WEBVTT 00:00:00.831 --> 00:00:03.714 [theme song] 00:00:03.714 --> 00:00:06.587 ♪ I wanna be the very best ♪ 00:00:06.587 --> 00:00:10.180 ♪ Like no one ever was ♪ 00:00:10.180 --> 00:00:13.263 ♪ To catch them is my real test ♪ 00:00:13.263 --> 00:00:17.137 ♪ To train them is my cause ♪ 00:00:17.137 --> 00:00:19.810 ♪ I will travel across the land ♪ 00:00:19.810 --> 00:00:23.854 ♪ Searching far and wide ♪ 00:00:23.854 --> 00:00:26.356 ♪ Each Pokemon to understand ♪ 00:00:26.356 --> 00:00:29.449 ♪ The power that's inside ♪ 00:00:29.449 --> 00:00:34.074 ♪ Pokemon gotta catch 'em all ♪ ♪ It's you and me ♪ 00:00:34.074 --> 00:00:36.867 ♪ I know it's my destiny ♪ ♪ Pokemon ♪ 00:00:36.867 --> 00:00:39.209 ♪ Oh you're my best friend ♪ 00:00:39.209 --> 00:00:43.544 ♪ In a world we must defend ♪ 00:00:43.544 --> 00:00:47.127 ♪ Pokemon gotta catch 'em all ♪ ♪ A heart so true ♪ 00:00:47.127 --> 00:00:49.509 ♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪ 00:00:49.509 --> 00:00:53.093 ♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪ 00:00:53.093 --> 00:00:55.385 ♪ Pokemon ♪ 00:00:55.385 --> 00:00:58.599 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪ ♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:00:58.599 --> 00:01:00.480 ♪ Pokemon ♪♪ 00:01:02.312 --> 00:01:04.184 (Ash) 'The road's gotta be somewhere.' 00:01:04.184 --> 00:01:05.986 (Brock) 'Everything's somewhere.' 00:01:05.986 --> 00:01:09.279 (Misty) Ash, have you gotten us lost again? 00:01:09.279 --> 00:01:11.241 (male narrator) Well, here's a familiar scene. 00:01:11.241 --> 00:01:13.283 Wandering in a forest, it appears our friends 00:01:13.283 --> 00:01:15.746 have once again lost their way. 00:01:15.746 --> 00:01:17.247 Pikachu. 00:01:17.247 --> 00:01:19.249 It's been quite a while since Ash left his home 00:01:19.249 --> 00:01:21.501 in the town of Pallet and a lot has happened 00:01:21.501 --> 00:01:23.794 since he began his Pokemon journey. 00:01:23.794 --> 00:01:26.336 He's already earned two of the qualifying badges 00:01:26.336 --> 00:01:28.508 for participation in the Pokemon League. 00:01:28.508 --> 00:01:30.841 A boulder badge and cascade badge. 00:01:30.841 --> 00:01:32.172 Pretty impressive, huh? 00:01:32.172 --> 00:01:34.134 You didn't earn those badges 00:01:34.134 --> 00:01:35.716 you got 'em just 'cause Brock 00:01:35.716 --> 00:01:37.427 and my sister felt sorry for you. 00:01:37.427 --> 00:01:39.219 - I did too! - Huh? 00:01:39.219 --> 00:01:40.721 Chill out, guys. 00:01:40.721 --> 00:01:44.354 Either way, Ash here has two badges and six Pokemon. 00:01:44.354 --> 00:01:47.988 He needs those six Pokemon to compete in the Pokemon League. 00:01:47.988 --> 00:01:49.439 (male narrator) That's right, Brock. 00:01:49.439 --> 00:01:51.531 In the League, a trainer is allowed to carry 00:01:51.531 --> 00:01:53.283 six Pokemon at a time. 00:01:53.283 --> 00:01:54.614 What are their names again, Ash? 00:01:54.614 --> 00:01:55.906 Their names are-- 00:01:55.906 --> 00:01:57.828 - Pikachu. - 'Pikachu.' 00:01:57.828 --> 00:01:59.449 (Ash) 'Pidgeotto.' 00:01:59.449 --> 00:02:01.241 'Butterfree.' 00:02:01.241 --> 00:02:02.372 - 'Bulbasaur.' - Bulbasaur. 00:02:02.372 --> 00:02:04.164 - 'Charmander.' - Char. 00:02:04.164 --> 00:02:05.585 - 'Squirtle.' - Squirtle, Squirtle. 00:02:05.585 --> 00:02:08.298 And I caught 'em all fair and square. 00:02:08.298 --> 00:02:11.842 (Misty) '"Caught them?" Ash, all your Pokemon followed you.' 00:02:11.842 --> 00:02:13.423 Well, ha-ha. 00:02:13.423 --> 00:02:14.514 They're all mine and that's all 00:02:14.514 --> 00:02:17.968 that really counts for a Pokemon Trainer. 00:02:17.968 --> 00:02:21.351 This may come as a surprise to you, but real Pokemon Trainers 00:02:21.351 --> 00:02:23.263 actually catch Pokemon on their own. 00:02:23.263 --> 00:02:26.026 [sigh] You never give me a break. 00:02:26.026 --> 00:02:28.689 That's because you keep bragging about those two badges. 00:02:28.689 --> 00:02:31.361 It's really not unusual for most trainers 00:02:31.361 --> 00:02:33.613 to capture 20 or 30 Pokemon. 00:02:33.613 --> 00:02:36.657 You're lucky your Pokemon follow you around. 00:02:36.657 --> 00:02:39.279 And don't forget, Ash, you had our help too. 00:02:40.871 --> 00:02:42.833 Yeah, don't forget about that, Ash. 00:02:44.785 --> 00:02:47.377 You're always putting me down. 00:02:47.377 --> 00:02:49.379 But I'll show you! 00:02:49.379 --> 00:02:51.341 I'm gonna prove to you that I can do it. 00:02:51.341 --> 00:02:53.293 I'm gonna be a Pokemon Master. 00:02:54.755 --> 00:02:58.098 Stand back and watch me work. 00:02:58.098 --> 00:03:00.180 (Ash) "Mystery at the lighthouse." 00:03:11.441 --> 00:03:13.403 Whoa! 00:03:13.403 --> 00:03:15.485 (male narrator) Ash finds his way out of the woods 00:03:15.485 --> 00:03:19.740 and discovers a beautiful beach and a sparkling blue ocean. 00:03:19.740 --> 00:03:23.283 But he seems...disappointed. 00:03:23.283 --> 00:03:25.495 I don't want to watch the sunset. 00:03:25.495 --> 00:03:27.127 I want more Pokemon. 00:03:27.127 --> 00:03:28.208 Huh? 00:03:30.290 --> 00:03:32.462 Hey, wait, stay here. Don't go. 00:03:32.462 --> 00:03:34.294 Come back. 00:03:34.294 --> 00:03:36.426 It's a Pokemon. 00:03:36.426 --> 00:03:39.179 (automated message) 'Krabby. Lives near the shore.' 00:03:39.179 --> 00:03:42.392 'Its average height is about 16 inches.' 00:03:42.392 --> 00:03:44.514 A Pokemon's a Pokemon I guess. 00:03:44.514 --> 00:03:46.977 But this Krabby sure is shrimpy. 00:03:49.559 --> 00:03:52.402 Uh...I didn't mean to insult you, Krabby. 00:03:52.402 --> 00:03:53.613 You're a cute little-- 00:03:57.617 --> 00:03:59.239 [screaming] A-a-a-a-a-h! 00:04:10.370 --> 00:04:13.293 Showdown time. Tiny or not, you are a Pokemon. 00:04:13.293 --> 00:04:16.046 And I'll show Misty and Brock that I can catch you. 00:04:26.306 --> 00:04:28.478 Poke Ball go! 00:04:41.822 --> 00:04:45.115 Hm-hm. 00:04:45.115 --> 00:04:47.207 Now, I really caught one. 00:04:47.207 --> 00:04:50.460 Good try, Krabby, but not good enough. 00:04:50.460 --> 00:04:51.962 Huh? 00:04:56.917 --> 00:04:59.049 What happened? Where'd my new Krabby go? 00:04:59.049 --> 00:05:00.971 Huh. 00:05:00.971 --> 00:05:04.554 I don't see it anywhere. Where'd it go? 00:05:04.554 --> 00:05:07.427 (Misty) Didn't you know that a trainer can only keep six Pokemon? 00:05:07.427 --> 00:05:08.518 Huh? 00:05:08.518 --> 00:05:10.600 Trainers can only have six Pokemon 00:05:10.600 --> 00:05:11.892 and the rest are transported. 00:05:11.892 --> 00:05:14.394 Yeah, but you can switch one Pokemon for another 00:05:14.394 --> 00:05:18.698 'by pressing the white button inside your Pokedex.' 00:05:18.698 --> 00:05:20.700 - 'You mean this button?' - 'Right.' 00:05:20.700 --> 00:05:23.283 (Brock) 'It sends a signal to activate the system' 00:05:23.283 --> 00:05:24.494 that makes the exchange. 00:05:24.494 --> 00:05:26.576 But I don't wanna exchange my Pokemon. 00:05:26.576 --> 00:05:29.159 Then shut your Pokedex and quit whining. 00:05:29.159 --> 00:05:30.450 I wasn't whining. 00:05:30.450 --> 00:05:32.412 I just wanted to know where my Krabby went. 00:05:32.412 --> 00:05:34.504 Oh, you don't have to worry about that. 00:05:34.504 --> 00:05:37.627 Your Krabby got transported to a place for safe keeping. 00:05:37.627 --> 00:05:39.589 Where's it get transported to? 00:05:39.589 --> 00:05:41.551 Your Pokemon gets transported 00:05:41.551 --> 00:05:43.553 to wherever you got your Pokedex from. 00:05:43.553 --> 00:05:46.636 Then that means Krabby must be with.. 00:05:46.636 --> 00:05:48.348 Here's your Pikachu. 00:05:50.100 --> 00:05:52.182 - It's with Professor Oak. - That's right. 00:05:52.182 --> 00:05:55.605 Krabby just got transported automatically to Professor Oak's 00:05:55.605 --> 00:05:57.978 Pokemon laboratory, so don't worry about it. 00:05:57.978 --> 00:06:00.981 So Krabby's with Professor Oak, huh? 00:06:02.362 --> 00:06:05.285 Huh? Now I'm doubly worried. 00:06:05.285 --> 00:06:08.248 Isn't there any way I can make sure it's okay? 00:06:08.248 --> 00:06:10.830 We could call Professor Oak to check on it 00:06:10.830 --> 00:06:13.083 but we haven't passed a phone all day. 00:06:13.083 --> 00:06:15.375 And this beach is pretty far out of the way. 00:06:15.375 --> 00:06:17.757 There's gotta be a phone around here someplace. 00:06:17.757 --> 00:06:19.669 I gotta check on Krabby. 00:06:19.669 --> 00:06:22.672 I'm more worried about having to camp out again tonight. 00:06:22.672 --> 00:06:24.714 I'm sick of sleeping in sleeping bags. 00:06:24.714 --> 00:06:27.097 I'm just worried about finding a way to find out 00:06:27.097 --> 00:06:28.638 if poor little Krabby's okay. 00:06:28.638 --> 00:06:30.640 Pika. Pika. 00:06:30.640 --> 00:06:31.681 Pika? 00:06:31.681 --> 00:06:32.772 Pika? 00:06:32.772 --> 00:06:34.474 (Ash) What's that? 00:06:34.474 --> 00:06:37.437 - 'It's a lighthouse.' - 'A lighthouse.' 00:06:37.437 --> 00:06:39.609 Every lighthouse has to have a keeper 00:06:39.609 --> 00:06:41.401 and he'll have a phone 00:06:41.401 --> 00:06:43.733 and I'm gonna use it to call Professor Oak. 00:06:43.733 --> 00:06:46.366 And there'll probably be some extra beds. 00:06:46.366 --> 00:06:48.738 A sleeping bag is no way for me to get my beauty sleep. 00:06:48.738 --> 00:06:51.871 Yeah, and there'll be somebody there to tell us where we are. 00:06:51.871 --> 00:06:53.243 Let's go. 00:06:53.243 --> 00:06:54.584 - Alright. - Yeah. 00:07:02.712 --> 00:07:05.635 (Ash) Oh, that was farther than it looked. 00:07:05.635 --> 00:07:08.468 (Brock) This lighthouse looks weird. 00:07:14.184 --> 00:07:15.765 Guess we better ring the bell. 00:07:15.765 --> 00:07:16.896 I got it. 00:07:27.487 --> 00:07:28.908 (Bill over speaker) 'Who's there?' 00:07:28.908 --> 00:07:32.832 Uh, excuse us, sir, but we're travelers and we're lost. 00:07:32.832 --> 00:07:34.534 We've got a small emergency here 00:07:34.534 --> 00:07:37.077 and we need to use your telephone please, sir? 00:07:37.077 --> 00:07:39.539 We've been camping out for quite a while 00:07:39.539 --> 00:07:42.632 and I'd sure appreciate a nice comfy bed. 00:07:42.632 --> 00:07:45.675 And I wonder if I could use your kitchen to make some 00:07:45.675 --> 00:07:47.637 bacon double cheeseburgers for our group 00:07:47.637 --> 00:07:50.550 and I'd be more than happy to make something for you. 00:07:50.550 --> 00:07:53.513 (Bill over speaker) 'That's great. Can you cook without using tofu?' 00:07:53.513 --> 00:07:56.556 (Brock) Oh, sure, I cook lots of things without any tofu. 00:07:56.556 --> 00:07:57.647 (Bill over speaker) 'That's good.' 00:07:57.647 --> 00:07:59.359 'I've been eating nothing but tofu' 00:07:59.359 --> 00:08:01.101 'since my cook went on vacation.' 00:08:01.101 --> 00:08:02.562 'Come on in.' 00:08:16.116 --> 00:08:19.119 (Ash) Would you mind if I borrow your phone? 00:08:19.119 --> 00:08:21.421 (Bill over speaker) 'There's a phone right near you.' 00:08:21.421 --> 00:08:22.712 - Huh? - Huh? 00:08:24.884 --> 00:08:27.427 Hey, it's a videophone. Oh, that's cool. 00:08:27.427 --> 00:08:30.680 I'll call Professor Oak now and see if he has my Pokemon. 00:08:30.680 --> 00:08:32.802 I'm sure Krabby's in great shape. 00:08:32.802 --> 00:08:35.725 The Professor won't mind if I call him collect. 00:08:37.687 --> 00:08:40.140 - Uh? - Well, hi, Ash. 00:08:40.140 --> 00:08:41.771 You caught me cooking dinner. 00:08:41.771 --> 00:08:44.604 My cook is on vacation and I've got to fend for myself 00:08:44.604 --> 00:08:45.855 until she returns. 00:08:45.855 --> 00:08:47.027 Wait a minute, Professor. 00:08:47.027 --> 00:08:48.778 You're not eating my Krabby, are you? 00:08:48.778 --> 00:08:51.821 Don't worry, I'm taking good care of your Krabby. 00:08:51.821 --> 00:08:54.204 It's right here. 00:08:54.204 --> 00:08:57.157 Anyway, that Krabby of yours is too small to make 00:08:57.157 --> 00:08:59.749 a very hearty meal, on the other hand 00:08:59.749 --> 00:09:02.212 the Krabby that Gary caught would make an excellent dinner 00:09:02.212 --> 00:09:04.254 much better than tofu. 00:09:04.254 --> 00:09:07.087 What? You mean Gary caught a Krabby too? 00:09:07.087 --> 00:09:10.090 Mm, yes, it's quite a catch. 00:09:10.090 --> 00:09:12.011 Take a look for yourself. 00:09:14.934 --> 00:09:17.016 - Ah. - Awesome. 00:09:17.016 --> 00:09:19.479 I want you to know that my grandson, Gary 00:09:19.479 --> 00:09:21.641 has already caught 45 Pokemon. 00:09:21.641 --> 00:09:23.773 Forty-five Pokemon? 00:09:25.024 --> 00:09:26.856 Pikachu. 00:09:26.856 --> 00:09:30.150 By the way, Ash, just where are you calling me from anyway? 00:09:30.150 --> 00:09:33.193 We're at an old lighthouse way up on top of a cliff. 00:09:33.193 --> 00:09:35.655 (Professor Oak) 'Oh, that must be Bill's lighthouse.' 00:09:35.655 --> 00:09:38.748 'He's a young Pokemon researcher who knows even more than me.' 00:09:38.748 --> 00:09:40.460 'See what you can learn from him.' 00:09:40.460 --> 00:09:43.002 'He could teach you just about everything about Pokemon' 00:09:43.002 --> 00:09:44.754 'and then some.' 00:09:44.754 --> 00:09:46.045 (Bill) 'This is Bill, Professor Oak.' 00:09:46.045 --> 00:09:47.837 'Good to hear from you.' 00:09:47.837 --> 00:09:49.169 (Professor Oak) 'Hello Bill.' 00:09:49.169 --> 00:09:52.882 'Please give my friends a crash course in Pokemon.' 00:09:52.882 --> 00:09:55.635 Uh-oh...tofu's done. 00:09:58.057 --> 00:10:00.720 (Bill) 'Well, there's no way I can ignore a request' 00:10:00.720 --> 00:10:01.981 'from the great Professor Oak.' 00:10:01.981 --> 00:10:03.273 Ah. 00:10:03.273 --> 00:10:06.686 I am Bill of the lighthouse. 00:10:10.940 --> 00:10:12.532 (all) Ah. 00:10:16.736 --> 00:10:19.739 According to the phonebook, that lighthouse belongs to Bill 00:10:19.739 --> 00:10:21.951 the famous Pokemon researcher. 00:10:21.951 --> 00:10:24.704 Then I guess we've come to the right place, huh? 00:10:24.704 --> 00:10:27.006 There must be zillions of rare Pokemon 00:10:27.006 --> 00:10:28.878 stored inside that lighthouse. 00:10:28.878 --> 00:10:31.010 Then there's only one thing for us to do-- 00:10:31.010 --> 00:10:32.051 Right. 00:10:32.051 --> 00:10:35.014 Sneak in and take everything we can grab. 00:10:35.014 --> 00:10:37.056 How shall we sneak in? 00:10:37.056 --> 00:10:38.888 'We could take the road' 00:10:38.888 --> 00:10:41.261 or risk our lives by climbing up the cliffs. 00:10:41.261 --> 00:10:43.643 Well, we certainly can't take the road. 00:10:43.643 --> 00:10:45.605 We have to climb up those cliffs. 00:10:45.605 --> 00:10:47.397 Cause we're the bad guys. 00:10:47.397 --> 00:10:50.860 And the bad guys always gotta sneak in. 00:10:50.860 --> 00:10:54.033 It's time for us to rain on someone's parade again. 00:10:54.033 --> 00:10:55.775 - James. - Jessie. 00:10:55.775 --> 00:10:58.618 (both) We're back to back so prepare for trouble. 00:10:58.618 --> 00:11:00.620 Watch your step, or we'll make it double. 00:11:00.620 --> 00:11:02.912 To protect the World from devastation. 00:11:02.912 --> 00:11:05.495 To unite all people within our nation. 00:11:05.495 --> 00:11:07.917 To denounce the evils of truth and love. 00:11:07.917 --> 00:11:10.460 To extend our reach to the stars above. 00:11:10.460 --> 00:11:12.752 Jessie. 00:11:12.752 --> 00:11:15.345 James. 00:11:15.345 --> 00:11:18.508 Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light. 00:11:18.508 --> 00:11:21.261 Surrender now, or prepare to fight. 00:11:21.261 --> 00:11:22.932 Meowth, that's right. 00:11:22.932 --> 00:11:24.854 To be truly great criminals 00:11:24.854 --> 00:11:26.856 we have to do things the hard way. 00:11:26.856 --> 00:11:29.399 And then, we'll become hardened criminals. 00:11:29.399 --> 00:11:32.151 But it will be tough to reach the top. 00:11:34.073 --> 00:11:36.576 (both) 'Cause we're afraid of heights. 00:11:40.820 --> 00:11:42.992 It can't be. That's a Kabuto. 00:11:42.992 --> 00:11:46.376 An extinct Pokemon. I wonder what it's doing here? 00:11:46.376 --> 00:11:48.418 No, I'm not a Kabuto. 00:11:48.418 --> 00:11:50.960 I'm Bill, the Pokemon researcher. 00:11:50.960 --> 00:11:53.633 Wait, are you a human being, or a Pokemon? 00:11:53.633 --> 00:11:56.926 This is a costume, I'm stuck inside it. 00:11:56.926 --> 00:11:58.888 Do you need help getting out? 00:11:58.888 --> 00:12:00.890 Yes, step up here. 00:12:00.890 --> 00:12:01.841 Tell me what to do. 00:12:01.841 --> 00:12:04.143 Push that button. 00:12:04.143 --> 00:12:05.435 This one here? 00:12:05.435 --> 00:12:07.897 Yes. These arms are too short. 00:12:07.897 --> 00:12:10.770 I tried to get out, but I couldn't reach the button. 00:12:21.361 --> 00:12:23.072 Thanks for helping me get out 00:12:23.072 --> 00:12:25.915 I've been stuck in that costume for hours. 00:12:25.915 --> 00:12:27.917 Did you come from a costume party? 00:12:27.917 --> 00:12:29.749 No, it's not for a party. 00:12:29.749 --> 00:12:32.872 This is a special costume that I use in my research. 00:12:32.872 --> 00:12:37.046 Getting inside its skin helps me get inside its head. 00:12:37.046 --> 00:12:38.798 What do you mean? 00:12:38.798 --> 00:12:41.180 (Bill) 'There are many kinds of extinct Pokemon' 00:12:41.180 --> 00:12:43.343 'and I want to understand how they lived.' 00:12:43.343 --> 00:12:45.935 'Putting on a costume is one way of trying to figure out' 00:12:45.935 --> 00:12:48.017 'what they were like.' 00:12:48.017 --> 00:12:50.059 You can understand what a Pokemon was like 00:12:50.059 --> 00:12:51.561 from wearing a costume? 00:12:51.561 --> 00:12:54.524 Yes, indeed, or I'm beginning to. 00:12:54.524 --> 00:12:58.278 This planet was created 4.6 billion years ago. 00:12:58.278 --> 00:13:01.321 During that time, all kinds of Pokemon existed. 00:13:01.321 --> 00:13:03.363 They had many ways of living. 00:13:05.745 --> 00:13:08.618 All kinds of Pokemon? How many? 00:13:08.618 --> 00:13:10.079 (Bill) On this planet, there are more than 00:13:10.079 --> 00:13:12.912 150 known species of Pokemon. 00:13:12.912 --> 00:13:15.585 (Ash) Over 150? 00:13:15.585 --> 00:13:18.628 You're all lucky to be Pokemon Trainers. 00:13:18.628 --> 00:13:20.300 Your goal is to catch all of these 00:13:20.300 --> 00:13:21.591 different kinds of Pokemon. 00:13:21.591 --> 00:13:24.183 That's a great task. 00:13:24.183 --> 00:13:26.806 Yeah, but so far I've only gotten seven. 00:13:32.482 --> 00:13:34.193 (Ash) There sure are a lot of-- 00:13:34.193 --> 00:13:36.896 (Bill) Of course, these are just the Pokemon we know about. 00:13:36.896 --> 00:13:39.819 There are still many Pokemon that have never been discovered 00:13:39.819 --> 00:13:41.991 so we need to keep searching. 00:13:41.991 --> 00:13:44.243 How many could there be? 00:13:44.243 --> 00:13:45.995 No one knows exactly. 00:13:45.995 --> 00:13:47.447 The search goes on. 00:13:47.447 --> 00:13:50.580 There's always something new to look for in our lives. 00:13:50.580 --> 00:13:52.542 And in ourselves. 00:13:52.542 --> 00:13:54.454 Something to look for? 00:13:54.454 --> 00:13:56.456 (Bill) Yes, there's a lot for us to look for. 00:13:56.456 --> 00:13:58.167 Inside us and outside ourselves. 00:13:58.167 --> 00:14:00.510 There's meaning for every creature. 00:14:00.510 --> 00:14:02.592 A meaning for all the Pokemon 00:14:02.592 --> 00:14:04.424 and a meaning for all us humans too. 00:14:04.424 --> 00:14:06.966 A meaning for all. 00:14:15.895 --> 00:14:19.108 Ah, sometimes, I wonder what the meaning of it all is. 00:14:19.108 --> 00:14:21.821 Why do I go through all this trouble just to be bad? 00:14:21.821 --> 00:14:24.744 It's so we can get other people's Pokemon. 00:14:24.744 --> 00:14:26.656 I'm all for it, just as long as 00:14:26.656 --> 00:14:28.117 there's something in it for Meowth. 00:14:28.117 --> 00:14:30.700 Keep looking for new Pokemon to catch. 00:14:30.700 --> 00:14:33.663 It's something that's very important for Pokemon research. 00:14:33.663 --> 00:14:35.875 It's as vital to me as it is to you. 00:14:35.875 --> 00:14:39.959 Right now, though, there's only one Pokemon I'm searching for. 00:14:39.959 --> 00:14:42.091 What kind of Pokemon? 00:14:45.765 --> 00:14:48.387 It's probably the biggest Pokemon ever. 00:14:48.387 --> 00:14:51.511 Bigger than all of the rest and no one has ever seen it. 00:14:53.723 --> 00:14:56.395 'It's been wandering the world for years and years' 00:14:56.395 --> 00:14:58.648 'looking for friends.' 00:14:58.648 --> 00:15:02.071 But doesn't that Pokemon have any friends or family? 00:15:02.071 --> 00:15:04.984 The Pokemon wanders because it's alone. 00:15:04.984 --> 00:15:08.367 It's the only Pokemon of its species, one of a kind. 00:15:08.367 --> 00:15:11.120 One night, I heard this very strange sound 00:15:11.120 --> 00:15:12.952 coming across the ocean. 00:15:17.917 --> 00:15:19.629 I want.. 00:15:19.629 --> 00:15:21.210 I want to meet you. 00:15:21.210 --> 00:15:22.752 That's what it said to me. 00:15:22.752 --> 00:15:24.173 Pika. 00:15:24.173 --> 00:15:27.136 Some time ago, I recorded a similar sound and played it 00:15:27.136 --> 00:15:30.930 from the lighthouse towards the ocean. 00:15:30.930 --> 00:15:32.512 Let's be friends. 00:15:32.512 --> 00:15:33.933 I want to meet you. 00:15:37.687 --> 00:15:40.730 One day, I heard the same voice calling back to me 00:15:40.730 --> 00:15:42.061 from over the ocean. 00:15:44.614 --> 00:15:46.115 '"I want to meet you, too.' 00:15:46.115 --> 00:15:48.367 'I want to be friends."' 00:15:48.367 --> 00:15:50.990 'It was answering me back.' 00:15:50.990 --> 00:15:54.203 Some foggy night, that Pokemon might come here 00:15:54.203 --> 00:15:56.996 to meet a friend it's been seeking for a very long time. 00:15:56.996 --> 00:15:59.919 I would be so happy to meet that Pokemon. 00:15:59.919 --> 00:16:02.341 But will you try to capture the Pokemon? 00:16:02.341 --> 00:16:04.584 Why do I need to capture it? 00:16:04.584 --> 00:16:06.085 Meeting it would be enough for me. 00:16:06.085 --> 00:16:09.258 Just a chance to study it would make my long wait worthwhile. 00:16:11.180 --> 00:16:12.351 Huh? 00:16:19.769 --> 00:16:22.191 It's here. The signal. 00:16:43.122 --> 00:16:45.294 It sounds like it's singing. 00:16:45.294 --> 00:16:46.836 Would you care to dance? 00:16:46.836 --> 00:16:48.678 Huh? Thank you. 00:16:48.678 --> 00:16:52.762 ♪ Pi-ka-chu ♪ 00:16:52.762 --> 00:16:55.344 [both gasp] 00:17:06.606 --> 00:17:08.357 What beautiful music. 00:17:08.357 --> 00:17:11.200 It's very haunting, yet so sweet. 00:17:11.200 --> 00:17:13.492 Look, it's coming from that thing. 00:17:15.534 --> 00:17:18.457 - That's a big Pokemon. - So size does matter. 00:17:18.457 --> 00:17:20.419 Something so rare and unusual. 00:17:20.419 --> 00:17:22.161 You know what that means. 00:17:22.161 --> 00:17:23.713 Let's grab it for ourselves. 00:17:23.713 --> 00:17:26.335 Quite right. I'll attack it at once. 00:17:26.335 --> 00:17:29.669 But it seems a shame to aim at such a sweet creature. 00:17:29.669 --> 00:17:32.632 Of course, it's a shame, we built our fame on shame. 00:17:32.632 --> 00:17:35.304 Go on, fire, it's all the shame to me. 00:17:40.600 --> 00:17:41.851 [both gasp] 00:17:45.484 --> 00:17:47.106 [all screaming] 00:17:51.861 --> 00:17:54.033 Please don't go, Pokemon. 00:17:54.033 --> 00:17:55.244 Please stay with us. 00:17:55.244 --> 00:17:58.077 I've waited so long for a chance to see you here. 00:18:02.121 --> 00:18:04.043 Oh, come on, wait. 00:18:06.586 --> 00:18:09.088 Do we always have to mess up everyone's plans? 00:18:09.088 --> 00:18:11.170 Even I think this is rotten. 00:18:11.170 --> 00:18:14.674 Quit complaining, we could score big with this Pokemon. 00:18:16.676 --> 00:18:18.638 - Aah! - Aah! 00:18:18.638 --> 00:18:21.100 (both) We're blasting off again. 00:18:21.100 --> 00:18:22.682 Pokemon. 00:18:40.329 --> 00:18:44.664 (Ash) What kind of Pokemon was that anyway? 00:18:44.664 --> 00:18:45.795 Who knows? 00:18:45.795 --> 00:18:47.917 Pokemon live in more ways and places 00:18:47.917 --> 00:18:49.959 'than humans may ever learn.' 00:18:54.213 --> 00:18:56.425 What in the world was that? 00:18:56.425 --> 00:18:58.307 One of the rarest Pokemon around. 00:18:58.307 --> 00:19:01.220 It's exactly the type we've been trying to capture. 00:19:01.220 --> 00:19:04.563 We missed our chance, but we can keep dreaming. 00:19:04.563 --> 00:19:06.816 When our Pokemon dreams come true 00:19:06.816 --> 00:19:08.898 it's going to be somebody's nightmare. 00:19:08.898 --> 00:19:12.191 After all, tomorrow is another day. 00:19:16.736 --> 00:19:19.328 I think looking for and catching Pokemon 00:19:19.328 --> 00:19:21.280 can help bring all of us together. 00:19:21.280 --> 00:19:23.582 Learning to raise Pokemon is another way 00:19:23.582 --> 00:19:25.334 of understanding how to live with them. 00:19:25.334 --> 00:19:28.287 And Pokemon are always lots of fun to play with. 00:19:28.287 --> 00:19:31.791 Meanwhile, I'll stand watch for the giant Pokemon 00:19:31.791 --> 00:19:33.883 to appear at my lighthouse again. 00:19:33.883 --> 00:19:37.927 (Ash) Bill, do you think we'll ever find all the Pokemon there are? 00:19:37.927 --> 00:19:40.970 (Bill) No, Ash, there are probably as many as we can imagine. 00:19:40.970 --> 00:19:42.391 Maybe many, many more. 00:19:42.391 --> 00:19:44.263 Maybe, there's no limit to the Pokemon 00:19:44.263 --> 00:19:46.265 we can actually find on this planet. 00:19:46.265 --> 00:19:48.978 Ash, you're a Pokemon trainer. 00:19:48.978 --> 00:19:50.770 I'm a Pokemon researcher 00:19:50.770 --> 00:19:54.443 seeking out all kinds of life on this planet. 00:19:54.443 --> 00:19:58.277 Even if our paths are different, I think our goals are the same. 00:19:59.869 --> 00:20:01.320 Hm-hm. 00:20:04.243 --> 00:20:06.786 (male narrator) Over time, we uncover new information 00:20:06.786 --> 00:20:09.328 about the mysterious ways of the Pokemon. 00:20:09.328 --> 00:20:11.170 The more knowledge we gain 00:20:11.170 --> 00:20:14.253 the more we realize how little we actually do know. 00:20:14.253 --> 00:20:16.385 And so the journey of discovery continues 00:20:16.385 --> 00:20:18.547 in the incredible world of Pokemon. 00:20:21.510 --> 00:20:23.973 ♪ Pokemon ♪ ♪ It's that the time again ♪ 00:20:23.973 --> 00:20:26.475 ♪ A hundred and fifty Pokemon five days a week ♪ 00:20:26.475 --> 00:20:28.397 ♪ That's about 30 or so each day ♪ 00:20:28.397 --> 00:20:30.439 ♪ It's not too hard, just listen real good ♪ 00:20:30.439 --> 00:20:32.351 ♪ Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke ♪ 00:20:32.351 --> 00:20:34.353 ♪ Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon ♪ 00:20:34.353 --> 00:20:36.525 ♪ Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee ♪ 00:20:36.525 --> 00:20:38.818 ♪ Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie ♪ 00:20:38.818 --> 00:20:40.820 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:20:40.820 --> 00:20:42.571 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:20:42.571 --> 00:20:44.784 ♪ Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy ♪ 00:20:44.784 --> 00:20:46.786 ♪ Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby ♪ 00:20:46.786 --> 00:20:48.868 ♪ Lickitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran ♪ 00:20:48.868 --> 00:20:52.291 ♪ Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan ♪ 00:20:52.291 --> 00:20:56.375 ♪ At least one hundred and fifty or more to see ♪ 00:20:56.375 --> 00:21:01.300 ♪ To be a Pokemon Master is my destiny ♪ 00:21:01.300 --> 00:21:03.472 ♪ Okay, so today was pretty easy ♪ 00:21:03.472 --> 00:21:05.644 ♪ But you gotta put all five days together ♪ 00:21:05.644 --> 00:21:07.977 ♪ Which is the only way to name all 150 ♪ 00:21:07.977 --> 00:21:09.348 ♪ Catch you here tomorrow ♪ 00:21:09.348 --> 00:21:11.480 ♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:21:11.480 --> 00:21:13.522 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokemon ♪ 00:21:13.522 --> 00:21:15.444 ♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:21:15.444 --> 00:21:17.696 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokemon ♪ 00:21:17.696 --> 00:21:19.568 ♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:21:19.568 --> 00:21:21.610 ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Pokemon ♪♪ 00:21:21.610 --> 00:21:23.903 [theme song] 00:21:25.324 --> 00:21:28.457 ♪ I wanna be the very best ♪ 00:21:28.457 --> 00:21:31.831 ♪ Like no one ever was ♪ 00:21:31.831 --> 00:21:34.583 ♪ To catch them is my real test ♪ 00:21:34.583 --> 00:21:38.587 ♪ To train them is my cause ♪ 00:21:38.587 --> 00:21:41.510 ♪ I will travel across the land ♪ 00:21:41.510 --> 00:21:44.844 ♪ Searching far and wide ♪ 00:21:44.844 --> 00:21:47.807 ♪ Each Pokemon to understand ♪ 00:21:47.807 --> 00:21:51.020 ♪ The power that's inside ♪ 00:21:51.020 --> 00:21:53.022 ♪ Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all♪ 00:21:53.022 --> 00:21:55.394 ♪ It's you and me ♪ 00:21:55.394 --> 00:21:58.527 ♪ I know it's my destiny ♪ ♪ Pokemon ♪ 00:21:58.527 --> 00:22:01.240 ♪ Oh, you're my best friend ♪ 00:22:01.240 --> 00:22:04.153 ♪ In a world we must defend ♪ 00:22:04.153 --> 00:22:06.155 ♪ Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:22:06.155 --> 00:22:08.787 ♪ A heart so true ♪ 00:22:08.787 --> 00:22:11.370 ♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪ 00:22:11.370 --> 00:22:14.453 ♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪ 00:22:14.453 --> 00:22:17.006 ♪ Pokemon ♪ 00:22:17.006 --> 00:22:20.339 ♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪ ♪ Gotta catch 'em all ♪ 00:22:20.339 --> 00:22:21.340 ♪ Pokemon ♪♪