WEBVTT 00:00:02.617 --> 00:00:05.183 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:00:05.184 --> 00:00:09.184 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:00:09.184 --> 00:00:13.117 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:00:13.117 --> 00:00:14.384 Roggenrola! 00:00:18.017 --> 00:00:21.250 Cilan, this is the best pie I've ever had. 00:00:21.250 --> 00:00:23.517 I simply gathered berries from the forest 00:00:23.517 --> 00:00:25.351 and blended them into a paste. 00:00:25.351 --> 00:00:28.617 The secret to any good recipe is always super-fresh! 00:00:28.617 --> 00:00:29.684 Roggen, Roggen. 00:00:29.684 --> 00:00:31.684 Roggenrola! 00:00:31.684 --> 00:00:34.050 My beautiful fresh and fruity creation 00:00:34.050 --> 00:00:36.484 has been ruined by destruction time! 00:00:36.484 --> 00:00:40.351 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggenrola! 00:00:40.351 --> 00:00:41.551 Roggen, Roggen! 00:00:41.551 --> 00:00:43.551 Who's that Pokémon? 00:00:43.551 --> 00:00:46.150 ( man ) Roggenrola, the Mantle Pokémon. 00:00:46.150 --> 00:00:48.551 Roggenrola's body contains an energy core, 00:00:48.551 --> 00:00:51.950 which is hard as steel from being compressed underground. 00:00:51.950 --> 00:00:53.983 So that's a Roggenrola! 00:00:53.983 --> 00:00:55.250 Pika! 00:00:55.250 --> 00:00:57.484 Roggen, Roggen! 00:00:57.484 --> 00:01:00.351 ♪ It's always hard when the journey begins ♪ 00:01:00.351 --> 00:01:02.250 ♪ Hard to find your way ♪ 00:01:02.250 --> 00:01:04.751 ♪ Hard to make new friends ♪ 00:01:04.751 --> 00:01:07.950 ♪ But there's nothing you can't do ♪ 00:01:07.950 --> 00:01:11.284 ♪ 'Cause you've got the power inside of you ♪ 00:01:11.284 --> 00:01:14.451 ♪ It's not always black and white ♪ 00:01:14.451 --> 00:01:18.551 ♪ But your heart always knows what's right ♪ 00:01:18.551 --> 00:01:20.950 ♪ It's not about win or lose ♪ 00:01:20.950 --> 00:01:22.917 ♪ It's the path you choose ♪ 00:01:22.917 --> 00:01:26.551 ♪ Let the journey begin ♪ 00:01:26.551 --> 00:01:27.718 ♪ Pokémon ♪♪ 00:01:32.718 --> 00:01:34.718 ( Ash ) "Gotta Catch a Roggenrola!" 00:01:36.784 --> 00:01:38.317 Roggen! 00:01:38.317 --> 00:01:40.517 ( narrator ) Stopping off for lunch on their way to Nimbasa City, 00:01:40.517 --> 00:01:44.017 our heroes have suddenly run into a feisty Roggenrola! 00:01:44.017 --> 00:01:45.718 Roggen, Roggen... 00:01:45.718 --> 00:01:48.950 The way it wrecked our lunch, gotta love that spirit! 00:01:48.950 --> 00:01:51.384 All right, I'm gonna catch it! 00:01:51.384 --> 00:01:52.484 Oshawott, let's go! 00:01:54.084 --> 00:01:55.384 Osha! 00:01:55.384 --> 00:01:57.651 Now, use Water Gun! 00:01:57.651 --> 00:01:59.050 Wott! 00:02:00.784 --> 00:02:01.850 Oshawott! 00:02:03.417 --> 00:02:04.950 Oshawott, get up, quick! 00:02:04.950 --> 00:02:06.050 Osha! 00:02:06.050 --> 00:02:07.617 Aqua Jet, let's go! 00:02:07.617 --> 00:02:09.917 Oshawott! 00:02:11.584 --> 00:02:12.751 Osha... 00:02:12.751 --> 00:02:14.284 Roggen! 00:02:14.284 --> 00:02:16.884 That Roggenrola's pretty tough. Axew! 00:02:18.017 --> 00:02:19.784 Look at its back. 00:02:19.784 --> 00:02:20.818 What is that? 00:02:20.818 --> 00:02:23.384 Oshawott, return! 00:02:23.384 --> 00:02:25.850 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:02:25.850 --> 00:02:27.351 Okay! 00:02:27.351 --> 00:02:29.150 Tepig, I choose you! 00:02:31.284 --> 00:02:32.883 Tepig! 00:02:32.883 --> 00:02:34.284 Tepig, use Tackle! 00:02:34.284 --> 00:02:36.451 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:02:36.451 --> 00:02:37.551 Tepig! 00:02:40.384 --> 00:02:42.184 'Kay, Flame Charge, let's go! 00:02:42.184 --> 00:02:46.484 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:02:46.484 --> 00:02:48.617 Tepig! 00:02:53.317 --> 00:02:54.651 But how? 00:02:54.651 --> 00:02:56.784 Roggenrola's ability is Sturdy! 00:02:56.784 --> 00:02:59.084 Besides, Fire-type attacks aren't very effective! 00:02:59.084 --> 00:03:00.883 All right then, Tackle! 00:03:00.883 --> 00:03:02.150 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig... 00:03:02.150 --> 00:03:03.584 Why are you such a kid? 00:03:03.584 --> 00:03:05.017 That's not very effective either! 00:03:05.017 --> 00:03:06.850 Roggen! 00:03:10.684 --> 00:03:12.184 That was Sandstorm! 00:03:12.184 --> 00:03:13.684 Hang tight, Tepig! 00:03:13.684 --> 00:03:14.883 Stay strong! 00:03:16.818 --> 00:03:19.950 Roggenrola! 00:03:19.950 --> 00:03:22.584 Tepig! 00:03:22.584 --> 00:03:24.718 Tepig, no! Pika! 00:03:24.718 --> 00:03:26.517 Wow, that was some Stone Edge! 00:03:26.517 --> 00:03:27.917 Incredibly powerful! 00:03:27.917 --> 00:03:29.284 Tepig, come on! 00:03:29.284 --> 00:03:30.351 Please get up! 00:03:30.351 --> 00:03:32.351 Pika, Pika! 00:03:32.351 --> 00:03:35.017 Tepig... 00:03:35.017 --> 00:03:36.017 Pika! 00:03:36.017 --> 00:03:37.284 Tepig... 00:03:37.284 --> 00:03:39.117 Oh, man, Tepig! 00:03:39.117 --> 00:03:40.551 Are you all right, Tepig? 00:03:40.551 --> 00:03:41.718 Pikachu! 00:03:41.718 --> 00:03:43.250 We've gotta get help, quick! 00:03:43.250 --> 00:03:44.950 We'd better get to a Pokémon Center! 00:03:44.950 --> 00:03:46.017 Let's go! 00:03:47.184 --> 00:03:48.517 Roggen! 00:03:48.517 --> 00:03:51.217 Roggen, Roggenrola! 00:03:51.217 --> 00:03:52.451 Roggen, Roggen... 00:03:52.451 --> 00:03:54.484 Ro, Roggen. 00:03:56.751 --> 00:03:58.117 Roggen. 00:04:04.917 --> 00:04:06.751 ( bell dinging ) Pika! 00:04:07.818 --> 00:04:09.184 Sorry for the delay! 00:04:09.184 --> 00:04:11.084 I'm happy to report your Tepig and Oshawott 00:04:11.084 --> 00:04:12.617 are feeling a lot better now. 00:04:12.617 --> 00:04:13.917 Audino. 00:04:13.917 --> 00:04:16.884 Wow, thanks, Nurse Joy! Pika, Pika! 00:04:16.883 --> 00:04:18.351 ( Garrison ) Nurse Joy! 00:04:18.351 --> 00:04:20.883 There's nothing wrong with the plumbing that I can find. 00:04:20.883 --> 00:04:23.684 The problem could be with the original water source. 00:04:23.684 --> 00:04:25.150 That's too bad. 00:04:25.150 --> 00:04:26.684 Nurse Joy, what's going on? 00:04:26.684 --> 00:04:28.317 We haven't had any running water 00:04:28.317 --> 00:04:30.417 at all since early this morning, 00:04:30.417 --> 00:04:32.950 so the water company sent Mr. Garrison over here 00:04:32.950 --> 00:04:35.317 to see what needed to be done. 00:04:35.317 --> 00:04:37.917 If the water source is, in fact, the problem, 00:04:37.917 --> 00:04:39.818 then something very unusual 00:04:39.818 --> 00:04:42.184 must have taken place at the cave. 00:04:42.184 --> 00:04:43.317 At the cave? 00:04:43.317 --> 00:04:44.517 That's right. 00:04:44.517 --> 00:04:46.317 This Pokémon Center gets its water 00:04:46.317 --> 00:04:48.818 from an underground spring inside a cave. 00:04:48.818 --> 00:04:51.150 And there are lots of wild Roggenrola 00:04:51.150 --> 00:04:52.751 living in that cave as well. 00:04:52.751 --> 00:04:53.950 Roggenrola? 00:04:53.950 --> 00:04:55.784 We just ran into one before. 00:04:55.784 --> 00:04:58.150 You really met a Roggenrola in person? 00:04:58.150 --> 00:04:59.684 ( Ash ) Yeah! 00:04:59.684 --> 00:05:01.250 That's very strange, don't you think? 00:05:02.351 --> 00:05:03.584 What's strange about that? 00:05:03.584 --> 00:05:06.117 Well, you see, the Roggenrola in that cave 00:05:06.117 --> 00:05:08.050 almost never go out. 00:05:08.050 --> 00:05:09.617 Something must be wrong. 00:05:09.617 --> 00:05:11.017 Audino! 00:05:11.017 --> 00:05:12.617 Now that you mention it... 00:05:12.617 --> 00:05:14.317 I had the feeling that Roggenrola 00:05:14.317 --> 00:05:17.017 was trying to tell us something. 00:05:17.017 --> 00:05:18.417 That's not all... 00:05:18.417 --> 00:05:21.050 It looked like there was a strange object on its back. 00:05:22.584 --> 00:05:25.117 Then I'll just go to the cave and have a look. 00:05:25.117 --> 00:05:26.917 That would be wonderful! Thank you. 00:05:26.917 --> 00:05:28.217 Excuse me! 00:05:28.217 --> 00:05:30.883 We'd like to come along too, if that's okay. 00:05:30.883 --> 00:05:32.617 We're kind of worried about that Roggenrola! 00:05:32.617 --> 00:05:34.284 Pika, Pika! 00:05:35.617 --> 00:05:36.983 Fine with me. 00:05:36.983 --> 00:05:39.384 Long as you promise to stay out of trouble, okay? 00:05:39.384 --> 00:05:41.184 ( all ) Right! Pika! 00:05:42.284 --> 00:05:44.417 Roggen, Rol, Roggen, Rol, Rol! 00:05:44.417 --> 00:05:48.217 Gen, Gen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Rol! 00:05:48.217 --> 00:05:50.784 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:06:01.351 --> 00:06:04.117 Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! 00:06:04.117 --> 00:06:07.250 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:06:12.084 --> 00:06:14.184 ( laughing ) 00:06:14.184 --> 00:06:16.684 We've got all the Roggenrola we need! 00:06:16.684 --> 00:06:18.617 And right on schedule, too. 00:06:18.617 --> 00:06:21.651 The amazing weapon Doctor Zager designed 00:06:21.651 --> 00:06:24.317 can unleash unspeakable power. 00:06:24.317 --> 00:06:27.617 All we need are these Roggenrola to power it. 00:06:27.617 --> 00:06:30.950 And once our work here is complete... 00:06:30.950 --> 00:06:32.718 Unova will be ours! 00:06:32.718 --> 00:06:34.417 As will ultimate control. 00:06:34.417 --> 00:06:35.551 Let's finish the job. 00:06:35.551 --> 00:06:37.351 And let's do it for the Boss! 00:06:40.551 --> 00:06:42.484 ( Cilan ) This... is the water source? 00:06:42.484 --> 00:06:44.883 There isn't any water to be seen. 00:06:44.883 --> 00:06:47.917 Something must have gone wrong inside the cave. 00:06:47.917 --> 00:06:49.351 ( Roggenrola ) Roggen! 00:06:49.351 --> 00:06:51.751 Rog, Rog, Roggen! 00:06:51.751 --> 00:06:56.184 Rog, Rog, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:06:56.184 --> 00:06:58.150 The Roggenrola from before! 00:06:58.150 --> 00:06:59.317 No doubt about it. 00:06:59.317 --> 00:07:01.818 So it was trying to tell us something after all! 00:07:01.818 --> 00:07:03.917 I think it wants us to follow it into the cave. 00:07:03.917 --> 00:07:04.950 Let's hurry! 00:07:04.950 --> 00:07:06.351 Pika, Pika! 00:07:07.850 --> 00:07:10.284 ( Garrison ) That's it. 00:07:10.284 --> 00:07:12.217 These boulders are why the Pokémon Center 00:07:12.217 --> 00:07:13.950 isn't getting any water. 00:07:13.950 --> 00:07:16.117 I wonder how they got there. 00:07:20.184 --> 00:07:22.417 What is that? Axew! 00:07:25.451 --> 00:07:26.517 Roggen! 00:07:28.117 --> 00:07:29.417 Roggenrola! 00:07:29.417 --> 00:07:31.384 That thing stuck on Roggenrola's back 00:07:31.384 --> 00:07:32.784 was one of those suction cups! 00:07:32.784 --> 00:07:34.250 What are you doing to them? 00:07:35.551 --> 00:07:38.084 ( Jessie ) Such a heartfelt twerpish question indeed. 00:07:38.084 --> 00:07:41.017 ( James ) We'll answer you twerps when we feel the need. 00:07:42.217 --> 00:07:45.751 We bring the white light of evil into the future. 00:07:45.751 --> 00:07:47.484 Thrusting the hammer of justice 00:07:47.484 --> 00:07:49.584 on the blackness of the universe. 00:07:49.584 --> 00:07:53.084 And carving our names in the rock of eternity. 00:07:53.084 --> 00:07:54.983 The fiery destroyer. 00:07:54.983 --> 00:07:56.617 I am Jessie! 00:07:56.617 --> 00:08:00.250 And with thunderous emotion, I am James! 00:08:00.250 --> 00:08:04.451 Wisest of the wise, I am Meowth! 00:08:04.451 --> 00:08:08.184 ( all ) And now, we gather under the name of Team Rocket! 00:08:09.651 --> 00:08:11.351 Team Rocket? Who are they? 00:08:11.351 --> 00:08:13.384 They're a group of really annoying bad people 00:08:13.384 --> 00:08:15.818 who go around stealing other peoples' Pokémon! 00:08:15.818 --> 00:08:16.850 Ew, Ew! 00:08:16.850 --> 00:08:18.784 "Annoying bad people"? 00:08:18.784 --> 00:08:21.784 I think someone needs to go back and learn a few manners. 00:08:21.784 --> 00:08:25.451 Excuse me, but these are wild Roggenrola we've been grabbing! 00:08:25.451 --> 00:08:28.084 To be used for a brand-new weapon... 00:08:28.084 --> 00:08:30.917 for conquering the entire Unova region! 00:08:30.917 --> 00:08:32.784 Just check this out! 00:08:34.517 --> 00:08:37.017 Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! 00:08:38.150 --> 00:08:40.017 How cruel can you get? ( all ) Oh, no! 00:08:40.017 --> 00:08:43.684 So Roggenrola was really trying to tell us about this! 00:08:44.883 --> 00:08:47.551 Sorry to run, but we must conduct a test firing. 00:08:47.551 --> 00:08:49.718 And honestly, you're boring us to tears! 00:08:49.718 --> 00:08:51.150 Have a nice day! 00:08:52.850 --> 00:08:53.883 No way! 00:08:53.883 --> 00:08:55.417 Tepig, I choose you! 00:08:56.883 --> 00:08:58.584 Tepig! 00:08:58.584 --> 00:08:59.684 Use Ember! 00:08:59.684 --> 00:09:02.117 Tepig! 00:09:03.317 --> 00:09:04.417 Roggen! 00:09:04.417 --> 00:09:06.050 Roggenrola, you okay? 00:09:06.050 --> 00:09:08.417 Pikachu! Roggen. 00:09:09.651 --> 00:09:10.784 One for the twerp? 00:09:10.784 --> 00:09:12.651 I doubt that I'll lose any sleep. 00:09:12.651 --> 00:09:14.184 We have a lot more! 00:09:14.184 --> 00:09:16.651 Talking about this is a huge waste of time. 00:09:16.651 --> 00:09:18.351 'Kay, then let's book! 00:09:20.217 --> 00:09:22.150 Tepig, save those Roggenrola! 00:09:22.150 --> 00:09:23.250 Tepig! 00:09:23.250 --> 00:09:25.584 I wouldn't even give you the chance! 00:09:30.751 --> 00:09:32.984 ( Garrison ) We've got to get out of here, fast! 00:09:32.983 --> 00:09:35.017 ( Ash ) But the Roggenrola! 00:09:35.017 --> 00:09:36.584 Ash, look out! 00:09:38.684 --> 00:09:41.084 ( all ) "Who's That Pokémon?" 00:09:45.184 --> 00:09:46.284 Ash, look out! 00:09:46.284 --> 00:09:47.551 Roggen! 00:09:47.551 --> 00:09:49.384 Roggenrola! 00:09:52.584 --> 00:09:54.284 Pika! 00:09:55.684 --> 00:09:57.883 That was Roggenrola's Flash Cannon! 00:09:57.883 --> 00:09:59.150 You saved us! 00:09:59.150 --> 00:10:00.484 Thanks, Roggenrola. 00:10:00.484 --> 00:10:02.883 Pika, Pika! Roggen, Roggen, Rol. 00:10:04.050 --> 00:10:06.184 No way Team Rocket's getting away with this! 00:10:06.184 --> 00:10:08.150 Pika, Pika! 00:10:15.184 --> 00:10:17.184 Deep within the body of a Roggenrola 00:10:17.184 --> 00:10:19.751 lies a high-powered energy core. 00:10:19.751 --> 00:10:22.751 Right, and the brand-new weapon designed by Doctor Zager 00:10:22.751 --> 00:10:25.484 focuses and ramps up that energy. 00:10:25.484 --> 00:10:27.284 Let's begin! 00:10:27.284 --> 00:10:29.684 Put the Roggenrola cannon to the test, Meowth! 00:10:29.684 --> 00:10:32.417 Right, time for us to make history! 00:10:33.950 --> 00:10:36.617 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:10:37.651 --> 00:10:39.883 ( James ) Core energy amplifying... 00:10:41.184 --> 00:10:42.883 Opening target scope. 00:10:42.883 --> 00:10:44.384 Focusing aim... 00:10:47.184 --> 00:10:48.417 There they are! 00:10:48.417 --> 00:10:50.551 Pika, Pika! 00:10:50.551 --> 00:10:52.917 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:10:54.484 --> 00:10:56.351 What's with that light? 00:10:56.351 --> 00:10:58.451 Wait, Roggenrola! 00:11:00.718 --> 00:11:02.484 Energy is maximized! 00:11:02.484 --> 00:11:04.084 Fire Roggenrola cannon! 00:11:04.084 --> 00:11:05.584 Firing cannon, now! 00:11:13.217 --> 00:11:15.084 Pika! 00:11:15.084 --> 00:11:16.417 Roggen! 00:11:19.551 --> 00:11:21.117 Look out, Roggenrola! 00:11:21.117 --> 00:11:22.417 Ash, no! 00:11:24.818 --> 00:11:26.284 Pika, Pika! 00:11:32.551 --> 00:11:34.584 What a display of power. 00:11:34.584 --> 00:11:36.184 More power than predicted! 00:11:36.184 --> 00:11:37.950 A complete test success. 00:11:37.950 --> 00:11:39.150 Let's move! 00:11:39.150 --> 00:11:40.517 ( both ) Right! 00:11:45.484 --> 00:11:46.917 That was close. 00:11:46.917 --> 00:11:48.050 Pika. 00:11:48.050 --> 00:11:49.684 Ash... 00:11:49.684 --> 00:11:50.651 You two okay? 00:11:50.651 --> 00:11:52.950 Yeah, we're fine. Roggen! 00:11:54.084 --> 00:11:56.484 How dare they use the Roggenrolas' core energy 00:11:56.484 --> 00:11:58.351 to make such a horrible weapon. 00:11:58.351 --> 00:11:59.784 And not only that. 00:11:59.784 --> 00:12:02.150 How are we going to get out of this cave? 00:12:02.150 --> 00:12:03.684 Don't sweat it! 00:12:05.584 --> 00:12:07.117 Excadrill, go! 00:12:10.050 --> 00:12:12.484 Excadrill! 00:12:12.484 --> 00:12:14.317 Dig us out of here! 00:12:15.718 --> 00:12:17.351 Pansage, you too! 00:12:19.551 --> 00:12:20.850 Pansage! 00:12:20.850 --> 00:12:24.117 Pansage, Pansage, Pansage. Pansage, Pansage, Pansage... 00:12:28.517 --> 00:12:30.384 Made it! Thank you. 00:12:30.384 --> 00:12:31.584 Sure, no problem! 00:12:31.584 --> 00:12:33.351 Thank you, Excadrill! 00:12:33.351 --> 00:12:35.517 You were a big help too, Pansage! 00:12:35.517 --> 00:12:38.184 Now, we've gotta figure out where Team Rocket went. 00:12:39.517 --> 00:12:42.950 Ro, Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:12:42.950 --> 00:12:45.384 What's up, Roggenrola? 00:12:45.384 --> 00:12:47.117 It's about its friends. 00:12:47.117 --> 00:12:49.784 Roggenrola knows where they are! 00:12:49.784 --> 00:12:53.317 The fact is, Roggenrola are incredibly sensitive to sound. 00:12:53.317 --> 00:12:55.351 Great, let's go! 00:12:56.751 --> 00:12:58.351 Roggen, Roggen. 00:12:58.351 --> 00:13:00.784 Roggen, Roggen, Rol, Rol! 00:13:00.784 --> 00:13:03.617 Roggen, Rola! 00:13:03.617 --> 00:13:05.017 Over there! 00:13:05.017 --> 00:13:07.351 Roggen, Roggen, Rola! 00:13:12.250 --> 00:13:13.384 We're all set! 00:13:13.384 --> 00:13:15.517 This baby's in perfect shape. 00:13:15.517 --> 00:13:17.284 And we're right on schedule. 00:13:17.284 --> 00:13:20.417 The Roggenrola cannon is primed and ready for action. 00:13:20.417 --> 00:13:23.050 Before long, Team Rocket will rule the Unova region 00:13:23.050 --> 00:13:24.217 with a smile! 00:13:24.217 --> 00:13:26.250 ( laughing ) 00:13:26.250 --> 00:13:27.983 ( Ash ) That's not gonna happen! 00:13:30.250 --> 00:13:31.983 Oy vey! It's the twerp! 00:13:31.983 --> 00:13:33.150 How did you find us? 00:13:33.150 --> 00:13:34.484 With the help of a friend. 00:13:34.484 --> 00:13:35.484 This guy! 00:13:35.484 --> 00:13:37.084 Roggen! 00:13:37.084 --> 00:13:38.651 If you think you're getting away with this, 00:13:38.651 --> 00:13:39.684 you're wrong! 00:13:39.684 --> 00:13:41.850 Stop using the Roggenrola! 00:13:41.850 --> 00:13:43.317 Axew! 00:13:43.317 --> 00:13:45.150 Stop being annoying! 00:13:45.150 --> 00:13:46.351 Woobat! 00:13:47.684 --> 00:13:48.950 Woobat! 00:13:48.950 --> 00:13:50.617 Use Gust, now! 00:13:50.617 --> 00:13:54.017 Woobat, Bat, Bat! 00:13:56.617 --> 00:13:58.784 Tepig, get 'em with Ember! 00:13:58.784 --> 00:14:00.484 Tepig! 00:14:01.451 --> 00:14:03.451 Bat, Bat, Bat! 00:14:03.451 --> 00:14:04.718 Woobat! 00:14:04.718 --> 00:14:06.150 What was that all about? 00:14:06.150 --> 00:14:07.317 Woobat! 00:14:07.317 --> 00:14:10.084 Now this is a job for the Roggenrola cannon! 00:14:10.084 --> 00:14:11.584 Good point! 00:14:12.818 --> 00:14:14.584 And away we go! 00:14:14.584 --> 00:14:16.818 Amplifying core energy. 00:14:21.718 --> 00:14:24.250 The Roggenrolas' core energy's building! 00:14:24.250 --> 00:14:25.718 We've got to move! 00:14:25.718 --> 00:14:29.117 Rog, Rog, Rog, Rog, Roggen, Roggen! 00:14:29.117 --> 00:14:30.351 Roggenrola! 00:14:30.351 --> 00:14:31.883 Roggenrola's going to tell its friends 00:14:31.883 --> 00:14:33.617 they must stop the attack! 00:14:36.084 --> 00:14:38.517 Roggen. 00:14:40.084 --> 00:14:41.917 Energy levels are maxed. 00:14:41.917 --> 00:14:43.451 Fire Roggenrola cannon! 00:14:43.451 --> 00:14:45.351 Firing with flair! 00:14:47.451 --> 00:14:49.617 Roggenrola! 00:14:51.551 --> 00:14:52.818 Hold on, what happened? 00:14:52.818 --> 00:14:54.983 Blocked by Roggenrola's Flash Cannon! 00:14:54.983 --> 00:14:56.451 Then fire one more time! 00:14:56.451 --> 00:14:57.784 We'll show them the amazing power 00:14:57.784 --> 00:14:59.517 of Team Rocket technology! 00:14:59.517 --> 00:15:01.017 ( both ) Yes, ma'am! 00:15:01.017 --> 00:15:04.684 Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! Roggen! 00:15:06.484 --> 00:15:07.751 Not again! 00:15:07.751 --> 00:15:09.084 Pika! 00:15:09.084 --> 00:15:10.818 Hey, don't do this! 00:15:10.818 --> 00:15:11.917 Stop, everybody! 00:15:13.883 --> 00:15:15.417 Ash, you'd better get out of there! 00:15:15.417 --> 00:15:16.551 You'd better run! 00:15:16.551 --> 00:15:17.751 Too late, twerp! 00:15:17.751 --> 00:15:21.084 But not too late to be taught a lesson! 00:15:21.084 --> 00:15:22.684 What? 00:15:23.684 --> 00:15:24.883 Roggen! 00:15:24.883 --> 00:15:26.983 Roggen... 00:15:26.983 --> 00:15:29.417 Whatever's happening, stop it, pronto! 00:15:29.417 --> 00:15:31.117 The Roggenrola now appear to be 00:15:31.117 --> 00:15:33.417 controlling their own core energy! 00:15:33.417 --> 00:15:36.250 And that energy's reversed polarity! 00:15:36.250 --> 00:15:37.950 But that's a bad thing! 00:15:45.250 --> 00:15:46.451 Roggenrola! 00:15:47.484 --> 00:15:48.917 Pika! 00:15:51.718 --> 00:15:53.718 I'm so glad you guys are okay. 00:15:53.718 --> 00:15:54.883 Pika! 00:15:54.883 --> 00:15:56.883 I wouldn't be so sure about that! 00:15:56.883 --> 00:15:58.850 Now, Yamask, use Night Shade! 00:15:59.818 --> 00:16:01.250 Yamask. 00:16:01.250 --> 00:16:02.584 Ya... 00:16:02.584 --> 00:16:04.050 Woobat, use Gust! 00:16:04.050 --> 00:16:06.751 Woobat, Bat, Bat! 00:16:06.751 --> 00:16:08.651 They won't get away with this! 00:16:08.651 --> 00:16:10.117 Tepig, Ember! 00:16:10.117 --> 00:16:12.651 Pig! 00:16:12.651 --> 00:16:15.684 Woobat, Woo, Woobat! 00:16:15.684 --> 00:16:18.451 All right, Pikachu, finish with Electro Ball! 00:16:18.451 --> 00:16:21.250 Pika, Pika... 00:16:22.584 --> 00:16:24.584 Roggenrola! 00:16:33.250 --> 00:16:35.684 Who knew it would end up this way once more? 00:16:35.684 --> 00:16:38.284 I guess those Roggenrola had lots more oomph 00:16:38.284 --> 00:16:39.917 than we bargained for! 00:16:39.917 --> 00:16:42.651 Though it hurts to admit, our mission's a failure. 00:16:42.651 --> 00:16:45.417 But the Unova region is still ours for the taking! 00:16:45.417 --> 00:16:48.117 And once we do, the crowns of victory will rest on 00:16:48.117 --> 00:16:50.718 the heads of Team Rocket! 00:16:52.718 --> 00:16:54.718 We did it! Axew! 00:16:54.718 --> 00:16:57.017 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:16:57.017 --> 00:16:59.984 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:17:02.684 --> 00:17:04.084 Sorry to keep you waiting, 00:17:04.084 --> 00:17:05.950 but you'll be happy to see everyone's feeling 00:17:05.950 --> 00:17:08.384 just fine now. 00:17:08.384 --> 00:17:11.617 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:17:11.617 --> 00:17:13.718 Tepig. 00:17:13.718 --> 00:17:14.950 Pikachu! 00:17:14.950 --> 00:17:16.617 Everybody looks awesome! 00:17:16.617 --> 00:17:18.351 You really helped out, Nurse Joy. 00:17:18.351 --> 00:17:19.617 Thank you! 00:17:19.617 --> 00:17:21.016 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:17:21.017 --> 00:17:22.517 You're quite welcome, Ash! 00:17:22.517 --> 00:17:24.117 Audino! 00:17:24.117 --> 00:17:26.017 I just finished writing up a complete report 00:17:26.017 --> 00:17:28.117 that I'm sending to the water company. 00:17:28.117 --> 00:17:30.050 They'll start the repair work right away! 00:17:30.050 --> 00:17:32.784 And that includes the Roggenrolas' home, too. 00:17:32.784 --> 00:17:35.083 Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! Roggenrola! 00:17:36.818 --> 00:17:38.284 Roggen, Roggen! 00:17:38.284 --> 00:17:40.584 Roggen, Roggen. 00:17:40.584 --> 00:17:43.084 Roggenrola! 00:17:43.084 --> 00:17:44.084 Roggen! 00:17:44.084 --> 00:17:46.017 Where's Roggenrola going? Axew? 00:17:47.284 --> 00:17:49.417 Roggen, Roggen! ( Ash ) Hold on, Roggenrola! 00:17:49.417 --> 00:17:52.117 Roggen! 00:17:52.117 --> 00:17:53.950 Roggen, Roggen, Roggen! 00:17:53.950 --> 00:17:55.250 I don't get it. 00:17:55.250 --> 00:17:56.551 Pika, Pika. 00:17:56.551 --> 00:17:59.317 I think Roggenrola wants to battle! 00:17:59.317 --> 00:18:02.818 If I remember, you wanted to catch Roggenrola! 00:18:02.818 --> 00:18:05.883 And I think it wants to go along with you anyway! 00:18:05.883 --> 00:18:06.917 Ya think? 00:18:06.917 --> 00:18:07.917 All right then! 00:18:07.917 --> 00:18:08.950 Tepig, wanna battle? 00:18:08.950 --> 00:18:09.983 Tepig! 00:18:09.983 --> 00:18:11.250 Tepig again? 00:18:11.250 --> 00:18:13.150 Doesn't sound like a good match to me. 00:18:13.150 --> 00:18:16.050 I know Tepig lost before, but... 00:18:16.050 --> 00:18:17.718 I also know because of that, 00:18:17.718 --> 00:18:19.651 Tepig wants to give it another shot! 00:18:20.784 --> 00:18:21.784 Right, Tepig? 00:18:21.784 --> 00:18:23.417 Tepig! 00:18:23.417 --> 00:18:24.818 Pika, Pika! 00:18:24.818 --> 00:18:25.917 That's the spirit! 00:18:25.917 --> 00:18:27.150 Tepig, Tackle, go! 00:18:27.150 --> 00:18:28.917 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:18:28.917 --> 00:18:30.950 Roggen! 00:18:32.317 --> 00:18:34.784 Tepig, hang in there! 00:18:34.784 --> 00:18:36.883 Roggenrola! 00:18:38.417 --> 00:18:40.584 Tepig! 00:18:40.584 --> 00:18:41.983 Tepig, no! 00:18:41.983 --> 00:18:44.117 That Stone Edge was super-effective! 00:18:44.117 --> 00:18:46.917 I knew that Tepig was a bad choice after all. 00:18:46.917 --> 00:18:48.917 This battle is starting to become a bit too bitter 00:18:48.917 --> 00:18:50.484 for my taste. 00:18:50.484 --> 00:18:51.651 Get up, Tepig! 00:18:51.651 --> 00:18:53.250 You can do it, I know! 00:18:53.250 --> 00:18:55.417 Tepig! Pika, Pika! 00:18:55.417 --> 00:18:56.850 Tepig! 00:18:56.850 --> 00:18:58.784 Roggen... 00:18:58.784 --> 00:19:00.017 Oh no, here comes Flash Cannon! 00:19:00.017 --> 00:19:01.084 Ew. 00:19:01.084 --> 00:19:02.517 Now use Flame Charge! 00:19:02.517 --> 00:19:06.850 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:19:06.850 --> 00:19:09.351 Tepig! 00:19:13.617 --> 00:19:16.384 No wonder Roggenrola's ability is Sturdy! 00:19:16.384 --> 00:19:17.718 Tepig, use Tackle! 00:19:17.718 --> 00:19:18.983 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:19:18.983 --> 00:19:21.217 Pig! 00:19:21.217 --> 00:19:24.451 There's no way you're gonna lose this battle now, Tepig! 00:19:24.451 --> 00:19:26.217 Pig, Pig! 00:19:26.217 --> 00:19:28.784 Pig, Pig! 00:19:28.784 --> 00:19:31.117 It's a delicious battle of wills! 00:19:31.117 --> 00:19:33.950 Two distinct flavors struggling to rule the recipe! 00:19:33.950 --> 00:19:35.317 What excitement! 00:19:35.317 --> 00:19:37.617 Tepig, give it all you've got! 00:19:37.617 --> 00:19:39.017 Use Tackle again! 00:19:39.017 --> 00:19:40.850 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:19:40.850 --> 00:19:42.117 Tepig, Tepig! 00:19:42.117 --> 00:19:44.718 Tepig, Tepig, Tepig! 00:19:48.150 --> 00:19:49.417 Roggenrol! 00:19:49.417 --> 00:19:51.484 Roggen... 00:19:51.484 --> 00:19:52.917 Great, Tepig! 00:19:52.917 --> 00:19:54.684 Now go, Pokéball! 00:20:11.451 --> 00:20:12.850 Tep... 00:20:15.084 --> 00:20:16.284 All right! 00:20:16.284 --> 00:20:17.784 It worked! 00:20:19.684 --> 00:20:22.850 I just caught a Roggenrola! 00:20:22.850 --> 00:20:24.284 Pikachu! 00:20:24.284 --> 00:20:25.950 Tepig! 00:20:27.317 --> 00:20:28.917 ( narrator ) Quite a day for our heroes: 00:20:28.917 --> 00:20:32.217 Team Rocket is defeated and Ash catches a Roggenrola! 00:20:32.217 --> 00:20:35.284 And so, accompanied by his newest Pokémon, 00:20:35.284 --> 00:20:38.417 Ash's journey to become a Pokémon Master continues! 00:20:43.718 --> 00:20:45.684 ( all ) "It's Roggenrola!" 00:20:45.684 --> 00:20:47.384 Roggenrola!