> 00:19:42.284 Axew! 00:19:42.284 --> 00:19:44.050 Guillotine can defeat an opponent 00:19:44.050 --> 00:19:45.751 with just a single hit! 00:19:45.751 --> 00:19:48.351 Please, Ash... careful! 00:19:53.451 --> 00:19:55.384 Niard... 00:19:55.384 --> 00:19:59.217 Heads-up! Pawniard, let's go! 00:19:59.217 --> 00:20:00.484 Now, Vine Whip! 00:20:00.484 --> 00:20:03.184 Snivy! 00:20:03.184 --> 00:20:05.150 Vy! Vy! 00:20:05.150 --> 00:20:06.584 Snivy! 00:20:06.584 --> 00:20:10.084 Vy, Vy! 00:20:10.084 --> 00:20:11.718 Good! Give it a toss! 00:20:11.718 --> 00:20:14.217 Pawniard! 00:20:14.217 --> 00:20:17.050 Snivy! 00:20:17.050 --> 00:20:19.484 Snivy, no! Pika! 00:20:19.484 --> 00:20:21.517 Now, Guillotine! 00:20:23.250 --> 00:20:25.317 C'mon, Snivy, get up! 00:20:25.317 --> 00:20:27.551 You've got to! 00:20:27.551 --> 00:20:30.451 ( narrator ) Does Pawniard have Snivy in checkmate? 00:20:30.451 --> 00:20:33.651 Or will Ash be able to come back and defeat Georgia? 00:20:33.651 --> 00:20:36.384 You won't want to miss the exciting conclusion, 00:20:36.384 --> 00:20:38.584 as the club battle continues! 00:20:43.651 --> 00:20:45.684 ( all ) "It's Gurdurr!" 00:20:45.684 --> 00:20:47.584 Gurdurr!