WEBVTT 00:00:01.651 --> 00:00:04.751 ( narrator ) Reveling in Ash's second Unova region gym victory, 00:00:04.751 --> 00:00:07.584 our heroes are now bound for the Castelia City Gym, 00:00:07.584 --> 00:00:11.184 site of Ash's third Unova gym battle! 00:00:11.184 --> 00:00:12.784 Just six more. 00:00:12.784 --> 00:00:14.417 Let's make it happen, Pikachu! 00:00:14.417 --> 00:00:16.050 Pika! 00:00:16.050 --> 00:00:18.017 Axew, Ax! 00:00:18.017 --> 00:00:20.217 Ax, Axew, Ew! 00:00:20.217 --> 00:00:22.684 Ax, Ax, Ax. 00:00:22.684 --> 00:00:24.050 Axew, Ew! 00:00:27.684 --> 00:00:30.651 Axew, Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:00:30.651 --> 00:00:32.584 Axew, Axew! 00:00:32.584 --> 00:00:34.084 Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew, Ew! 00:00:34.084 --> 00:00:37.718 Axew, what's going on? Ax, Axew, Axew, Axew, Axew, Axew, Ax! 00:00:37.718 --> 00:00:40.784 Ash, the egg is glowing! 00:00:40.784 --> 00:00:42.651 Wow, it's true! 00:00:42.651 --> 00:00:44.784 Pika! 00:00:44.784 --> 00:00:47.050 When it glows, you know what that means. 00:00:47.050 --> 00:00:49.250 It won't be long before it's going to hatch! 00:00:49.250 --> 00:00:50.451 All right! 00:00:50.451 --> 00:00:51.751 Wow! 00:00:51.751 --> 00:00:53.284 I can't wait to see what kind of Pokémon it is, 00:00:53.284 --> 00:00:54.517 Pikachu, you know? 00:00:54.517 --> 00:00:57.451 Pika, Pikachu! 00:00:57.451 --> 00:01:00.784 ♪ It's always hard when the journey begins ♪ 00:01:00.784 --> 00:01:02.551 ♪ Hard to find your way ♪ 00:01:02.551 --> 00:01:05.017 ♪ Hard to make new friends ♪ 00:01:05.017 --> 00:01:08.284 ♪ But there's nothing you can't do ♪ 00:01:08.284 --> 00:01:11.517 ♪ 'Cause you've got the power inside of you ♪ 00:01:11.517 --> 00:01:14.718 ♪ It's not always black and white ♪ 00:01:14.718 --> 00:01:18.784 ♪ But your heart always knows what's right ♪ 00:01:18.784 --> 00:01:21.217 ♪ It's not about win or lose ♪ 00:01:21.217 --> 00:01:23.250 ♪ It's the path you choose ♪ 00:01:23.250 --> 00:01:26.850 ♪ Let the journey begin ♪ 00:01:26.850 --> 00:01:28.184 ♪ Pokémon ♪♪ 00:01:32.718 --> 00:01:35.451 ( Ash ) "Scraggy: Hatched to be Wild!" 00:01:40.351 --> 00:01:42.317 Ew! Of course! 00:01:42.317 --> 00:01:44.883 I guess you've never ever seen a Pokémon egg hatch before, 00:01:44.883 --> 00:01:46.517 have you, Axew? 00:01:46.517 --> 00:01:48.751 Ew. Pika, Pika! 00:01:48.751 --> 00:01:50.684 Everyone's really excited, aren't they? 00:01:50.684 --> 00:01:53.451 Axew, you're going to be a big brother soon! 00:01:53.451 --> 00:01:56.117 Ew, Ew, Ew! 00:01:56.117 --> 00:01:57.651 You're thrilled! 00:01:57.651 --> 00:01:59.484 Yay! 00:01:59.484 --> 00:02:01.351 Pika! 00:02:04.617 --> 00:02:05.684 Come back! 00:02:05.684 --> 00:02:06.684 Hold on! 00:02:06.684 --> 00:02:08.250 Catch that egg! 00:02:08.250 --> 00:02:10.317 Pika! Wait up! 00:02:10.317 --> 00:02:11.351 Please! 00:02:11.351 --> 00:02:13.417 Stop! Ew! 00:02:16.451 --> 00:02:18.150 Axew! 00:02:19.718 --> 00:02:21.883 All right, Pikachu, Quick Attack! 00:02:21.883 --> 00:02:24.184 Pikachu! 00:02:24.184 --> 00:02:26.983 Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika, Pika... 00:02:33.150 --> 00:02:34.484 Pika, Pika! 00:02:34.484 --> 00:02:37.517 Pika... Pi... 00:02:37.517 --> 00:02:38.451 Pikachu! 00:02:38.451 --> 00:02:40.417 You okay? Pi, Pikachu! 00:02:40.417 --> 00:02:42.584 And the egg? 00:02:42.584 --> 00:02:43.850 Pikachu! 00:02:43.850 --> 00:02:45.784 Yes! Great job, Pikachu! 00:02:45.784 --> 00:02:47.217 Is the egg all right? 00:02:47.217 --> 00:02:48.417 It's fine! 00:02:48.417 --> 00:02:50.651 Pika, Pika! 00:02:50.651 --> 00:02:52.017 Pikachu, thanks! 00:02:52.017 --> 00:02:53.484 Pika. 00:02:53.484 --> 00:02:55.551 I'm sorry, Ash. Axew! 00:02:55.551 --> 00:02:57.818 Ah, don't worry about it, Iris. 00:02:57.818 --> 00:02:58.983 The egg's safe! 00:02:58.983 --> 00:03:00.950 Thank goodness nothing went wrong! 00:03:05.084 --> 00:03:06.784 Look, it's hatching! 00:03:06.784 --> 00:03:08.684 I am so psyched! 00:03:11.250 --> 00:03:13.184 Scraggy! 00:03:13.184 --> 00:03:15.551 Scrag. 00:03:15.551 --> 00:03:16.751 Scrag? 00:03:16.751 --> 00:03:19.184 It's a Scraggy! A Scraggy? 00:03:21.317 --> 00:03:23.451 ( man ) Scraggy, the Shedding Pokémon. 00:03:23.451 --> 00:03:25.484 The lower half of Scraggy's body is covered by 00:03:25.484 --> 00:03:26.917 a tough, rubbery skin 00:03:26.917 --> 00:03:28.584 and when someone makes eye contact, 00:03:28.584 --> 00:03:30.584 it responds with Headbutt. 00:03:30.584 --> 00:03:32.551 I'm Ash, nice to meet you! 00:03:32.551 --> 00:03:33.784 Scraggy! 00:03:33.784 --> 00:03:36.250 Pika, Pikachu! 00:03:36.250 --> 00:03:38.651 Scraggy! Pika. 00:03:38.651 --> 00:03:39.751 It's Leer. 00:03:39.751 --> 00:03:41.250 What do you know! 00:03:41.250 --> 00:03:44.351 Scraggy! 00:03:46.150 --> 00:03:47.617 That was Headbutt! 00:03:47.617 --> 00:03:48.751 Why'd it do that? 00:03:48.751 --> 00:03:50.818 Yeah, what's the deal? Ew. 00:03:50.818 --> 00:03:53.084 So, why did you use Headbutt? 00:03:53.084 --> 00:03:55.317 Does that mean you wanna battle? 00:03:55.317 --> 00:03:58.351 Scraggy! 00:03:58.351 --> 00:03:59.983 Pika! Great! 00:03:59.983 --> 00:04:02.217 Have a battle with Scraggy as a welcome gift! 00:04:02.217 --> 00:04:04.284 Pika! 00:04:06.784 --> 00:04:09.651 Now, let's see what moves Scraggy knows. 00:04:09.651 --> 00:04:12.850 ( man ) Scraggy's moves are Leer and Headbutt. 00:04:12.850 --> 00:04:14.451 What? That's it? 00:04:14.451 --> 00:04:16.784 Well, Axew only knows Scratch and Dragon Rage. 00:04:16.784 --> 00:04:17.917 It's the same thing. 00:04:17.917 --> 00:04:19.883 Guess you're right. 00:04:19.883 --> 00:04:22.517 Also, remember, Scraggy was just hatched! 00:04:22.517 --> 00:04:23.883 There you go. 00:04:23.883 --> 00:04:25.751 Okay, Scraggy, Leer! 00:04:25.751 --> 00:04:29.784 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scraggy! 00:04:29.784 --> 00:04:31.217 Pika. 00:04:31.217 --> 00:04:32.751 It doesn't look like it did a thing! 00:04:32.751 --> 00:04:35.250 All right, Scraggy, use Headbutt next! 00:04:35.250 --> 00:04:38.250 Scraggy! 00:04:38.250 --> 00:04:39.584 Pika! 00:04:41.017 --> 00:04:42.917 Pika, Pika. 00:04:42.917 --> 00:04:45.384 It doesn't seem to be doing anything. 00:04:45.384 --> 00:04:47.184 'Kay, Pikachu, counterattack! 00:04:47.184 --> 00:04:49.050 Use Thunderbolt, let's go! 00:04:49.050 --> 00:04:51.617 Maybe a bit more like Thunderburp. 00:04:51.617 --> 00:04:55.284 Pika! 00:04:55.284 --> 00:04:59.017 Scraggy! 00:04:59.017 --> 00:05:01.351 Oh no, Scraggy, are you okay? 00:05:01.351 --> 00:05:02.917 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:05:02.917 --> 00:05:03.983 Scraggy! 00:05:03.983 --> 00:05:05.818 Scraggy still seems raring to go. 00:05:05.818 --> 00:05:08.484 Yeah, Scraggy's up for a battle even after that! 00:05:08.484 --> 00:05:09.784 My kind of Pokémon! 00:05:09.784 --> 00:05:11.117 You know what? 00:05:11.117 --> 00:05:14.184 It looks like your little brother's kind of a pain. 00:05:14.184 --> 00:05:15.484 Axew. 00:05:15.484 --> 00:05:17.084 ( Ash ) Okay, come on out, everybody! 00:05:21.517 --> 00:05:24.351 I want you all to meet our new friend. 00:05:24.351 --> 00:05:26.117 So say hello to Scraggy! 00:05:27.784 --> 00:05:30.184 Pidove, Pidove, Pidove, Pidove, Pidove! 00:05:30.184 --> 00:05:32.718 Scraggy! 00:05:32.718 --> 00:05:35.451 Pidove! 00:05:35.451 --> 00:05:38.217 That wasn't what I meant. 00:05:38.217 --> 00:05:40.950 I highly doubt Pidove was expecting Headbutt. 00:05:40.950 --> 00:05:43.451 Oshawott, Oshawott! 00:05:43.451 --> 00:05:45.684 Scraggy! 00:05:45.684 --> 00:05:47.451 Scraggy! Osha! 00:05:47.451 --> 00:05:49.517 Oshawott, Osha! 00:05:49.517 --> 00:05:50.883 Oshawott, Osha! 00:05:50.883 --> 00:05:53.150 Oshawott, Osha! Pika, Pika! 00:05:53.150 --> 00:05:55.751 Osha, Osha, Osha, Osha! Scraggy! 00:05:59.751 --> 00:06:01.850 Scrag! Wott? 00:06:01.850 --> 00:06:03.217 Osha! 00:06:03.217 --> 00:06:05.651 Oshawott, Osha! Scraggy! 00:06:05.651 --> 00:06:07.451 No! Axew! 00:06:09.250 --> 00:06:10.917 Uh, are you all right? 00:06:10.917 --> 00:06:12.684 Pikachu! 00:06:12.684 --> 00:06:15.017 Hey, Scraggy! 00:06:15.017 --> 00:06:17.617 Scraggy! 00:06:17.617 --> 00:06:19.651 Oshawott! 00:06:22.684 --> 00:06:24.417 Scraggy! 00:06:25.850 --> 00:06:26.917 Scraggy! 00:06:26.917 --> 00:06:28.517 Well! 00:06:28.517 --> 00:06:29.917 So that's how Scraggy defends! 00:06:29.917 --> 00:06:33.117 Scrag... Scraggy! 00:06:33.117 --> 00:06:36.084 Scraggy's attacking everything in sight! 00:06:36.084 --> 00:06:38.184 I have to agree. 00:06:38.184 --> 00:06:41.284 Spirit's a good thing, but... 00:06:41.284 --> 00:06:43.384 It doesn't seem to matter right now. 00:06:43.384 --> 00:06:46.850 Scraggy does look rather dizzy after all of those Headbutts. 00:06:46.850 --> 00:06:48.384 Whoa! 00:06:48.384 --> 00:06:50.883 That's funny! Axew! 00:06:53.184 --> 00:06:56.517 Scrag... Scraggy! 00:06:56.517 --> 00:06:58.484 Snivy! 00:06:58.484 --> 00:07:00.551 No! 00:07:02.217 --> 00:07:03.651 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag! 00:07:03.651 --> 00:07:05.784 Snivy. 00:07:05.784 --> 00:07:08.417 Scrag! 00:07:08.417 --> 00:07:11.484 Scrag, Scrag, Scraggy! 00:07:11.484 --> 00:07:12.917 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:07:12.917 --> 00:07:15.850 Scraggy! Snivy! 00:07:15.850 --> 00:07:19.017 Don't you think you've done enough for now? 00:07:19.017 --> 00:07:20.917 Scraggy! 00:07:20.917 --> 00:07:23.684 Scraggy... 00:07:23.684 --> 00:07:25.050 Scraggy! 00:07:25.050 --> 00:07:26.150 Scraggy. 00:07:30.584 --> 00:07:32.684 ( Pierce ) You do have the Meteonite... 00:07:32.684 --> 00:07:33.983 Of course we do! 00:07:33.983 --> 00:07:38.718 The rendezvous point is MT37-KS816. 00:07:38.718 --> 00:07:40.850 And please, don't be late. 00:07:40.850 --> 00:07:43.050 Roger! 00:07:43.050 --> 00:07:45.351 We've finally reached stage two. 00:07:45.351 --> 00:07:47.117 Right. 00:07:49.351 --> 00:07:51.417 There it is! 00:07:51.417 --> 00:07:53.983 Rendezvous point in 1-0-1-4. 00:07:53.983 --> 00:07:55.351 Let's hurry. 00:08:12.784 --> 00:08:13.850 Ax! 00:08:13.850 --> 00:08:15.217 Scraggy? 00:08:15.217 --> 00:08:17.718 Why don't you come over and eat with the gang? 00:08:17.718 --> 00:08:19.217 Scraggy! 00:08:19.217 --> 00:08:22.551 I haven't got the foggiest idea what Scraggy's thinking. 00:08:22.551 --> 00:08:24.651 Perhaps Scraggy's in shock 00:08:24.651 --> 00:08:27.284 that it was beaten by Ash's other Pokémon. 00:08:27.284 --> 00:08:28.551 Is that true? 00:08:28.551 --> 00:08:29.784 Scrag! 00:08:29.784 --> 00:08:31.818 Axew! 00:08:40.484 --> 00:08:43.784 ( Meowth ) MT37-KS816. 00:08:43.784 --> 00:08:45.050 No doubt about it. 00:08:45.050 --> 00:08:46.150 ( James ) Let's go. 00:08:52.950 --> 00:08:55.317 Scrag, Scraggy. 00:08:55.317 --> 00:08:59.417 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag. 00:08:59.417 --> 00:09:02.217 Great, Scraggy's finally eating Pokémon food! 00:09:02.217 --> 00:09:03.751 Pikachu! 00:09:03.751 --> 00:09:07.684 Now if only Scraggy would eat with everyone else! 00:09:07.684 --> 00:09:09.784 Axew, Ew! 00:09:09.784 --> 00:09:11.917 'Kay, Scraggy, it's about time 00:09:11.917 --> 00:09:14.518 for you to get in your Pokéball. Scraggy! 00:09:14.517 --> 00:09:17.484 What? You don't wanna? 00:09:17.484 --> 00:09:19.117 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag! 00:09:19.117 --> 00:09:22.551 ( Cilan ) Maybe Scraggy wants to stay out because it was just hatched. 00:09:28.617 --> 00:09:30.784 Axew. 00:09:30.784 --> 00:09:33.818 Ew... Ew. 00:09:36.217 --> 00:09:39.551 Ew, Ew, Ax! 00:09:39.551 --> 00:09:44.250 Ax, Axew, Ax, Axew. 00:09:44.250 --> 00:09:45.517 Ew, Ew, Ew. 00:09:45.517 --> 00:09:47.050 Axew, Axew! 00:09:47.050 --> 00:09:48.718 What, Axew? 00:09:48.718 --> 00:09:51.317 What's wrong? Axew, Axew! 00:09:51.317 --> 00:09:52.451 What? 00:09:52.451 --> 00:09:53.850 You mean Scraggy's gone? 00:09:53.850 --> 00:09:56.250 Wake up, guys! 00:09:56.250 --> 00:09:58.384 What's up? Pika! 00:09:58.384 --> 00:09:59.983 Ash, Scraggy's gone! 00:09:59.983 --> 00:10:01.818 Gone? You're kidding! 00:10:01.818 --> 00:10:04.917 ( Cilan ) Scraggy! ( Ash ) Where are you? 00:10:04.917 --> 00:10:07.017 Pika, Pika! 00:10:07.017 --> 00:10:08.484 Hey, Scraggy! 00:10:10.217 --> 00:10:11.250 Ew? 00:10:11.250 --> 00:10:12.751 Axew, Axew! 00:10:12.751 --> 00:10:13.983 What's wrong? 00:10:13.983 --> 00:10:15.417 Ew, Ew! 00:10:15.417 --> 00:10:16.818 Over there! 00:10:16.818 --> 00:10:18.484 Scraggy's footprints! 00:10:21.084 --> 00:10:22.917 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:10:22.917 --> 00:10:24.883 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:10:24.883 --> 00:10:26.451 Axew, Axew! 00:10:26.451 --> 00:10:27.584 Hey, Scraggy! 00:10:27.584 --> 00:10:28.917 What're you doing over there? 00:10:28.917 --> 00:10:30.883 Pika, Pika! 00:10:30.883 --> 00:10:32.751 Scraggy? 00:10:32.751 --> 00:10:34.584 Galvantula! 00:10:34.584 --> 00:10:35.617 Scraggy! 00:10:35.617 --> 00:10:37.551 A Galvantula! 00:10:37.551 --> 00:10:39.117 Ew, Axew! 00:10:39.117 --> 00:10:41.084 Galvantula? 00:10:41.084 --> 00:10:44.484 ( man ) Galvantula, the EleSpider Pokémon. 00:10:44.484 --> 00:10:46.050 Galvantula attacks its prey 00:10:46.050 --> 00:10:48.017 by shooting electrically charged threads, 00:10:48.017 --> 00:10:51.351 and its front mandibles can hold down opponents. 00:10:51.351 --> 00:10:52.818 This is bad! 00:10:52.818 --> 00:10:55.751 If Scraggy gets bitten by Galvantula... 00:10:55.751 --> 00:10:57.150 Scraggy! 00:10:57.150 --> 00:10:58.584 Pika, Pika! 00:10:58.584 --> 00:11:00.751 Galvantula! Scrag! 00:11:03.250 --> 00:11:06.017 ( all ) "Who's That Pokémon?" 00:11:08.718 --> 00:11:09.983 Hey, Scraggy! 00:11:09.983 --> 00:11:11.217 Galvantula! 00:11:11.217 --> 00:11:13.551 Scrag, Scrag? 00:11:13.551 --> 00:11:15.250 Scrag! 00:11:15.250 --> 00:11:16.818 Scrag! 00:11:16.818 --> 00:11:17.983 ( both ) Scraggy, no! 00:11:17.983 --> 00:11:19.117 You can't win! 00:11:19.117 --> 00:11:22.284 Galvantula! 00:11:23.417 --> 00:11:24.718 Axew! 00:11:24.718 --> 00:11:26.351 Galvantula! 00:11:27.684 --> 00:11:30.250 Scraggy! 00:11:32.917 --> 00:11:34.684 Scraggy, no! 00:11:34.684 --> 00:11:36.484 Galvan... 00:11:36.484 --> 00:11:38.617 Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let's go! 00:11:38.617 --> 00:11:42.017 Pikachu! 00:11:42.017 --> 00:11:44.784 Gal! 00:11:44.784 --> 00:11:46.417 Gal... 00:11:48.818 --> 00:11:51.184 Hey, Scraggy, you okay? 00:11:51.184 --> 00:11:52.484 Scraggy... 00:11:52.484 --> 00:11:55.117 Scraggy took a direct hit from Galvantula. 00:11:55.117 --> 00:11:56.484 Poor Scraggy. 00:11:56.484 --> 00:11:58.217 Scraggy! 00:11:58.217 --> 00:11:59.484 Scraggy, stop it! 00:11:59.484 --> 00:12:01.850 Cilan, is there a Pokémon center near here? 00:12:01.850 --> 00:12:03.718 Let me see... 00:12:03.718 --> 00:12:04.917 I'm afraid not. 00:12:04.917 --> 00:12:06.317 Leave it to me! 00:12:06.317 --> 00:12:09.050 I'm going to go and find some herbs to cure the paralysis. 00:12:09.050 --> 00:12:10.150 That's great. 00:12:10.150 --> 00:12:11.684 Axew, let's go! 00:12:11.684 --> 00:12:15.351 Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:12:15.351 --> 00:12:16.917 Scraggy, hang in there... 00:12:16.917 --> 00:12:18.384 Pika! 00:12:18.384 --> 00:12:21.117 Ew, Axew! 00:12:21.117 --> 00:12:23.017 You found it! 00:12:23.017 --> 00:12:25.017 Axew, that's just what we need! 00:12:25.017 --> 00:12:26.517 Ew, Ew, Ew! 00:12:26.517 --> 00:12:29.017 Now let's find some herbs to make Scraggy feel better! 00:12:29.017 --> 00:12:30.718 Ew, Axew! 00:12:37.084 --> 00:12:39.551 Scrag, Scrag... 00:12:42.917 --> 00:12:44.384 It's ready! 00:12:44.384 --> 00:12:46.317 Axew! 00:12:46.317 --> 00:12:47.584 Here! 00:12:47.584 --> 00:12:48.718 This will help you! 00:12:48.718 --> 00:12:51.517 ( Ash ) Scraggy, down the hatch. 00:12:51.517 --> 00:12:53.484 Scraggy. 00:12:53.484 --> 00:12:55.050 And this will make you feel better! 00:12:55.050 --> 00:12:59.317 Scraggy. 00:12:59.317 --> 00:13:01.317 Great, way to go! 00:13:01.317 --> 00:13:03.684 Now, Scraggy needs a good night's rest. 00:13:03.684 --> 00:13:05.517 Scraggy, sleep well, okay? 00:13:05.517 --> 00:13:06.818 Ew, Ew! 00:13:06.818 --> 00:13:10.784 Scraggy, Scraggy. 00:13:10.784 --> 00:13:14.050 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy... 00:13:46.284 --> 00:13:47.584 ( Pierce ) You are now safely aboard 00:13:47.584 --> 00:13:50.050 Team Rocket's mobile research lab. 00:13:50.050 --> 00:13:52.751 Let me introduce you to Dr. Zager. 00:13:54.917 --> 00:13:57.250 Please show me the meteorite you stole. 00:13:57.250 --> 00:13:58.317 Sir! 00:14:01.250 --> 00:14:03.017 Here. 00:14:03.017 --> 00:14:05.684 I'll begin analysis straightaway. 00:14:12.784 --> 00:14:14.584 ( Dr. Zager ) There is no doubt the Meteonite 00:14:14.584 --> 00:14:17.384 is made of a material not found in this world. 00:14:30.117 --> 00:14:33.184 Now, this is just the reaction I was looking for! 00:14:39.718 --> 00:14:41.784 We need to do further analysis. 00:14:41.784 --> 00:14:42.818 Hurry! 00:14:42.818 --> 00:14:44.684 Off to the location of our next mission. 00:14:44.684 --> 00:14:46.184 ( Jessie and James ) Yes, sir! 00:14:52.983 --> 00:14:55.417 Scraggy, Scraggy. 00:14:55.417 --> 00:14:56.950 Scrag! 00:14:56.950 --> 00:14:58.818 Hey, Scraggy, feel better now? 00:14:58.818 --> 00:14:59.784 Scraggy! 00:14:59.784 --> 00:15:01.417 That's great! Pika! 00:15:01.417 --> 00:15:04.117 You look much better too! Ew, Ew! 00:15:04.117 --> 00:15:06.883 Scraggy, remember what happened yesterday? 00:15:06.883 --> 00:15:08.150 Scrag? 00:15:11.184 --> 00:15:12.917 Scrag. 00:15:12.917 --> 00:15:16.017 Then, Iris whipped you up some awesome medicine. 00:15:16.017 --> 00:15:18.117 Axew helped me find the herbs. 00:15:18.117 --> 00:15:20.150 So I think you ought to thank everyone. 00:15:20.150 --> 00:15:21.284 Scraggy! Wait! 00:15:21.284 --> 00:15:22.850 Its almost time for breakfast, Scraggy! 00:15:22.850 --> 00:15:24.017 Where are you going? 00:15:24.017 --> 00:15:26.017 Stop! Ew? 00:15:26.017 --> 00:15:27.451 Ew! 00:15:27.451 --> 00:15:30.150 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:15:30.150 --> 00:15:35.651 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:15:35.651 --> 00:15:39.950 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:15:39.950 --> 00:15:44.551 Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:15:44.551 --> 00:15:46.117 Galvan. Galvan. 00:15:46.117 --> 00:15:48.017 Axew, Axew! 00:15:48.017 --> 00:15:50.818 Galvantula! Galvantula! Scrag, Scrag! 00:15:50.818 --> 00:15:52.451 Scraggy! 00:15:52.451 --> 00:15:54.417 Axew, Axew! 00:15:54.417 --> 00:15:56.417 Whoa, Axew, what's wrong? 00:15:56.417 --> 00:15:57.883 Axew! Pika! 00:15:57.883 --> 00:15:59.751 Seems like something bad happened! 00:16:05.517 --> 00:16:07.983 'Kay, we've gotta go help Scraggy! 00:16:07.983 --> 00:16:09.317 Tepig! Pidove! 00:16:09.317 --> 00:16:11.617 Osha! 00:16:11.617 --> 00:16:13.517 Scraggy! 00:16:13.517 --> 00:16:16.883 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:16:16.883 --> 00:16:18.351 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:16:18.351 --> 00:16:19.917 Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:16:19.917 --> 00:16:22.917 Galvantula! Scraggy! 00:16:22.917 --> 00:16:24.617 ( Pikachu ) Pika, Pika! 00:16:26.484 --> 00:16:29.351 Scrag! 00:16:29.351 --> 00:16:31.818 All right, everyone, protect Scraggy! 00:16:31.818 --> 00:16:33.883 Galvantula! 00:16:34.917 --> 00:16:37.617 Pidove! 00:16:37.617 --> 00:16:40.417 Galvantula! 00:16:40.417 --> 00:16:42.617 Tepig! 00:16:45.983 --> 00:16:48.484 Oshawott! 00:16:51.551 --> 00:16:53.084 Snivy! 00:16:55.117 --> 00:16:59.818 Snivy! 00:16:59.818 --> 00:17:01.883 Snivy! 00:17:01.883 --> 00:17:04.617 Galvantula! 00:17:04.617 --> 00:17:07.684 Pikachu! 00:17:10.184 --> 00:17:12.850 Galva, Galva, Galva, Galva, Galva... 00:17:12.850 --> 00:17:14.983 Galva, Galva, Galva... 00:17:18.384 --> 00:17:19.917 Tepig! 00:17:19.917 --> 00:17:22.050 ( Ash ) Scraggy, Scraggy! 00:17:22.050 --> 00:17:23.850 Scrag! 00:17:23.850 --> 00:17:26.317 Scraggy, are you okay? Scrag! 00:17:26.317 --> 00:17:28.017 And you guys, thanks! 00:17:29.417 --> 00:17:31.818 You know you shouldn't be messing with that tree! 00:17:31.818 --> 00:17:34.150 Maybe this was about revenge... 00:17:34.150 --> 00:17:35.651 After what happened? 00:17:35.651 --> 00:17:37.184 Ew! 00:17:37.184 --> 00:17:38.784 I'm just glad you're all right! 00:17:38.784 --> 00:17:40.117 Scraggy. 00:17:40.117 --> 00:17:42.484 Hey, Scraggy, let's all eat breakfast together. 00:17:42.484 --> 00:17:44.050 What do you say? 00:17:44.050 --> 00:17:45.150 Scrag! 00:17:45.150 --> 00:17:47.718 Pidove! 00:17:47.718 --> 00:17:49.917 Scrag! 00:17:52.818 --> 00:17:54.117 Axew! 00:17:54.117 --> 00:17:55.784 Scrag, Scraggy! Ew? 00:17:55.784 --> 00:17:58.250 Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:17:58.250 --> 00:18:00.384 Scrag! Ew, Axew, Axew! 00:18:00.384 --> 00:18:03.351 Scrag! 00:18:03.351 --> 00:18:04.584 Stop! 00:18:04.584 --> 00:18:06.651 Axew, you shouldn't fight! She's right! 00:18:06.651 --> 00:18:09.050 Scraggy, you too! 00:18:09.050 --> 00:18:10.751 Hey, that's it! 00:18:10.751 --> 00:18:13.050 I just realized Scraggy would be the perfect 00:18:13.050 --> 00:18:15.551 training partner for Axew. 00:18:15.551 --> 00:18:16.751 That'd be great! 00:18:16.751 --> 00:18:18.651 Whadda you think? Scraggy! 00:18:18.651 --> 00:18:21.217 Would you like to have a battle with Scraggy, Axew? 00:18:21.217 --> 00:18:22.584 Axew, Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:18:22.584 --> 00:18:24.584 Scrag... 00:18:24.584 --> 00:18:25.718 Awesome! 00:18:25.718 --> 00:18:27.150 They're both so psyched! 00:18:27.150 --> 00:18:29.651 Okay, then let's battle! 00:18:31.417 --> 00:18:32.950 Axew, you can do it! 00:18:32.950 --> 00:18:34.184 Axew! 00:18:34.184 --> 00:18:35.784 All the way, Scraggy! 00:18:35.784 --> 00:18:36.983 Scraggy! 00:18:36.983 --> 00:18:38.718 And begin! 00:18:38.718 --> 00:18:40.351 All right, Scraggy, Leer! 00:18:40.351 --> 00:18:42.317 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag! 00:18:42.317 --> 00:18:44.317 Axew, Ew, Ew! 00:18:44.317 --> 00:18:46.084 Scraggy, now use Headbutt! 00:18:46.084 --> 00:18:48.217 Scraggy! 00:18:48.217 --> 00:18:50.184 Ax! 00:18:50.184 --> 00:18:51.484 Awesome, good job! 00:18:51.484 --> 00:18:53.818 Axew, use Scratch to counter! 00:18:53.818 --> 00:18:56.384 Axew! 00:18:56.384 --> 00:18:58.351 Scrag! 00:18:58.351 --> 00:18:59.651 Axew, great stuff! 00:18:59.651 --> 00:19:01.250 Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:19:01.250 --> 00:19:03.584 Scratch, and keep using it! 00:19:03.584 --> 00:19:05.517 Scraggy! Axew! 00:19:05.517 --> 00:19:08.250 Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag, Scrag! 00:19:08.250 --> 00:19:09.551 Don't give up, Scraggy! 00:19:09.551 --> 00:19:10.751 Use Headbutt! 00:19:10.751 --> 00:19:13.517 Scraggy! 00:19:13.517 --> 00:19:15.684 You can't give up now! 00:19:15.684 --> 00:19:16.784 Axew! 00:19:16.784 --> 00:19:17.883 Yeah! 00:19:17.883 --> 00:19:18.950 Dragon Rage, let's go! 00:19:18.950 --> 00:19:21.117 Ax... 00:19:21.117 --> 00:19:22.818 Headbutt, one more time! 00:19:22.818 --> 00:19:25.917 Scraggy! 00:19:32.983 --> 00:19:34.584 It didn't work again. 00:19:34.584 --> 00:19:36.017 Scraggy! 00:19:36.017 --> 00:19:37.983 So I think I'll be calling this a draw. 00:19:37.983 --> 00:19:39.517 I guess so! 00:19:39.517 --> 00:19:42.317 But it sure looked like a real battle, don't you think? 00:19:42.317 --> 00:19:43.651 I wonder... 00:19:43.651 --> 00:19:46.017 Hey, Scraggy, you wanna work hard with me? 00:19:46.017 --> 00:19:47.351 Scraggy! 00:19:47.351 --> 00:19:50.351 I want you to work and get stronger too, Axew! 00:19:50.351 --> 00:19:51.850 Axew! 00:19:51.850 --> 00:19:54.250 Well, I'm looking forward to seeing the two of you 00:19:54.250 --> 00:19:55.751 refine your skills! 00:19:55.751 --> 00:19:58.284 Along with the rest of your Pokémon friends, of course. 00:19:58.284 --> 00:20:01.217 So, Scraggy, why don't you get a little rest? 00:20:01.217 --> 00:20:02.517 Scraggy? 00:20:02.517 --> 00:20:03.617 Oh yeah, 'kay! 00:20:03.617 --> 00:20:07.150 Scraggy, let's be good friends! 00:20:07.150 --> 00:20:09.150 Scraggy! 00:20:21.084 --> 00:20:22.983 All right! 00:20:22.983 --> 00:20:24.517 I've got a Scraggy! 00:20:24.517 --> 00:20:26.551 Pi, Pikachu! 00:20:26.551 --> 00:20:28.684 Axew, Axew, Axew! 00:20:28.684 --> 00:20:32.751 ( narrator ) So a brand-new Pokémon makes for a brand-new friend! 00:20:32.751 --> 00:20:36.117 And with that new friend, our heroes resume their trek 00:20:36.117 --> 00:20:39.983 to the Castelia City Gym, as the journey continues! 00:20:43.584 --> 00:20:46.150 ( all ) "It's Scraggy!" 00:20:46.150 --> 00:20:48.084 Scraggy!